Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Once again, mainstream media is more interested in Mitt Romney's tax returns that they are about King Arpege's college grades/admission records/travel documents. or Harry Reid's budget plans. Romney should just produce copies of all the checks he's written for his taxes, and say he'll show the returns to the media as soon as the media gets copies of Arpege's and Reid's items.


BCer Sen. Josh McKoon will be joined by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle at GICC this afternoon at 5:30. Fund raiser, but donations not necessary. Drop by and welcome and encourage them.


Tyler Perry cancels "Madea Gets a Job" tour. Guess he feels King Arpege might get re-elected, and his audience will laugh at him for his suggestion rather tham with him for his jokes. Jobs are no laughing matter.


Latest from barackobama.com: "President Obama says his faith has informed how he lives his life as a husband, a father, and as president. In his own words: "My faith helps me to keep my eyes on the prize and focus on what is good and truly important." -- "faith"? Faith in what... faith in those who voted for him in 2008 still believe in him; faith in the media to continue blasting Romeny for how he spends his own money versus how King Arpege spends tax dollars; or faith in Christian people turning their cheeks for the next slap?


From passed along e-mails from a fellow BCer, it seems there's a tsunami sized crime wave in the Hilton/Clubview area. Keep alert and call in any suspicious activities. Seems like the local media is not reporting much of this as it's Mayor Obamalinson's beloved MidTown project area.


An obscure video, one which probably has been viewed by very, very few Muslims in Libya, is being blamed by the White House for the assault and death of our late ambassador there. Even if the video had been widely broadcast, even if our government produced the video, the assault was not based on the anger that it is being blamed for, but because the terrorists have no respect for King Arpege who helped them overthrow Gadhafi.


King Arpege days there was no "actionable intelligence" available to foresee the attacks on our embassy. Isn't that what we've been saying since before King Arpege was sworn in back in 2009?

Do you think our embassies would be under attack if Reagan or Bush were in office? I don't think they will be when Romney sits in the Oval Office.

Why would a forum that drew maybe 50 people and was absent at least 5 candidates be worthy of being reported as news?


Billboard in Michigan passed along by a fellow BCer:



Say what they will, 911, and the war in Afghanistan did not begin with Bush43. XpotUS Clinton had Bin Laden's head offered to him on a platter but refused it.


You know, if you are a "royal", and know papparazi are ever present, then don't take off your clothes when outside! Case closed.


There is no "I" in team. That's probably why King Arpege doesn't meet with his cabinet advisors very often.


Republicans have offered "Contracts With and For America". King Arpege has offered to rewrite and rename Thomas Jefferson's document, 'The Declaration of MeDependence".


In a L-E story today, the MCSD board cut furlough days by eliminating some programs. Nice...NOT... to know our board will find ways to put more money in people's pockets versus putting that 'found' money into proven student programs. I know wher the MCSD can find $17,000.00 a month that's wasted and could be saved.


Why is the MCSD so concerned about a bill that could redirect tax dollars from its revenue flow and put it into charter school ventures? All the MCSD needs to do is a better job so parents wouldn't look for alternatives. Also, why is the MCSD so proud of the 31,000 students under its wing? That number is not a growing one... actually it is a declining one as more parents are willing to sacrifice their disposable income for their children to go to private schools.


L-E story: "Columbus, Ohio - A condemned Ohio inmate who weighs at least 480 pounds wants his upcoming execution delayed, saying his weight could lead to a "torturous and lingering death". * (Ronald) Post is scheduled to die Jan. 16 (2013) for the 1983 (shooting) death of Helen Vantz" -- For nearly 30 years Post has fattened himself at the expense of the taxpayers, and made Helen Vantz's friends and family have lingering and torturous unrequited memories of her death. Give him another choice of deaths... let him die of starvation in his cell...don't feed him again (unless they feed him a jolt of electricity).


L-E's "Thought for Today": "We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions." - Jessamyn West, American author (1902-1984) --American author... maybe she wrote the campaign strategy policy of the DIM&DUMBERats.. that or either the quote was really made by David Axelrod under a pseudonym.

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