Wednesday, September 26, 2012

If the NFL players' union thinks having non-union refs is such an issue, the players could walk out OR get on to the Referees' union to take a 'more than fair' offer for part time employees, and get back to work.

Online story: "President Obama's campaign, with a good dose of help from the media, is pushing a claim that millionaire Mitt Romney is taxed at a "lower rate" than someone making $50,000 a year. * IRS data, though, shows that Romney's effective income tax rate -- that's what he pays as a percentage of his income once deductions and other benefits are factored in -- is actually far higher than what most Americans pay. * And it's certainly higher than what someone making $50,000 pays. * IRS data from 2010 shows someone making between $50,000 and $75,000 on average pays an effective rate of 7.8 percent. Even someone making between $100,000 and $200,000 pays a 12.1 percent rate -- also lower than Romney's." -- King Arpege is about to unseat XpotUS Clinton as 'most likely to lie about everything to get what he wants'.


Was just looking at some pictures of some strange sea life. Some are said to virtually unchanged from the age of dinosaurs. That in mind, how can scientist proclaim man is evolved fro apes, when there is proof other animals do not evolve from there original state, nor do scientists have any living examples of mutations of ape-to-man?


Online headline: "Obama Vows to End 'Modern Slavery'" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought he wasvowing to end DIM&DUMBERat entitlement programs and forced union participation at GM.


From a fellow BCer:

A picture of King Arpege has been found when he was a student of Karl Marx.



From another BCer:


Unfortunately, there are still voters to stupid to recognize he is talking to them..again.


The latest from "If you chip in $5 or whatever you can, you'll be automatically entered for a chance to take part in this campaign tradition. Today only, each entry counts as two." -- King Arpege opens his mouth, and lies begin! If Xpotus Clinton was a "sex addict" (BTW, did he ever go to and complete a rehab program?), King Arpege is just as addicted to lying. Once again, you cannot enter his "Dinner for Barack" on "whatever you can" give.


New York Post article: "Mitt Romney has, in the past two years, paid almost $5 million in taxes while giving away $7 million. And, as he said, he has paid the taxes he was supposed to pay according to the laws of the United States, which is all that is required -- legally, morally and practically -- of anyone… The release of these tax records leaves no doubt about one thing: Mitt Romney is an extraordinarily, remarkably, astonishingly generous man. A good man. Maybe even a great man.” -- You know, if the Romneys had paid the government the $5 million in taxes plus the $7 million in charity, the government would not have done the good the charities did with their share.


When the best the UN can muster for Ahmandine-JIHAD is to ASK him to be nice when he has the microphone, then the UN basically has no value in world politics.


"The View" caught King Arpege somewhat off guard when one asked him what plans he had if he lost in November. It seemed to put some reality in his perspective, and he said he would like to teach. Aside from some other teacher probably losing his/her job to make room for him, what parents would want anymore of his teachings influencing their child?


The drop in nation-wide SAT scores tied in with King Arpege's college loan program really brings to question King Arpege's desire to put, enslave, young people in high debt, and little future for jobs.


Online headline: "Debate Over Hitler's Birthplace" -- Why is this a question/debate? Ask Hawaii, it probably has a spare birth certificate authenticating.


From the "incredibly dumb and ignorant" department - Online HuffPost story: "Madonna brought her MDNA Tour to Washington, D.C. on Monday night, and added a bizarre dose of politics to the show. * "Y'all better vote for f--king Obama, OK? For better or for worse, all right? We have a black Muslim in the White House. Now that's some amazing s--t," she said. "It means there is hope in this country. And Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man, god------t." -- Madonna is OK with a "black Muslim in the White House" because "he's fighting for gay rights"? You can't make up how ignorant some people can be! Has Madonna read the Quran or any mid-East Muslim newspaper on how Muslims deal with homosexual and perversion?


Conservative politicians need to understand one stark reality. Trying to woo ignorant voters with logic is akin to talking calmly with your teenager about making good choices about things they do and people they want to date.


WRBL3 news story: "City employees unhappy at potential rise in healthcare costs" -- Well, there is an alternative...oust King Arpege and all DIM&DUMBERat politician from the local level up.


The City employees concern for their healthcare program costs is real, and it's costly. Of course, most taxpayers do not have such policies written for 3,000 +/- employees that are 2/3rds paid for by their employer (which takes that money out of taxpayer pockets to begin with). City employees would be better off, too, by not re-electing politicians who support Obamacare.


Conservative politicians need to understand one stark reality. Trying to woo ignorant voters with logic is akin to talking calmly with your teenager about making good choices about things they do and people they want to date.


L-E story: "NEW YORK - It's a campaign believed to be unprecedented in its size and aggressiveness: New York City is handing out the morning-after pill to girls as young as 14 at more than 50 public high schools (without parental notification or approval) * some doctors say more schools should follow New York's lead. * Emergency contraception is safe and effective 'if you use it in a timely fashion. It provides relief or solace to a young woman or man who has made a mistake but doesn't want to have to live with that mistake the rest of their lives," said Dr. Cora Breuner, a Seattle physician." -- Damn these DIM&DUMBERats! "don't want to have to live with that mistake the rest of their lives"? Even King Arpege said he wouldn't want his children to have to live with a mistake such as this. God makes no mistakes. Man makes the mistake of trying to circumvent God.


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