Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A most alarming and revolting development: "Fox News has learned that U.S. Marines who were part of a FAST (Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team) responding to Libya were told by the State Department to deplane, change out of their U.S. military uniforms and put on civilian clothes before flying to Tripoli -- a decision that delayed them from launching by approximately 90 minutes, according to senior military officials who briefed Congress." -- Forget the delays, as I understand wartime protocol, military personnel caught in civilian (non-uniform) apparel are treated like spies rather than prisoners-of-war and lose all 'courtesies' of such. Shame on Hillary!

There's really only one reason any voter have against showing a photo-ID when he/she goes to vote.... they aren't proud of what they are doing and want some sort of "identity theft" defense if they have to prove it wasn't 'me' that voted for 'him'.


Online headline/story: "Carlton Berry, Suspect In Lone Star College Shooting, Charged With Aggravated Assault * A statement from the Harris County Sheriff's Office identifies the suspect as Carlton Berry. * Spokesman Alan Bernstein says Berry is charged with aggravated assault but remains hospitalized with wounds suffered in the shooting." -- "suspect"? He was caught in the act, wounded and captured on the spot, and is considered a 'suspect'? Sounds more like a 'perpetrator' to me, but at least the spokesman didn't refer to him as an "alleged suspect".


Online headline/story: "John Allen Cleared By Pentagon In Petraeus Email Case * The matter had been referred to the Pentagon in November by the FBI during the course of its investigation of emails between Petraeus and his biographer-turned-paramour, Paula Broadwell. The FBI turned up thousands of emails between Allen and Jill Kelley, who was said to have received threatening emails from Broadwell. * At the time, officials said 20,000 to 30,000 pages of emails and other documents from Allen's communications with Kelley between 2010 and 2012 were in question. None of the emails have been made public." -- "cleared"? Cleared of what? The general sent upwards of 30,000 non-military e-mails over 2 years; that's upwards of 40+ e-mails a day! If nothing else, spending that much time compiling 40+ e-mails a day meant he wasn't doing his job. He's at least guilty of dereliction of duty or 'generaling' while distracted...


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- As the technology for arming drones spreads around the world, terrorists could use the unmanned, missile-firing aircraft to attack and kill the president and other U.S. leaders, the former chief of U.S. intelligence said Tuesday." -- Hmmm... a military drone taking out political drones.............


So I have heard...In a unanimous vote, Rob Varner took over the MCSD board's chairmanship from fellow board member Cathy Williams. Hmmm... unanimous? One board member either was absent, stepped out to the restroom, or the other 8 members found way #1002 to use duct tape.


Online headline: "Aspirin May Raise Risk Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Study Suggests" -- The possibilities of class action lawsuits queuing up in front of the court house will make Occupy Wall Street seem like students going back to classes asking for more homework. Let's see... primarily, those taking a daily aspirin to prevent heart attacks/strokes will have the best shot...'not seeing it coming' was not listed as a side effect on the bottle.


Hmmm, seems Mercedes-Benz is making a compact rocket=mobile, the CLA, and have selected some 20 year old swimsuit model to hawk it during the Super Bowl. It's aimed at the 20-something market. Say, isn't that the same group that compiled the Occupy Wall Street move that they couldn't find jobs and daddy was cutting off their credit cards?


Online headline: "Biden Stokes 2016 Chatter" -- Oh, so "Don't mess with Joe" is starting to believe he matters.... looks like pot-US Obluster has 'messed up' Joe instead.


You know... I'd love it if any liberal would share how he/she actually benefits from having pot-US Obama in office. Most of his votes received were votes against personal responsibility rather than for anything libs could actually support.


The only fair way to attempt to end the Columbus tax freeze would be to cost out all the tax revenues, reevaluate all properties, then refigure all property taxes on an equal basis. All structures should be taxed at their square foot basis regardless of what degree individuals have chosen to express their level of living. Variables should be on the value of the actual property a house sits on.


This is worth your attention. I couldn't compact it concise enough to include as a BC item: Obama’s Buddies Sentence Family to Prison for Converting to Christianity : The Last Resistance


pot-US Obluster says he's concerned about his children concerning Climate Change, but he doesn't seem concerned whether our children have any Change left in their pockets after paying for it.


Remember when pot-US Obluster was caught on 'open mike' telling a Russian official to go back to Putin and tell him he would be more flexible after the election? Why wouldn't he send the same message to us Americans?


