Monday, August 16, 2010

The Breakfast Club - August 15, 2010

It's hard to understand why Oprah Winfrey would hire Rosie O'Donnell until you think about how Oprah fawned all over potUS ZERO-bama, but she now needs a voice to let potUS know she's no longer happy. Wonder if the show will be called "Rosie the Plumber" (in tribute to "Joe the Plumber")?
L-E's Saturday "Thought for Today": “Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt.” — Bergen Baldwin Evans, American author (1904-1978). " -- Liberals! Please note it's talking about freedom to "THINK", not freedom to 'feel'.
Online headline: "8 dead, 12 hurt at off-road race in Calif. desert" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought illegal aliens were having a "Pamplona running of the bulls' nightmare re-enactment.
Some guy is planning to reduce each chapter of the Bible down to 140 characters so he can post each on 'Twitter". I think he's full of 'twat'.
Online headline: "Growth May Still Leave 95% of Americans Behind" -- Yeah, because that's the group not making $250K a year, and under potUS ZERO-bama's plan, that will be the new poverty level.
Online headline: "Wal-Mart Ranks as Most Generous Company" -- This'll send the White House spinmeisters tailspinning to apologize to the unions!
Online article: "Beer prices have gone up regardless of inflation or deflation in the broader economy — and it looks like they’re about to go up even more.If you’re looking for someone to blame, start with Europe." -- Looks like potUS ZERO-bama's next "Joe the Plumber" will be "Joe Six-pack".
What's with Columbus and its standing with the Republican Party? When Perdue won without local support. there were consequences for local projects that took time to straighten out. Now, Columbus supported Handel over Deal. Did you know Deal's daughter is married to a Columbus man? Guess most of Columbus, including crack L-E political analyst (NOT!), Tim Chitwood (whew, you gotta be careful not to make a typo with his name) didn't.
L-E's Sunday "Thought for Today": “Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.” — Hannah Arendt, American author and philosopher (1906-1975)." -- This is obviously a solution that hasn't crossed the mind of Civil Rights activists..there's no money in it.
L-E headline: "Barnes: Ga. election key to future prosperity" -- Yeah, and in November it's tantamount we rid ourselves of any and all DIM/DUMBorats as we can!
Saw a list (Though haven't verified all personally) being circulated showing Teresa Obama-linson's political donations over the past 10 years. Looks like she supports liberal candidates by a 10X amount over what she gave to conservative candidates. Then, again, she's a lawyer, so what would you expect.
May have coined a new word (by typo accident): "Conswervative" - A definition could be a politician who runs on one set of values but lives by another; or a politician who campaigns on conservative fiscal policy, but votes for earmarks and Congressional COLA raises.

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