Wednesday, January 16, 2013

pot-US Obluster is promoting that he'll have children surrounding him and Bleep Veep Biden as he speaks about guns tpday. It a bullet is fired at the podium with pot-US Obluster, Bleep Veep Biden, and the children, which two people will the Secret Service agents dive in front of to take the bullet?


When pot-US is on his soapbox today, I wish a reporter will ask him which of his new proposals would have actually stopped the Connecticut psycho from doing what he did?


Campaign reform... Realistically, only people eligible to vote for a candidate should be able to donate to that candidate, but that would be a band-aid. To be effective, a campaign law should limit gifts/seeking such gifts to the same year as the primary/election will be held, and no loans should be allowed, and once the election is complete, all campaign accounts be turned over to IRS for auditing and IRS will turn over leftover funds to the Treasury.


HuffPost story: "WASHINGTON -- The National Rifle Association is currently experiencing what officials say is an "unprecedented" jump in membership. More than 250,000 people have signed up in the last month, and the group is crediting the surge to Congress' contemplation of new legislation that would restrict some forms of firearms." -- The HuffPost contends that the reason for the "jump" is because of 'discounts' being offered for a "lifetime membership". Well, HuffPost followers, regardless of reason, Americans are supporting the 2nd Amendment by signing on the dotted line (or in Bleep Veep Biden-ese, 250,000 believers 'pulled the trigger' to show support)


If Rahm Emanuel survives his Chicago chaos, he'll probably have a job waiting as the Allstate chaos guy.


Online story: "After two years of failed attempts to pass a bill lowering the tuition rate for undocumented students at public colleges and universities throughout Colorado, state Democratic legislators are trying again. * This year's version of the ASSET bill allows students to pay the same tuition rate as Colorado residents, provided that the student attends at least three years of high school education or completes their general equivalency diploma (GED) in Colorado and is accepted to an in-state college or university." -- Hmmm, interesting possibilities arise... Out-of-state tuition fees for American citizens who are living in the 49 other states amount to $10,000 +/- per semester at Colorado U., but, if I'm reading correctly, I could send my child to Colorado, have her take the GED in Colorado, and then avoid paying the out-of-state fees. Let's hope someone challenges this bill on that basis, and files a class action suit for every American citizen.


Listening to the radio yesterday, I heard a woman relate that some of her friends, low info voters, thought Benghazi and all Jazeeri were people, and one was involved with an Ambassador, and the other owned a TV or radio station. They vote.... help us, Lord.


Online story: "Federal immigration agents were prepared to arrest an illegal immigrant and registered sex offender days before the November elections but were ordered by Washington to hold off after officials warned of "significant interest" from Congress and news organizations because the suspect was a volunteer intern for Sen. Robert Menendez, according to internal agency documents provided to Congress. * The Homeland Security Department said last month, when The Associated Press first disclosed the delayed arrest of Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, that AP's report was "categorically false." * Noting that Sanchez was a volunteer in Menendez's Senate office, ICE officials in New Jersey advised that the arrest "had the possibility of garnering significant congressional and media interest" and were "advised to postpone the arrest" until officials in Washington gave approval. The documents describe a conference call between officials Washington and New Jersey to "determine a way forward, given the potential sensitivities surrounding the case." -- BTW, Sen. Menendez is a DUMBERat but it took 9 paragraphs before such was noted. If he'd been a Republican, that would have been in the headline, and mainstream media would have been all over it.


What would the NY Times have done if that other NY paper published a map of its subscribers and whether they were registered gun owners or not?


