Thursday, September 6, 2012

Isn't the real question to ask American voters: "Do you think will you be better off four years from now if King Arpege is president?"


Dick Durbin,D&D Senator, would not answer Bret Baier of Fox News' question about why the D&D platform was stripped of 'God'. Kept interrupting Baier by saying D&Ds we just as God fearing as Republicans. Obviously the reason, though, is appeasing Muslim countries.


Online story: "Over at MSNBC, Rachel Maddow responded simply to (Michelle) Obama's speech. "Oh my god," she said, immediately following the first lady's remarks. -- Foul!
Eric Holder should strip Ms Maddow's credentials for bringing God's name into the D&D Convention!

In an embarrassing effort to reinstate God to the D&D platform, an amendment was offered which required a 2/3rds voice vote to put God back into the DIM&DUMBERats' platform. Though the voice vote was obviously less than the super-majority percent required, LA Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa announced the amendment passed. Look for it in GOP ads.


Well, the DIM&DUMBERats wanting God out of their party platform, and want to denounce Jerusalem as Israel's capital . How can any Jew or Christian support any DIM&DUMBERat candidates?

After promising 1000s of online volunteers a seat to hear him speak, how is King Arpege going to make up for moving the arena to indoors? Guess you could call this the first campaign promise of 2013 broken, and we have months left in 2012.


Correction: The above is not the first campaign promise broken... he promised my e-mails from him would stop and they haven't.


Thanks to a fellow BCer's 'heads up': Looks like there is more than meets the eye about King Arpege's stance against the Keystone Pipeline. Seems BNSF railroad is building up its transport capacity to move oil, and BNSF is a Warren Buffet company, and King Arpege wants Buffet to keep complaining about not paying enough in taxes. Of course, we haven't seen Buffet voluntarily cough up any mass donations to the US Treasury.


From a fellow BCer:



From another Bcer:



Is King Arpege so comfortable with his ideology that he doesn't see the problem with having speakers named 'the Castro brothers" selling his praises?
Online headline: "Reid Hits Romney On Tax Returns At Democratic Convention" -- Why doesn't Romney keep copies of the millions in taxes he's paid, particularly the ones for 2009. 2010, and 2011, and when Reid spouts off, bring up to Reid that Romney can produce his tax checks, but can Reid produce one budget he's passed in the Senate?
Online headline: "UN General Assembly 2012: Leaders Spend Millions As Their Citizens Starve" -- Ooops, thought they were talking about some of King Arpege's vacations and White House parties.
Hmmm, maybe a good ad to run would be Michelle Obama dressed as Marie Antoinette saying, "Let them eat food stamps".
Guess who came to the DNC Convention? Steve Spinnner, former head of Solyndra (remember Solyndra and its going belly up owing US over half a billion) was on the floor until a camera crew recognized him.
King Arpege primed the.pump with half a billion dollars of our money in loan guarantees to Solyndra, then Solyndra goosed the golden pump.
So the geese at Idle Hour Park are becoming a problem. Well, when you keep feeding geese instead of letting them work for it, the geese want more and more, and will get angry if you stop or even cut back. Hmmm, let's hope some DIM&DUMBERat doesn't hear about this and register them to vote.


Two DFCS workers were arrested for falsifying records, and they should be. While we're at it, whoever initiated the robo-calls to get people to come back to welfare office and re-apply should be arrested as well.


Online headline: "Jerry Sandusky regrets not testifying, according to his lawyer" -- Too bad Sandusky doesn't regret his actions prior to the trial.


A 5th drowning in the last month in the Chattahoochee...with the water being obviously being rerouted down one side of the river, you know the currents have changed, and it won't be long before the first wrongful death lawsuit is filed.


That Tony Carr was killed is sad; that an officer is being persecuted under the circumstances is a travesty.


L-E headline: Ann Romney says MS taught her family about losing hope" -- Well, King Arpege has taught the rest of America about losing "Hope".


L-E "headlie": "NAACP, black Baptists start voter education drive" -- This is political BS! If the effort is truly a voter education drive, then voters would be educated on deciding for themselves about who they should vote for rather than voting in a bloc.


I'm curious as to why people will pay top dollar for tickets to hear unknowns sing popular oldie tunes of other artists..


From another Bcer:



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