Friday, September 21, 2012

Online headline/story: "Obama Admits His 'Biggest Failure' * President Barack Obama said on Thursday at a Univision News forum that he failed to pass immigration reform as promised, * By the end of the program, Obama had been hammered into submission on his immigration reform promise. Asked what he considers his biggest failure, he turned to Ramos. "Jorge, as you remind me, my biggest failure so far is we haven't gotten comprehensive immigration reform done yet," he said to laughter from the audience, adding it wasn't for lack of trying. * In his current term, he blamed the failure on Republicans in Congress, who he said he invited to partner with him on immigration reform." -- For two years, King Arpege got everything he wanted that fellow DIM&DUMBERats 'wanted", too. His immigration reform and Dream Act were not included. While King Arpege says this is his "biggest failure", he also admits that there are many others also, and most of those are things hid D&D Congress did pass.


Online headline: "Obama: 'I Can't Change Washington From The Inside'" -- Hmmm, never had a teacher, coach, friend or parent who hasn't defined "can't" as ' I don't want to try'.


What started out as a conservation, a restoration, of the Chattahoochee has turned into anything but that. Sad.
When it comes down to it, the November election is not about solving things instantly, it's about stopping the bleeding. First things first.
Whether it's Romney or King Arpege who wins in November, the opening line of his January acceptance speech will start out, "The problems I'm inheriting from the last 4 years are even worse that I thought they were."
L-E's "Thought for Today": "The crisis of yesterday is the joke of tomorrow." H.G. Wells, English auther (1866-1946) -- Wow! H.G. Wells was indeed a visionary... aside from his novels, he predicted the rise and fall of King Arpege.
This picture is of new women's bady armor being designed by the military:
I think the army should hire Madonna or Victoria's Secret for some design help.
The more I think about it, the more upset I am that Chick-fil-A would sign a document with any political organization saying it would cease anything. That document will be waved under every other Christian supporting organization with a nanny-nanny-poo-poo chant of "you're next".
Why would Council entertain organizations not carrying $1,000,000.00 in liability insurance to stage events on public property. My business is required to carry such, and it's only $400.00 annually.
L-E story: "Birmingham, Ala- The Mexican government is reviewing a labor union's complaint that Alabama's crackdown on illegal aliens violates an international trade agreement." -- Good Grief! Has it gotten so bad that no country respects the US border since King Arpege's 'apology tour? First Mexico should investigate itself as to why so many Mexicans want to abandon Mexico, then US labor unions should be investigated for allowing illegal aliens to join.
A L-E reader/Mayor Obamalinson supporter posted online that to alleviate danger to children of St Luke crossing 11th Street with two-way traffic, that St Luke should build a tunnel under it. Yeah, that'll work...all St Luke would need to do is open up the manholes and let the kids cross in the safety of the combined sewers.

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