Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Breakfast Club - August 11. 2010

A Fox News anchor teased his next story announcing that a group of 'rowdy' teens broke a rule by singing our "National Anthem'. Our 8th grade daughter looked up from her homework, and said, "In our country?". Then we find out the teens were at the Lincoln Memorial on 'The Mall' in our nation's capital, and Park Rangers had stopped them because our "National Anthem" was not "content neutral". OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! (The Park Rangers, not the teens).
18 months ago, I paid $63.00 for a month's supply of my BP medicine; yesterday, I paid $102.00. Social Security gave no COLA raise this year because SS doesn't find enough inflation to trigger a COLA. Sorry, but a 50% inflationary increase is not hard to miss or ignore.
What Charlie Rangel said: 'I Am Not Going Away'. What Charlie Rangel meant: I Am Not Going Away without taking y'all with me!
L-E headline/story: "Parent arrested for disorderly conduct on first day of school * She used obscenities toward the school’s principal * (she) also threatened physical violence" -- Obviously, this woman was 'the Voice' of every parent of every child registering this year.
Ol' Roy Barnes is claiming it is an asset that he doesn't need to learn how to be Governor as he's had OJT. Is he kidding? The reason he lost the Governor's job to begin with was how he carried on as Governor.
Go, Northern! Play hard. Embarrass our MCSD board/administration by missing school the rest of the month. Show them why our schools don't need to start until after Labor Day!
For an extra $10,000.00 'piling on' fine, Orly Taitz is extending her '15 minutes of fame' by months.
Will someone at the Government Center take charge of old Columbus Square building site? While there are attractive features of both existing buildings and the two proposed buildings, none of the buildings compliment each other or give any unity of purpose to the area.
L-E headline: "Obama signs bill to halt teacher layoffs" -- Does that mean all the teachers will have to cancel the travel plans they made for the long furlough weekends?
L-E headline: "Taliban blamed for sharp rise in civilian casualties " -- Since the Taliban doesn't wear coordinated uniforms (with the exception of exploding vests), how does one tell whether the dead are actually civilians?
L-E headline: "White House unable to track stimulus money * This story was reported by graduate students at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism." -- The White House can't even keep track of "Nobody messes with Joe" Biden who's suppose to be keeping track of the Stim-YOU-LIE monies.
L-E story: "The DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program got $5 billion in the stimulus (a.k.a. 'Stim-YOU-LIE') package, which Congress passed in February 2009. In its first 12 months of existence, however, it had spent only 14 percent of that." -- And I'll bet 99% of that has been spent on salaries/perks for political appointed management.
A letter writer brought out that the School Zone speed limits expire at 4:00 PM each day, but that is when her student gets out of school. I have already seen the results of such poor planning by the MCSD board that when I go by River Road Elementary School around 8:00 AM to take my child to her school, that the School Crossing Guards have already vacated the premises, and the School Zone reduction in speed helps no one. Back to the drawing board; back to basics, back to the traditional year and day schedules.
Did you see the list of coaches at Carver? There's the head coach plus 13 position/duty coaches. Are all of them on salary?
L-E headline: "WORRIED ABOUT RECOVERY, FED WILL BUY U.S. DEBT " -- From who? And with what? The Fed thinks printing more money to buy back debt is a winning combination; heaven help us.
L-E headline: "Probe: No new Toyota issues " -- Now that's a condemnation of journalism. Since when is no news newsworthy?
What the L-E headline says: "China’s import growth weakens " What the L-E headline means: "China's Import Growth Weakens, because China is now making quality goods it wants to use itself"
L-E headline: "3 United flights had long delays in June " -- Too bad some of those delays didn't happen on September 11, 2001. We're one month away from another anniversary of terrorism.
Did you hear about the Federal Judge who would not issue a restraining order for the Muslim husband who was abusing his wife? The judge said it wasn't right to penalize someone for his religious beliefs/practices. Wonder how that judge would rule of Mormons returning to its polygamous past?
Just when you thought is was safe to go back inti the water... From the L-E "Neighbors" section: " A record hammerhead shark was caught July 28 in Panama City Beach, Fla. by residents from Columbus and Fortson, Ga.: Kane Kennedy, J.T. Thompson, Stevie Argo, David Jackson, Zack Moss, Shaleeia Hamilton, Taylor Blount and Taylor Jones. * The shark measured 12 feet and weighed over 600 pounds. It took over four hours to reel the shark in and another two hours to tow it back to Captain Anderson Marina." -- Bet PCB is wishing this was a report about the oil spill rather than a shark kill.

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