Saturday, January 26, 2013

Online story: "Official: Armstrong Lied to Oprah" -- DOH! Now Lance Armstrong, author James Frey and pot-US Obluster all have the same thing in common....


Online headline: "John Boehner: Ending Abortion Is 'One Of Our Most Fundamental Goals This Year" -- Boehner has already stuck his foot in his mouth, but now he's determined to chew it off. I'm truly against abortions as a form of birth control, but that's truly an issue between the parties and God. We do not, repeat, do not ever need to make 'back alley, rusty coat hanger' abortions the only option for people determined to do so, and we do not need to make abortions part of routine insurance/government paid healthcare (ooops, there go most D&C procedures).


Laborously got an e-mail off to Boehner, and I copied this message from his site: "Congressman Boehner is leading the drive for smaller, more accountable government and better solutions to the challenges facing our nation. If you would like to receive updates on the issues that affect you and your family, please sign up below. " -- How can he claim to want smaller government yet still want government control of personal decisions?


Online headline: "Obama, Hillary Clinton Doing First-Ever Joint Interview For '60 Minutes'" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought they were going to discuss medical marijuana as a treatment for concussions.


Online headline: "Casey Anthony Gets Good News From Judges * Casey Anthony Convictions Set Aside: Court Throws Out 2 Of 4 Convictions For Lying to Cops" -- Hmmm, somehow having any of her convictions out doesn't make her any less of a liar.


Online headline: "Obama To Make Major Immigration Announcement Next Week" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought he was going to declare his move to France. Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea (China's out because China may want to collect their loans from him).


Online story: "A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said that Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board. * The unanimous decision is an embarrassing setback for the president, who made the appointments after Senate Republicans spent months blocking his choices for an agency they contended was biased in favor of unions." -- Hey, don't get excicted...Just what makes anyone think pot-US Obluster values Appeals Court decisions any more than Constitutional Amendments? He's already blown off the US Supreme Court in a prior State of the Union speech.


Apple..... the market took big bite out of it this week in spite of record revenues and near record profit. Guess pot-US Obluster is getting back at Jobs for comments Jobs made while still alive.


With all that's going on in the MCSD world, one can help but wonder if Judge Cohn's family is rethinking letting one of the schools to be named after him.


L-E story: "Columbus is one of 24 Georgia cities to be recertified as a “City of Ethics” by the Georgia Municipal Association, according to a GMA release. * Each city will be required to apply for recertification every four years." -- Hmmm, you mean we had been certified "ethical" when the Parks&Rec basketball and swimming pool scandals, the Civic Center scandal, the Business Codes scandal, and the prison scandal were going on.... doesn't say too much about being re-certified as a "City of Ethics".


When will DUMBERats and mainstream media admit that no new gun laws are necessary. What is necessary is for courts to aggressively enforce the penalties for illegal possession and use of guns.


Just saw a local bike shop ad showing a bicyclist traversing man-made jumps and ramps on a woodsy cross country trail. I guess running down "dears" on city sidewalks wasn't enough; now they're going after the other deer.


Blaming the Newtown, Conn incident, the principal of an elementary school in Nashville, TN has initiated a policy that parents can only come on campus twice in a nine week term during school hours, and must go online and print out an "event pass". Just another government effort to take over our children! Name me a parent that shot anyone at Newtown.


You know, I can agree with one point Diane Feinstein makes...automatic and illegal guns do not belong on our streets. Unfortunately, Einstein blames guns not the criminals. Unfortunately, Feinstein is introducing another wasted gun control bill rather than a bill that will put gun wielding criminals in the death chamber.


Hurricane Sandy victims... How's FEMA and Governors Christie & Cuomo working for you since the elections and DUMBERat political photo-op sessions have passed?


If women are going to be 'allowed' to serve on the front line in a combat situation, then it shouldn't be on 'an opt in' basis. Other than job options that require special education training such as a doctor or dentist or lawyer, all recruits, men and women should be accepted only if they are combat candidates.. and no special treatment assignments based on gender.


Petty L-E "soundoff": " It seems Obama’s parents did not teach him it’s very impolite to chew gum in public, especially at your own inauguration ceremony. " -- It was probably Nicorette to get him through the situation until he could get back to researching the medical marijuana samples for Obamacare.


L-E story: "Spirit Pouring on Teens will host a special meeting from 4-6 p.m. Sun-day at XXX XXXXX XXXXX, XXXX XXXX XX. * S.P.O.T. brings teens together by building relationships throughout the community to minister to any physical or emotional needs that teens may be faced with on a daily basis. * The event will include praise and worship, food, fellowship, praise dancers, hip hop music and a special guest from Atlanta who will read poetry." -- While I'm not a cynic, my realism shudders that an organization is putting its well-intended energy and resources into this lost effort. The Bradley Theater Teen Center was a "well intended 'good idea'", but the reality is that teens from different area don't mix with teens from other areas. It's a matter of comfort to be with people you know, especially for teens. That's why gangs have 'turf', and other gangs aren't welcome.


From the L-E's "Today in history": In 1998, President Bill Clinton forcefully denied having an affair with a former White House intern, telling reporters, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” -- I still contend that this was the one time Clinton didn't lie... This statement wasn't about not having a sexual relationship WITH Lewinsky, it was telling Lewinsky he didn't have a sexual relationship with ;that woman', meaning Hillary.


L-E headline/story: "Peach Little League holds late registration * A birth certificate and proof of residency are required" -- Hmmm now we know why pot-US Obluster didn't play Little League baseball, and why he has such a wimpy 'first pitch' delivery.


L-E headline/story: "Gatorade to remove controversial ingredient * Brominated vegetable oil, a synthetic chemical that has been patented in Europe as a flame retardant, will no longer double as an ingredient in Gatorade sports drinks." -- "Brominated vegetable oil, a synthetic chemical"? Gatorade has been putting that in our children? No wonder coaches seem to look 'slick' when it's dumped on them! Thank goodness I'm such a Coca Cola fan that I buy mine Powerade.


Hadn't really thought of it before, but when the L-E lists building permits in the weekend paper, it tells criminals where loads of raw construction material can be found.


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