Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Online story of Obama speech at Loyola University in 1998: "“The trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some [wealth] redistribution -- because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot.” -- "I believe... (repeat - I believe) in redistribution." King Arpege is no "Robin Hood', he's just a Chicago hood with taxing authority.


I hate that Romney defenders are using terms like "inelegant choice of words", and "obviously inarticulate". Romney is just some one we've needed in politics for a long time; some one who denounces political correctness in favor of straight talk and the truth. Romeny has a good right punch which is exactly what our foreign and domestic policies need.


From the 'you gotta be kidding me' department:

Indefinite Detention

The are Pakistani protesters 'protesting' Guantanamo on the 10th anniversary of 911 in 2011. Why would Pakistani protesters be holding uo signs in English except as a photo op for US libereals?


WTVM9 news story: "MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - The U.S. Department of Education is awarding millions in grants to historically black colleges in Alabama. * The 5-year grants will affect curriculum and teaching programs, campus building improvements and the purchase of scientific equipment. * The department said the Alabama grants include nearly $4 million for Alabama State University, $3.2 million to Alabama A&M University, nearly $3 million to Lawson State Community College, and $2.3 million for Tuskegee University. Miles College is getting $2 million, Stillman College $1.7 million, and Oakwood College nearly $1.6 million." -- Historically white colleges of the past have been eliminated so everyone has the same opportunity; why do we still have colleges referred to as historically black colleges still in existence as such, and why is the 'givermint' rewarding poor management in the education department?


Online story: " WASHINGTON -- Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is so out of touch with regular Americans that he thinks the middle class extends to people making up to $250,000. * But Biden apparently forgot that that's the same benchmark that President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats regularly use when talking about extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the middle class." -- The mainstream media is not use to a DIM&DUMBERat confirming how out of touch he and his party and boss really are, either.
Chuck Williams made every argument he could for justifying his disobedience of bicycling laws, but failed to compare them to motorcycle riders. Motorcycle riders are even less visible to cars backing out of angle parking spots, but you don't hear them moaning about not being able to ride on sidewalks. Bet you'd hear Chuck complaining, though, if he heard one roaring up behind him.
Mainstream media wants to create havoc over an illegal recording of an open discussion, yet almost ignored a covert open mike slip of King Arpege telling a Russian to tell Putin he would be more flexible after the November election.
From a fellow BCer:

Do you think this might accurately describe our country's situation?


The lack of interest in the dog & pony show forums aimed at gathering imput from citizens proves two things: 1, that citizens correctly feel the school board is not going to listen anyway, and 2, that the school board should just do its job and decide on a great candidate, and the voters will let the board members know how they feel on the next election date.


The 'Igeek" campaign might be a little more successful if the subjects were identified. Some I do know, and the correlation makes sense, but when we don't know the person and his/her association with the subject matter, the effort is meaningless.


Council has hit rock bottom! First it is building a natatorium that cannot even be made profitable on paper, and now it's considering putting the facility under a third party... Yeah, like a third party management team is really going to care about earmarking revenues for maintaining the facility long term.


L-E headline/story: "Man faces DUI and hit-and-run charges * Anthony D. Rogers. 22, of Columbus also faces charges of driving while his license was suspended and no proof of insurance" -- Once again, people who have their license suspended should have the car/truck they were driving during the incident either impounded or Denver Booted during the time of suspension, and not get it back wiithout proof of insurance being in effect. It's not rocket science.


L-E headline/story: "Homebuilder confidence surges to 6-year high * The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo building sentiment index released Tuesday increased to 40 in September. That's up from 37 in August and the highest reading since June 2006, just before the housing bubble burst." -- There's no way to consider any rise to 40% a surge in anything, much less in 'confidence'. Of note is tying the low point to the Democrat Party congressional control in 2006.

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