Online story: "After restricting smoking, salt, trans fats and the size of sodas, what could (NYC Mayor) Mike Bloomberg possibly meddle in next? Well, wonder no more. Last week, New York’s Mayor sharply restricted the painkillers that doctors at the city’s 11 public hospital ERs can prescribe. Patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of some of the most common painkillers, such as Vicodin and Percocet. Long-acting painkillers such as OxyContin can no longer be prescribed at all. Doctors protested that it will harm poor people in chronic pain who rely on public ERs for primary care. But Bloomberg says it’s necessary to curtail addiction sparked by having too many pills around" -- When you have a DUMBERat wearing a Republican sheep's costume, real Republicans still get the short end of the schtick. DUMBERats laugh on the way to the polls and Republicans just don't go.
pot-US Obluster references his early days as a community organizer in Chicago in his latest plea for a volunteer work day this weekend. For the record, how do you get a job as a community organizer, who employees you, and who determines your salary, and where does the money come from that you get paid with?
Hmmmm, how come Senator Obama actively opposed raising the debt ceiling in 2006 & 2008, but now ignores inquiries even though the National Debt has doubled since 2006.
Let's not get involved with France in Mali. France is responsible for our getting involved in Viet Nam, and we know where that road took us.
Walmart just trumped pot-US Obluster, his union minions, Harry Reid and the DNC with a pledge to give every veteran a job who wants one. Even the mainstream media isn't sure how to spin Walmart in a negative manner.
Not many different things upset me as a rule, but one did yesterday. Riding along east on J R Allen at (well a couple of miles faster) the speed limit when a tanker truck merges on behind me from the #5 ramp. Then the (_@_) proceeds to catch up and pass me. Why aren't rolling time bombs equipped with effective speed controls?
$900,000.00 in attorney fees? If the judge has any justice within him, he should give the attorneys Synovus stock options instead of money. If the attorneys were so concerned over the welfare of the shareholders, the shareholders will be a lot better off if Synovus can keep the $900K and apply it to the nearly 1 billion dollars in TARP loans.
L-E story: "The W.C. Bradley Co., in its first major move on the Phenix City side of the Chattahoochee River, has purchased Phenix Plaza shopping center for $4.5 million with plans for a major renovation." -- Hmmm, perhaps another dorm for CSU and Troy State students, and at least this one would have non-public parking spaces.
L-E headline: "Columbus Sen. Josh McKoon appointed chairman of influential Senate Judiciary Committee" -- Perhaps the BC will be printed daily in the GA Congressional Record? Nice job, Josh!
Why doesn't the MCSD just put the position out in ads in trade magazines that reach potential prospects, and when the board gets a promising response, spend the money to have a thorough search of the candidate. This has got to be a better and more efficient and cheaper way to find the right candidate.
L-E headline: "Death toll from Syria university blasts reaches 87" -- Hey, pot-US Obluster and friends, why don't you just pass a law making it illegal to make or carry bombs in a crowd? That law would be just as effective as ones you're trying to circumvent our Constitution with.
L-E story: "A jury must decide whether a Columbus mother went too far in spanking her then-5-year-old son with a belt so hard the lashes left bruises and welts on him. * "We are here today because Jessica Conaway crossed the line," prosecutor LaRae Moore told the jury of 10 women and two men who must determine whether such discipline constitutes first-degree child cruelty. "She literally spanked him until he was black and blue." * Conaway admits whipping the boy with a belt in May 2011 after he twice kicked a teacher's aide at his elementary school and then slapped another boy on a playground. "So the evidence is pretty simple," Moore said, telling jurors they must answer the question, "When is discipline crossing the line?" -- You know, maybe not at 5 years old, but when my dad used a belt for corporal punishment, he made two points. 1- I wasn't going to do 'that' again, and 2 - you could tell it hurt him more than me. We readers do not have pictorial evidence to look if the punishment went pass some arbitrary line, but nannyism to this degree has undermined all the good impressions Ms Moore made during her campaign. Yeah, the evidence is "pretty simple" to me, the DA's office (and probably DFACS) has gone too far in becoming surrogate parent police.
What's with the effusive congratulatory aura about online college degrees? How do colleges even know that a particular student is actually doing the computer submitted work, and how many "people skills" can communicating through a computer will a student pick up? There is a place for such a venue... say for already working persons to update business skills, but for complete degrees, the commendation needs to be delayed for many years to see the actual results. To give perspective, just watch how your teens use texting (faceless confrontation), 'twitter', and Facebook to 'communicate', and few rarely actually use a cell phone to call/talk with anyone other than parents.
From above story: "U.S. News & World Report uses various factors in its rankings. They include: student engagement; faculty credentials and training; student services and technology; admissions selectivity; and a program's reputation among its peers." -- And how does U.S. News & World Report gather such info and evaluate/rank it?
I'm curious.... why would the "Whitewater Committee to Pave the Chattahoochee" grant an 'outfitters' concession to a company to operate out of Alabama? Columbus want get any local sales taxes from that operation. Wouldn't Columbus benefit more if ALL the emphasis was placed on developing this side of the river.
According to history books I have read, General Custer had Gatling guns available but opted nit to take them on his venture into the Big Horn area because they were cumbersome to travel with. Bet he wished he had some.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “There are three ingredients to the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.” — Christopher Morley, U.S. journalist (1890-1957). -- Hmmm, and those (learning, earning, and yearning) are the exact ingredients missing from government entitlement programs.
L-E story: "ALBANY, N.Y. — Jumping out ahead of Washington, New York enacted the nation’s toughest gun restrictions Tuesday and the first since the Connecticut school shooting, including an expanded assault-weapon ban and mandatory background checks for buying ammunition. * “Common sense can win,” Cuomo said. * “You can overpower the extremists with intelligence and with reason and with common sense.” -- Arrggghhhh!!!!! Where do the DUMBERats find these people to run for office! "Common sense can win"? If so, the November election would have been a Romney landslide. “You can overpower the extremists with intelligence and with reason and with common sense.”? If so, passing laws like this just demonstrate how unintelligent and how lacking of common sense DUMBerats really are.
Just read my last "Non Sequitur" visual commentary:
God already knows who's coming, and he's already told us 'you can't take it with you'. Obviously Mr Miller is an unbeliever
From a fellow BCer:
Obama rated as the 4th best president ever
Hard to dispute unbiased research.

A study group recently released its findings
as to the best presidents
of the United States of America .

Obama has been rated
as the 4th best president ever:

Reagan and 9 others tied for 1st,
15 presidents tied for 2nd,
18 tied for 3rd,
and Obama came in 4th
along with Jimmy Carter.

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