Saturday, September 8, 2012

With the three time denial of God by the DIM&DUMBERat Conventioneers, I almost expected them to nominate Doubting Thomas as their Convention Emcee. Well, I guess Doubting Debbie Wasserman Schultz sorta qualified.

From the 'only in California' department - Online story: "A group of (14) red swimsuit-clad lifeguards thought they were having some innocent summer fun when they made a spoof video of a Korean pop singer's dance moves. Instead, all fourteen lifeguards were fired Wednesday. * the city said in a statement that the group was fired for using city property, including the pool and their uniforms, for private use. * The lifeguards said they were off the clock when they shot the video and that they were just having fun. * thirteen of the fourteen were college students using their income to pay for tuition and books" -- First of all, it's after Labor Day and Wednesday is a a school day... why is the public pool still open? More importantly, since California has so many weird court decisions to begin with and is such a litigious environment, and most cities are dealing with bankruptcy, why would you serendipitously fire people when the outdoor swim season should have been over to begin with?


Online headline: "Jesse Jackson Jr. Home After Treatment For Depression" -- I can only guess that Jackson Jr is depressed because he actually has a job but doesn't have as much infamy as his jobless father.


From the "huh?" department - Online headline: "Lance Armstrong Barred From Running In Chicago Marathon" -- Chicago at its finest...NOT! Chicago will let dead men vote, convicts run for public office, but is putting its foot down to stop a celebrity bicyclist run in a charity event? Armstrong must be a Republican!


HuffPost headline: "Ann Romney Declines To Answer Questions On Gay Marriage, Contraception" -- DOH? Think about this... what are the questions concerning birth control for homosexuals?


WTVM9 news story: "MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - A toddler in the Grand Strand nearly drowned after police say his mother apparently tried to baptize him. * The incident report from Myrtle Beach Police states they were called to the 900 block of White Street shortly before midnight on Thursday where a child was reportedly drowning. * A witness claims they saw the suspect, 39-year-old Micherald Bellamy of Myrtle Beach, in the bathroom with the child in the tub. Both were naked and the child was underwater struggling to breathe. * The witness estimates the child was underwater at least two to three seconds before they removed the child, interrupting what Bellamy claims was a baptism. * The 2-year-old boy did not suffer life-threatening injuries but was held overnight Thursday at a hospital for observation. He has been placed in emergency protective custody. *Micherald Bellamy was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and battery." -- Substitute "drown" for 'baptism', and 'attempted drowning' for 'baptism' and you get a more accurate story. Why is this considered a news story.... because WTVM could poke fun at Christianity?


Online headline: "Pop Quiz: Who Gets the Benefit from Federal Entitlement Programs?" -- Trick Question! The only people who truly benefit from the entitlement programs are the politicians who use such to bribe voters to re-elect them. Everyone else is either dragged along or dragged under.


What goes around comes around. Job levels are at their lowest level since Carter handed off the reins to Reagan in 1981. Have you noticed that that the only other president you can compare King Arpege equally to is Jimmy Carter.

King Arpege's original campaign was, "Change we can believe in". Romney should adopt his own version, "We Believe in Change".


The latest reports show that there are 90,000,000 adults not working. Another report says 47% of taxpayer forms do not pay any federal income tax. Show me what's 'fair' about making families paying federal income taxes to support such numbers? Tell me what's 'fair' in demanding those taxpayers to pay more?


With all the character build up given King Arpege by speakers at the DNC Convention, two Washington Post...(THE Washington Post) articles, one from 2008 and one recent one, filleted the honesty of King Arpege's and his spinmeisters' sob stories about his Mom's death. He was not by her side when she died; he was not even in Hawaii.... he was on a book signing tour. And that sob story about his Mom facing her cancer without insurance....WRONG... she had full coverage medical insurance. And this is coming from THE Washington Post. The battle she reportedly had with insurance was about disability coverage which is a separate issue.
King Arpege tells us his HELL-thScare program in the nation's cure-all, yet he has National Parks spreading a deathly virus that has no cure.
HuffPost headline: "U.S. Jobs Growth Slows In August" -- "slows"? How do you slow down when you're already at a dead standstill?
King Arpege is claiming he has a "real achievable plan for new jobs". My question is why hasn't he implemented it before now? Of course he may be talking about all those green energy jobs that have gone belly-up putting more people out of jobs and adding to the $16 TRILLION dollar debt he tries to ignore.
Bill Maher, Comedy Channel wag, must be a member of Louis Farrakhan Muhammad, Sr.'s interplanetary flock. He supports King Arpege, and believes Jesus Christ was an American. You can't make this stuff up.
Online headline: "Prince Harry Beginning Combat Tour In Afghanistan" -- Of course, tomorrow's headline will probably be, "Prince Harry coming home after Afghan combat tour".
Online story: "Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has played through injuries in his career, but he wouldn't play a game if it meant he would need to miss one of life's best moments. * With Roethlisberger and his wife expecting a son due to be born sometime in the middle of the 2012 season, he told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette if the birthday is a game day, there's no question what comes first." -- Wow! Not since Kurt Warner have we had a real role model for fatherhood step up from the ranks of the NFL. It's almost stunning to hear someone in the NFL standup for anything who is not a walking yellow-sheet thug.
From a fellow BCer:
Spoof? Probably, but only because political correctness keeps people from saying what they are thinking.
Today's BC edition is truncated an undetermined amount due to the L-E screw up in its online subscription set-up. I have a paid up annual contract for services of the e-edition until March 26, 2013 which seems to have slipped by the new L-E accounting department.

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