Saturday, September 29, 2012

Online headline: "More Bad News for Jobless Americans" -- Ooops, thought it was that new polls indicated King Arpege was improving.


Looking at the polls, it seems the more the Romey and Arpege target the 'swing states', mainstream media's assault on Romney/kid's glove approach on Arpege seems to affect the other states.


Mainstream media would be more patriotic if it took a neutral position in reporting the performance and promises of political candidates.


In retrospect, it is interesting to parse XpotUS Clinton's claim that no one,not even himself, could have helped this economy in only 4 years. You know, in a special way, he WAS telling the truth as he sees it. His reference to "no one" was about only those in attendance to the DIM&DUMBERat Nation Convention in NC.


Again, in retrospect, Fidel Castro and now his brother have had the Cubam economy in their hands for 50+ years, and their economy is still lousy as is its medical system.


Next week, King Arpege and Clinton are campaigning in California. Could it be that all's not well in Hollywood?


L-E story: "A Columbus Technical College student was robbed and beaten with a bat Wednesday morning in one of the school’s parking lots, police said. " -- How could this happen when the CT Campus Cops had recently promoted their new status and pursuit vehicles?


A retired California DA is out supporting a California ballot initiative to rid California of 'the death sentence' BECAUSE.... it cost to much to prosecute! No, it costs extra to comply with over demanding appeal court scrutiny, and for housing criminals way too long before finally carrying out the sentences.


From a fellow BCer:

Look clearly at the 2014 rate compared to the 2013 rate.

For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It's short, but
important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:

"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present
Monthly Fee of
$96.40, rising to:

$104.20 in 2012

$120.20 in 2013


$247.00 in 2014."


70 agencies of our federal government are delinquent in paying their employees' withholding taxes over several years. IRS needs to shut those agencies down and prosecute the agency heads.


Now another solar panel company is getting another King Arpege granted taxpayer guaranteed "STIM-YOU-LIE" loan for about $200 million. Again to a "candidate Obama" donor. A spokesperson with no skin in the game claims this is an acceptable gamble. BS... if liberals are so convinced of solar power being the future, why aren't liberals such as Buffet, Gates, and Soros investing in these companies rather than the government with tax dollars?


With a heads up from a fellow BCers: King Arpege went to a manufacturing plant in Wisconsin. He noted a "banner" on the wall, and thought it was an union banner saying it was started in 1848. An employee corrected the president, saying not only was that banner actually the Wisconsin State flag, this was not a union shop. Wonder if the president would have felt supportive if the referee that blew the Packers' game was an union one?


The manufacturers' index was released from Chicago yesterday showing the first contraction in 3 years. Remember, this was released from CHICAGO so you know those figures have been negotiated and spun as much as the White House can do, and King Arpege can not even "fix" those any better. Ron White is right... you can't fix stupid, but you can get stupid to vote for you again.


The "regular" NFL reds may have gotten cheered Thursday night, but they haven't stepped out on the field for a Philly "boo-birds" greeting.

Online McClatchy story: "The filmmaker behind the anti-Islamic video that has sparked violence across the globe was arrested Thursday on suspicion of violating the terms of his probation, including allegedly lying about his role in the film's production" -- Why is the mainstream media supporting this arrest? It flies in the face of our 1st Amendment rights, and mainstream media better be on guard as it could happen to them next.


Leonard Pitts just doesn't have a clue...he's also lacks vision. The headline of his current commentary reads, "Commentary: Being poor isn't a character flaw" -- Well Mr bottom-of-the Pitts, being rich or successful isn't a character flaw, either.


From another McClatchy story: "The Democratic and Republican parties each received $18,248,300 for their conventions." -- Hold on! Wait a minute! Nearly $36.5 Million tax dollars went to fund private entity parties? This makes the GSA convention's picayune in comparison! When was this legislation suck in on us?


Benghazi-Gate... Hope this is the last "gate" we have to deal with until "close-the-White-House-gate" behind you in January.


Curtailing crime in MidTown might be easier if those arrested were placed in old fashioned 'stocks' in the front yards of people they robbed until their appointed trial dates.

Read more here:

Read more here:


L-E headline: "No sign of remains in new Mich. search for Hoffa" -- The only thing missing from this 'non-drama' was Geraldo Rivera doing a sequel to his "Al Capone Vault" fiasco.


You know, since the White House KNEW within 24 hours that the Benghazi death of Ambassador Stevens was the planned act of terrorists, why was the White House sending out spinmeisters 5 days later to claim it was a spontaneous response to a video? It's an all out ploy to keep media focused on anything but the economy failure of King Arpege.


From the "inane" department: "James Carville, Karl Rove to debate in Alabama" -- And for what purpose? Now if the first, which would probably be the only one, question was, "Why do each of you think the other is an obnoxious know it all?", I might be interested in gearing what they say.


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