Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Romney could probably assure his election if he promised to run the US as he did Bain Capital. Start with offering China the following to settle our National Debt: California, Chicago, Detroit, and the rest of Washington, DC that China doesn't already have as collateral would be a good thing in most voters minds.


Online story: "According to The New York Times, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, during a meeting among Democratic governors in February, asked Obama if he had what it takes to win the 2012 presidential race. * “We’re the Miami Heat, and he’s Jeremy Lin,” Obama replied to Schweitzer’s question." -- Had the question been asked Romney, and Romney answered as King Arpege, the mainstream headlines would be filled with "Romney a racist; Romney profiles Minorities; Romney slurs Asians".


Ironic, isn't it... King Arpege planned and schemed to win the most powerful job in the world, but then apologized and bowed to lesser countries, and America became the laughing stock of the world.


From the 'talk about bad timing' department - Disney started advertising an upcoming movie right at the time of the Aurora, Colorado massacre. "Wreck It Ralph" is a video game bad-guy character in a classic game who longs to be a hero brings trouble to his entire arcade after sneaking into a new first-person shooter game... The bad timing is that Wreck It Ralph looks too much like the Aurora sicko.


Since King Arpege is basing his whole campaign strategy on attacking Romney's plan, the GOP is handing out folders with King Arpege's agenda inside....of course, all the pages are blank.


Joe Biden's trailer full of campaign equipment was stolen off the streets in Detroit. Maybe King Arpege was hoping Biden would get held up filing police report's and not make it to The D&D Convention.


Online story: "WASHINGTON — (Suzanne Barr, chief of staff to ICE Director John Morton) a senior Obama administration political appointee and longtime aide to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigned Saturday amid allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior lodged by at least three Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees." -- I wanna know why the DIM&DUMBERats aren't coming to her defense on the claim she has "THE" disease that afflicts many D&Ds... she's a victim of 'sexual addiction'. It worked for Clinton... don't you wonder how it seems he's cured himself?


When you think about it, Homeland Security didn't have a case against Suzanne Barr. Any good lawyer will argue that she groping men was part of her job description for establishing TSA guidelines.

Looks like the D&Ds have decided on their 'pat' response to questions concerning whether 'people are better off now than they were 4 years ago'. Looks the spinmeisters are just going to ignore it and just talk about how bad it was 4 years ago.


Not only is Hillary Clinton not at the D&D Convention, could she get any further away than Asia?


DIM&DUMBERat spinmeisters will tell you the GOP is divided when candidates are jostling for support, but D&Ds feel having many one-issue groups dangling by that one special interest is unity.


Normally, when in North Carolina and the number "16" is mentioned, it's March Madness and Carolinians are excited about UNC, NC STATE, or DUKE basketball. This week, Carolinians are hearing about "16" again, but not the "Sweet 16"; they're hearing about the "SWEAT 16".... the $16 TRILLION National Debt, and no one is enthused about that.


You do have to raise an eyebrow at Eric Holder for not suing the DNC for requiring photo IDs of the delegates to the DNC Convention.....


No wonder King Arpege wanted the D&D Convention to be in North Carolina... NC doesn't require voter I'D, and King A wanted to make sure he could get a majority vote of the delegates.


If you see empty seats in Bank of America Stadium, they are not really empty. They are simply reserved for dead absentee voters.


A former D&D advisor of Jimmy Carter has broken the news that King Arpege had assigned A staff of Secret Service agents to his Senior Advisor, Valerie Jarrett. Not only is this an unprecedented expense, who is the King trying to protect her from... other D&D advisors.


Saw a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (PSA) AD recently suggesting listeners go to alzheimers.gov for information. I thought, hmmm, how appropriate. Current elected officials do have a vested interest in knowing who remembers their last campaign promises.


Heard someone ask why King Arpege always used TWO TelePrompters wherever he speechified. Told him that was easy; he needs one for each side of his mouth.


The latest from barackobama.com: "The Summer's Almost Over" -- So's King Arpege's reign of horror.


This proves King Arpege is a racist:

African Americans for Obama Tee

There is not an option for "White-Americans" or Patriotic Americans" for Obama T-shirts.


L-E headline: "TSYS Opens Second Call Center in U.K" -- It's a step forward to get a call center in an English speaking country, but we could probably use one where American is spoken.


L-E headline: "Sunday Murder-Suicide * Slain woman's kin say her killer was good father to boys" -- SICK! I'm sure the kids see him as a wonderful role model for them, too. This is hardly a story for print to begin with, but definitely not front page.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "With America in recession, the defense contractor lobby and their political advocates want a record $601 billion defense budget. This is more than the budgets of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran combined." -- As Ronald Reagan used to respond when Jimmy Carter would make up some unsubstantiated claim during their debates, "Well, there you go again...". Is there one liberal who actually looks up facts and figures versus pull some number/claim out of thin air?


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