Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why is King Arpege upset at a video that ridiculed Mohammed? We know he wouldn't be upset at an art depiction of Jesus smeared with urine and excrement?


Online story: "A Chicago-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy group reports that the restaurant chain -- which was at the epicenter of a media firestorm this summer after its president confirmed his company's anti-gay stance -- has agreed to cease donations to right-wing groups that oppose same-sex marriage." -- What's "anti-gay" about supporting traditional marriage? The Republican Party had better define themselves before some California judge declares them a 'right wing group' and not eligible for Chick-fil-A owners' donations.


Online story: "Can someone who gets expelled from the Illinois House turn that embarrassment into a political advantage? * Sure looks that way for former state Rep. Derrick Smith. * Smith (D-Chicago) is blowing away his third-party opponent in a new poll of West Side voters despite being under federal indictment for allegedly accepting a $7,000 cash bribe." -- "Can someone who gets expelled from the Illinois House turn that embarrassment into a political advantage?"? DOH... This is Chicago politics, and it's how things are done there, and carried forward when Chicago politicians head to Washington . Bribe voters with entitlements, bribe donors with set-asides, and bribe other politicians with earmarks.


Speaking of Chicago politics, terrorists are taking advantage of the chaos in the Mid-East. It's as though they read a page out of the Rahm Emanuel political playbook to never let a chaos be wasted.

Online story: "WASHINGTON — Nearly 6 million Americans – significantly more than first estimated -- will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class. * That's still only a sliver of the population, given that more than 150 million people currently are covered by employer plans. Nonetheless, in his first campaign for the White House, Obama pledged not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000." -- These are not recently discovered figures, and the figures will escalate as it goes into effect and more employers drop internal healthcare programs. This just amplifies the amount of deceit every King Arpege has buried in his every promise.


Online story: A mother of a Chicago student was quoted, "At first I was concerned that it would drag on, but I was confident that the teachers were going to hold out and that (the school board) was going to try to work with them and get them what they needed," she (Kimberly Watson) said." -- "(the school board) was going to get them what they needed"? The strike was not about "need", it was about "wants and greed". School Boards are not there to represent teachers, they are empowered to represent taxpayers.


Redistribution of wealth... If I want to give away my earnings/savings, I can decide that for myself. I can check out the sources and evaluate the needs and efficiences of such a recipient. The government has no right to confiscate my monies just to distribute it differently.

Just read about Bill Gates and his generosity, and had to scratch my head at his enigmatic political leanings. He and his foundation have donated $28 billion in gifts to fund projects and programs around the world, but please note, he does not donate that money to the government to let the government decide where it is distributed.


Online story: "New York's movie theater owners are gearing up for war over the city's ban of large sugary drinks. *Theater owners will likely sue the city rather than stop selling sweetened drinks larger than 16 ounces * Robert Sunshine, executive director of the National Association of Theatre Owners' New York chapter Sunshine hinted that if theaters were forced to comply with the ban, prices would have to go up elsewhere. If the ban were passed, "somewhere along the line profit will have to be made up," Sunshine stated. “It’s going to have a tremendous impact.” * His comments leave us wondering: Is Gotham about to face $20+ movie tickets? The average ticket price nationwide is around $8, but in New York it's far higher. A 3D film in Manhattan can cost $19.50." -- It would be poetic justice if Hollywood held a premier for a movie there, and no one showed up...


WRBL3 headline: "Auburn Looks to Run on LSU" -- Probably true... but in what direction?


When asked by David Letterman about who "we" owed our debt to, King Arpege said we owed some of it to ourselves. Say, Isn't that sorta like check kiting?


Romney ad: President Obama's spending habits have created a “prairie fire” of debt - This undoubtedly is the best analogy I've heard of imaging King Arpege's record, and even DIM&DUMBERats will not be able to forget such imagery if Romney and SuperPacs push it in every ad.


From the "what about" department - What happened to the law that would prohibit TV stations from increasing the volume during commercials?


The latest from "Growing up, my classmates and I started every day with a ritual: We'd stand up, put our right hand over our hearts, and say the Pledge of Allegiance. * To me, that gesture was a promise. A promise to be involved and engaged in this country's future. A promise to work for liberty and justice -- and for affordable education, health care, and equality -- for all. --


"To me, that gesture was a promise" -- And we know how King Arpege feels about promises...


From a friend:



From the "where's the logic" department - L-E headline/story about redesigning the redesign of downtown: "Design firm proposes greener pedestrian-friendly downtown * the paln includes.....restoring two-way traffic to 11th and 12th streets to make them pedestrian-friendly" -- Oh.... there's been a law against two-way pedestrian traffic? I kind of doubt making pedestrians revert back to looking both way before crossing will make it any safer, but until you get bicyclists off the sidewalks, no pedestrian will be safe.


After the Inspector General's report on "Fast & Furious" was released, to 'senior' official left the DOJ.. one resigned, and the other retired (with full lifetime pension, I'm sure). Looks like it's up to us to fire the Department head... hurry November.


Some states are having ballot referendums to legalize marijuana in November. It's not that Colorado, Oregon, or Washington hasn't already gone to pot...


From the 'what's wrong with this picture' department:

Now, since the locks have been closed south of us, how's the Coast Guard gonna get this boat back to the coast?


L-E story:

The MCSD is going to address this? Wasn't to long ago the MCSD took a pass on discipline when it allowed a Hardaway student who threatened to kill a teacher was let back in to the school AND HER CLASS!

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