Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year..... in spite of pot-US Obluster!


The Times Square ball, the My Olive, NC "pickle" drop, the Atlanta "peach" drop, and many other "objects' dropped at midnight, but the biggest "drop" of 2012 was when the voters dropped the bomb in November.


Year end report on Schick Hydro 5 cartridges:


Today I start with a new one, and won't notice much difference.


Two lesbians in Kansas put in a Craig's List ad for a sperm donor. A Kansas guy volunteered, and a fault free contract was signed. Later, the 2 lesbians split up, and now a Kansas court has ruled the "donor" not only has to pay child support, but is also on the hook for $6,000.00 in medical costs. I really thought that something like this was limited to California, but this was in Kansas... Dorothy's Kansas.... fly-over country.... liberals.... it's a plague...they're everywhere!


Contact your Congressional Representative and have them hold firm on the Debt Ceiling until the Senate has a real (and acceptable) budget for this year!


2nd Day Air is a rip off from UPS.... the last 3 times companies have shipped this way, the package did not go out until a Thursday, and UPS doesn't deliver "2nd day Air" packages on Saturdays UNLESS you pay extra on top of the additional "2nd Day Air" fee. There's no guarantee that your package will be shipped on any day but a Thursday or Friday In actuality, my package is taking 5 days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday) to get here. Because of the holiday, if the package had been shipped on Friday, it would not get delivered until Wednesday.. It would have been much cheaper for normal PSPS package delivery.


Why all the focus on the tax issue 'fiscal cliff" ? Everyone is already going to see Obamacare taxes and fines hit us in the wallet starting today.

Why does Fox News think anything Kim Kardasian is Fox News worthy?


A $450,000-$550,000 tax increase threshhold for couples will not increase revenues pot-US Obluster feels it will. Families with that kind of earned income don't have to rely on it for day-to-day living, so most families will (or can) cap their earned income.

Online story: "WASHINGTON -- Three hours shy of the midnight deadline, the White House and congressional leaders reached a deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, several sources confirmed to The Huffington Post. * Under the deal brokered by Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Congress would permanently extend the Bush income tax cuts at $400,000 and below, keep the estate tax threshold at $5 million and extend unemployment benefits for one year." -- While there appears to be some 'good' in the deal, does anyone else feel like no one was representing them? I'm beginning to think this is how our founding fathers felt in 1776.


Why is Washington, D.C. campaigning for statehood on the basis it doesn't have "representation'? We do have representation, but it doesn't help us any better than what Washington, D.C. citizens get.


From the same story above: "The deal still requires buy-in from members of both parties, and Biden was set to meet with Senate Democrats Monday night to try to sell them on the package. That could prove challenging given that key progressive groups, including the AFL-CIO, made it clear earlier Monday that they would oppose any deal that raised the income limit for extending the Bush tax cuts above $250,000." -- Is the union so used to be against all business practices that it cannot even see one that will benefits itself?


Have you noticed a trend in assigning projects to Bleep Veep Biden? Anything pot=US Obluster doesn't want to have to answer for is put in Biden's corner, so if it (and it will) goes wrong, Obluster has an out.


Online story: "Infamous polygamist and leader of the break-off Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints sect has predicted that the end of times is near, prompting some to worry about violence this New Year's Eve. * Warren Jeffs is currently serving a life sentence in Texas for abusing underage girl "brides," -- Hmmm, what's Jeffs hoping... that Armageddon will shorten his life sentence?


Online story: "WASHINGTON (AP) — Doctors treating Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for a blood clot say the clot formed in her head but they stress that they are confident she will make a full recovery." -- Of course she'll make a 'full recovery! I'm a pragmatist, not a pessimist, but Hillary has dodged so many investigations in so many different ways, it's just hard to truly believe what we hear anymore. She's cried 'wolf' too often.


Online headline: "North Korea's Kim Jong Un Calls For Better Living Standards" -- That's a no-brainer... any standard of living in North Korea would be a better living standard in North Korea.


If a college football player won't make a full 4 years commitment to a college before entering the NFL draft, how can we expect said player to make a commitment to take the team's/school's best interest to heart?


In the L-E's "Today in history" feature: "In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect" -- Hmmm, and liberals still blame it on Bush.


Things HAVE to change! From a L-E story, a 22 year old man, identified as the father of a 19 year old's two children, burst into the woman's apartment and accosted another 22 year old many (pressumedly trying to give the 19 year old another child). With the state of our educational and entitlement systems, poverty is self re-cycling. Maybe the school system should keep the Academic Success Center, and pay for it by abolishing Sex Ed classes which obviously aren't working for prevention of babies .


pot-US Obluster can claim he has stimulated some industry in the US because of his re-election... the gun industry.


It's a shame to see pictures of the Shaw Christmas Tournament games with so many empty seats in the background.


With that 'next day' birth control pill being available over-the-counter, why would any company be made to include that in its healthcare plan for employees?


Guess the Columbus L-E is not ready for the New Year... it reran December 31st's Comiuc strips and word puzzles.


In that spirit, here are some of last year's items we should never forget:

"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." - George Washington Carver


This still hasn't made it to the pages of the L-E, but I think even the L-E would actually have trouble printing what Robert F. Kennedy says. I ran it December 9, 2012, and will periodically to remind BCers worldwide how the DUMBERat Party thrives/survives on division:
Online headline: "RFK Jr: Fox News Has Divided Country In A Way Not Seen Since Civil War" -- Fox News? This coming from a DUMBERat who's party has given us affirmative action, political correctness, racist taxes on indoor tanning, the Congressional Black Caucus, historic black colleges with charity status, still allows black segregated beauty pageants and athletic events, and deems racism as a one way street. Fox News is the only TV network that discusses such dividing factors, and from both sides.
Since the L-E won't identify columnist Karl Douglass as a paid campaign staffer for Sanford Bishop, I'm going to run this May 6th 'item' often in my blog (and place in the L-E online comments area) until the L-E does the right thing:
I see the L-E has run another Karl Douglass column without identifying him as a paid member of the re-elect Sanford Bishop organization. Fortunately, Karl had some pretty wise words to say about financial responsibility of our City. I would have been more impressed, though, if he had directed such advice and comments to his employer, Congressman Bishop!

So President Obama told us that, " You didn’t elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth." Then he went on to explain his college education plan:
· Cut the growth of college tuition in half over the next 10 years
· Recruit 100,000 math and science teachers over the next 10 years
· Train two million workers for real jobs at community colleges --
This has the reality factor of a 21st Century Mother Goose story written for a remake of the Twilight Zone!


Missed one or just want to review past editions?

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