Phil Mickelson earns about $60 Million annually. That's about what Warren Buffet gets in dividends and interest. Buffet pays $6-10 million in taxes, while Phil pays about $37-38 million (that's 63%). If Warren Buffett's secretary was paying that, she'd have a legit gripe.


Phil Mickelson may have stymied California. With the new fed tax increase and California's highest in the nation state sales and income taxes, Phil, America's favorite pro, is paying about 63¢ on every dollar he earns, and he doesn't want to do that any more. How soon will it be before he moves to Texas or Florida? Hey, Phil, you owe no apologies to anyone...


pot-US Obluster says if you go to a restaurant and eat the meal, you have to pay the bill. I learned that if you don't have but $5.00 in pocket, don't order the $50.00 surf&turf special.


Two new Constitutional Amendments look like their time to be added had come. The first will be for a budget curtailing expenditures beyond revenue receipts; the second would require a public airing/confirmation of a US birth certificate before any candidate can be put on a ballot of any type.

Why would Leon Panetta think al-Qaida would be concerned at his threats to them about killing Americans? Once pot-US Obluster bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, all respect for America became moot.


Why is it the black community seems to be comfortable greeting each other with the " n- word", and the white community would rebuke being greeted with a slur such as 'cracker?


So pot-US Obluster and Bleep Veep Biden participated in the National Day of Prayer. Guess it's true... Finding yourself in a foxhole makes believers on us all.


With Ambassadorships going out as political favors for large donations, I'll bet pot-US Obluster will look at the donors to The Republican Party for a replacement ambassador to Benghazi.


Liberals L-E "soundoff": "Rush Limbaugh spent years trying to convince everyone that second-hand smoke isn’t dangerous. Now he’s trying to tell us that gun laws don’t work." -- Give or take a few, there are 20,000 gun laws on the books as we speak and most Americans observe and respect them all; criminals respect none of them. That's the problem, not guns. Courts are the solution, but courts have been persuaded by liberals to go easy on criminals. See a vicious circle emerging here?


From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1964, the 24th Amendment to the Constitution, eliminating the poll tax in federal elections, was ratified." -- Interesting... the poll taxes were initiated in the South following the Civil War when Northerners were in control of the Southern states and didn't want blacks to vote. Interesting too, is that when the 24th Amendment was ratified in 1964, the Southern States were primarily Democrats. Guess you could say there actually was a tax enough Democrats voted to end.... also you could bet that today's Democrats would like to get their hands on poll tax revenues again.


Have you noticed newer postage stamps.... you know, "Justice Forever".. after reading about the number of criminals walking on the street long before their sentences have ended, I'm at a point I'd like to see 'justice once in a while".


Did you read about the Alabama driver who was killed when a loaded crossbow in his back seat went off and hit him? How could you not know a crossbow wasn't loaded?


L-E story: "ATLANTA — The Supreme Court of Georgia has upheld the murder conviction and life sentence of a Georgia man accused of slaying his daughter in a so-called honor killing. * Chaudry Rashid was accused of strangling his 25-year-old daughter because she planned to divorce her husband from an arranged marriage * When Rashid moved to the United States from Pakistan after his wife died, he left his four children with his brother. Once he married a U.S. citizen, Rashid had his children join him. * In 2002, his daughter Sandeela Kanwal agreed to an arranged marriage with her cousin, the son of the uncle who had raised her in Pakistan, so that he could also move to the U.S." -- Welcome to sharia law.... let's pray pot-US Obluster doesn't get it installed here in the next few years, and this guy gets released retroactively.


From L-E story:


Monday: Spaghetti or beefy mac; glazed carrots; green salad; bread stick; fruit; milk.

Tuesday: Corn dog or sloppy joe; baked beans; cole slaw; fruit; milk.

Wednesday: Hamburger or fish sticks; fries; grape tomatoes; fruit; milk.

Thursday: Pot roast or chicken nuggets; mashed potatoes; peas & carrots; roll; fresh fruit; milk.

Friday: Pizza; corn; steamed broccoli; fruit; milk.

-- Hmmmm. and what impact has Michelle Obama's campaign against obesity really made?


Online quote source: " Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.” -- Thomas Jefferson -- Another 'sound bite" you will not hear a DUMBERat politician utter in a campaign plea.

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