Monday, September 10, 2012

Like National Prayer Day, King Arpege did not show up for Labor Day.
Glad to see that New Orleans has already fully recovered from Hurricane Isaac. Huh, you say? Obviously the media thinks so because King Arpege went there and addressed the press. Compared to Katrina, the coverage has all but been ended.

Online story: "On Monday, Chicago's public school students won't have any classes to go to. * After weeks of negotiations, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's team and the Chicago Teacher's Union failed to agree on a contract. * On Sunday night, CTU officially announced it was going to strike for the first time in a quarter century. * So on Monday, instead of teaching, the union's 26,000 educators will protest." -- Looks like King Arpege's former left hand man cannot soothe the unions....prelude to November 6th?


Online story:"Obama said during his convention speech that Romney and Ryan are “new to foreign policy," pausing for comedic effect." -- His point? We NEED someone who, in King Arpege's eyes, is NEW TO FOREIGN POLICY, Someone who does not bow to kings/emirs, apologize to our 'enemies' nor offends our friends.


Online headline: "France Plots Enormous Tax Hike" -- "Plots"?


Have you ever noticed that when politicians want to raise our taxes, it is to pay for cost increases to continue status quo, not to improve such services.


About a month ago, it was reported that $1,800.00 improperly secured dollars was stolen at Columbus High School? Has the perpetrator been found (video security and all), and has the responsible-for-the-money person been disciplined/fired?


Does anyone know the URL for "White-Americans for Obama" or "African-Americans for Romney"? Here's the one King Arpege did for "African-Americans for Me" -
The BMW Championship action was electrifying. So was Ricky Fowler's outfit. It was either the uniform issued to the ground crew at U. of Tenn's stadium, or to community service workers picking up highway trash. I know the PGA has a dress code so why doesn't the PGA enforce it?
Empty Chair, the sequel:
The latest from
I want the one that says, "Free Shipping". That way I can say I got something free from King Arpege and it only cost me $10.00.
L-E story: "According to Spencer High Principal Reginald Griffin, the school is "sinking, sinking, sinking". -- Ooops, my bad, thought he was discussing student success and had left the "t' out of his evaluation word.
L-E's "Thought for Today": "The more one pleases everybody, the less one pleases profoundly." - Stendahl, French Author (1783-1842) -- This explains the theory behind the DIM&DUMBERat Platform... write in one thing addressing a gripe for every possible dissenter group, and you get their support for a candidate who actually pleases none of them.
L-E headline: "Fugitive VP convicted as attacks kill 92" -- Oooops, my bad! Thought Biden was one the run after one of his killer Gaffe Sprees.
L-E story: "After a series of brief phone calls between the mayor, city manager, city attorney and the chief of police, it was determined:• Riding a bike on Broadway's sidewalks is against the law. • No signs are necessary for the police to enforce the law.

Read more here:
-- Good luck with this! Without the signs posted (at least on a temporary basis) this posture will do little to alleviate a potentially dangerous situation. The problem is not just isolated to Broadway, either, and state laws prohibit anyone over 12 from riding on sidewalks.
While on my soapbox, since bicycles are legally considered 'vehicles', just a car/truck, why are not drivers required to have bicycling licenses and tags? The revenue would be of help, but more importantly, bicyclers would learn the laws and be less of a danger to themselves and other motorized vehicles.
Justice in education pay should be scaled. New U of Alabama president is going to make $535,000.00 being over 32,000 college students' needs. That's about $17.00 per student. CSU's president is paid $300,000.00 over 8-t0-9,000 students (for comparison sake, we'll say 8,500). That comes up at over $35.00 per student. Why?
Online headline: "Police Officer In Obama Motorcade Dies After Being Hit By Pickup Truck" -- King Arpege can now be compared to Ted Kennedy. Now there are two politicians who have had deaths associated with their campaigning.

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