Friday, January 18, 2013

Notre Dame football player Te'o claiming to be a victim is absurd! If some NFL team drafts him, he will find out what a victim feels like when he finds out his press clippings have him being a better player than he really is.


Somewhere, someone is more than likely running around with sexting pictures Te'o sent to his "girlfriend", and they will probably end up in a NFL locker room.


This Te'o scam... Notre Dame has its head of athletics out defending Te'o as a victim. BS! You would think he'd have learned about how blind loyalty brought down Penn State's AD and football program.


Hmmm, now there is complete doubt that Te'o will get drafted as a linebacker... rating services are guessing he may go as either a tight end or wide receiver.


I have to wonder why there was such emphasis on the Lincoln-Douglas Debates when our history books talked about the 1860 presidential elections. Douglas barely scratched votes from the Electoral College, while runner-up John C. Breckinridge joined Jefferson Davis's CSA cabinet as Secretary of War.


Hypocrite.. One of several words that fit pot-US Obluster to a tee. pot-US Obluster hides behind children after authorizing running guns and more dangerous weapons to Mexican drug dealers and mid-east jihadists.

How can the mainstream media ignore the steep rise in precious metals? Precious metals are the real time inflation trailing index; nothing more, nothing less.


Why is Hillary back in the State Department before she testifies on Benghazi. Congress should be reassured she's regained her lucidity before she starts making new decisions that effect American policy abroad.


Why does Fox want to keep Karl Rove on the payroll. Rove proved himself to be an agendarist rather than an analyst during the 2012 election cycle, and will do the same through 2016.


Just heard a radio ad from West GA Health in Lagrange advertising surgery, weight loss surgery as a better way to health. No matter what surgery you have aimed at weight control, none will make you healthy unless you alter your lifestyle.


I do try to soften Glenn Beck's stridency, but after a fellow BCer sent a video of Beck talking about more findings in Benghazi-gate that implicate the Ambassador and CIA in providing aggressive weapons to the Syrian al-Qaida, pot-US Obluster's Benghazi is making Nixon's cover-up of the Watergate incidence look like Sesame Street.


Speaking of pot-US Obluster, have another e-mail wanting me to make a political contribution to him so he can push his gun control agenda. The FEC has got to shut down his campaign site!


Speaking of unwanted e-mails, I just received an e-mail from " that started out with a disclaimer that the content was not necessarily Newts'. It was purely an ad from one of Newt's sponsors. is now in my SPAM folder.


E-mail received from the Columbus Civic Center: "FREE Pit Pass with Every Ticket Purchased to Monster Nation!" -- One of two things has happened: Either the Civic Center has one very large 'pit', or not many tickets are expected to sell. My guess is the 'latter'.


Online headline: "Son Of 'Barney & Friends' Creator, Arrested For Attempted Murder" -- If he had tried to killer his parent, he could have possibly won on a "justifiable homicide" defense, especially if I was on the jury, but more importantly, what are the last two generations do to debrief themselves from being "Barney" and "Elmo" indoctrinated?


I do hope the RNC is deleting Chris Christie from its e-mail list. Christie seems to have become all-for-himself in recent crises.


Online headline/story: "Asma Aghbaria-Zahalka, Leader Of Daam Jewish-Arab Party, Makes Long-Shot Election Bid In Israel * An Arab woman who's been toiling on the fringes of Israeli politics for nearly two decades has broken out of obscurity in this year's election with a non-conformist message that's resonating with protest voters. * She preaches for the nationalization of key industries – a rare idea in this capitalist land. She calls for coexistence with Israel's Jewish majority as fervently as she demands Palestinian statehood. She's a Palestinian woman who heads a Jewish-dominated party even though she hails from a conservative Muslim family." -- Why's she wasting her time and effort in Israel when she would be the perfect qualificant for the next pot-US Obluster appointee as Secretary of State or Ambassador to Iran?


Sorry to see Cathy Williams stepping down as MCSD chair. Didn't always agree with her assessments, but she did her homework and was open to rational discussion, and 'open to rational discussion' is a rare trait among MCSD board members.
L-E story: "An employee at the Summit gas station on the 1500 block of Veteran's Parkway was struck with a wine bottle Wednesday during an armed robbery, according to a Columbus Police Department report. * About 5 a.m. an unknown man entered Summit, grabbed a bottle of wine and hit the attendant with it." -- Grabbed a bottle of wine from a Summit gas station convenience store? My imagination runs wild. Must have been a bottle of Con-a-sewer vintage.
L-E "soundoff": "After 50 years, Shiloh is still a speed trap, and you can add Warm Springs and Waverly Hall as well. " -- I would suspect our heavey-footed writer is familiar with all three town constables.
Misinformed liberal's L-E "soundoff": "The idea that Hitler confiscated guns is a bogus notion. He confiscated Jews’ guns, but loosened gun laws for everybody else. Transfers of rifles, shotguns, and ammunition were completely deregulated, a la America. " -- Judy B..... is this you?
L-E story: "ST. LOUIS — A student accused of shooting an administrator at his St. Louis business school had a history of violence and a parole violation that should have landed him in jail, but didn’t." -- Once again, not handling criminals in the way they should created an avoidable death situation. Closer to home, a friend of mine's child was killed by a reckless driver who should have been incarcerated on weekends according to his previous sentence.
Hmmm, how interesting... when you talk about driving a car, reckless driving and wreckless driving are polar opposites.
Gun control is not the problem; it's a symptom of lack of criminal control. Courts must shut liberals up, and regain fear and respect amongst criminals that justice will be swift, certain, and deadly when deserving.
From L-E story: "“My fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”

— John F. Kennedy, Jan. 20, 1961.

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

— Ronald Reagan, Jan. 20, 1981.
-- If both of these quotations were ingrained in both parties, America would not be suffering economically nor socially.
L-E editorial cartoon:
-- Ooops, my bad, I thought the figure was pot-US Obluster.. Sorry.
Theresa El-Amin must either be Judy F Brouillete's "separated at birth twin sister" or her Marxist book club study partner.
I'm sure there are reasons for the discrepancy, but the GA Depatment of Labor figures and the US Census show some glaring differences:
US Census population figure:
  1. Atlanta: 420,003
  2. Augusta: 195,844
  3. Columbus: 189,885
  4. Savannah: 136,286
GA Department of Labor work force figures:
Georgia Department of Labor Here are the December 2012 workforce totals for Georgia’s metro areas:

Atlanta — 2,371,500

Augusta — 206,400

Savannah — 155,600

Columbus — 119,600
My guess is that the GDOL used SMSA figures, BUT...BUT... why do Atlanat, Augusta, and Savannah work force figures exceed their official population figures, while Columbus's is less?

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