Monday, January 14, 2013

Online story: "WASHINGTON -- With gun control at the forefront of the national debate after last month's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., Colin Powell weighed in on the subject and expressed support for a possible ban on assault weapons." -- Whatta wimp! To think we entrusted out military and issues of state decisions to him at one time... Heck, I'm for a ban on "assault weapons" being in the hands of civilians, even being made/shipped to other countries if that's of matter, but I am not for banning semi-automatic weapons that are made in a similar look/profile. Of course, I am FOR police and courts cracking down on people who possess stolen guns, felons who possess any type of weapon, and especially anyone who uses an illegal weapon during the commission of another crime. I am for banning those people from life, sunlight and breathing. Powell is disappointment personified!


Online headline: "Obama Undergoes Fitness Test" -- Bet in didn't include mental fitness.


If government wants more tax revenue, it should look one particular source that is, in a sense, a parasite on government actions it influences... lawyers. Taxpayers pay for the court systems, for the prison systems, for the public servants which enforce court findings, yet lawyers do not collect sales taxes from their customers, and government doesn't collect income tax on court awards.


While we're at it, why doesn't the state/local government collect sales taxes on the purchase of lottery tickets?


An otter has taken up residency in an area of San Francisco for the first time in 50+ years. Locals are excited, but are afraid that he will abandon the spot because he won't find a mate there, so powers that be are searching for one. Don't you know they'll probably bring him another male....


The libs are having a tough time dealing with the Connecticut psycho. His gun owning teacher mom knew he was mentally ill but didn't keep her guns secure.


Judge Jeanine for the US Supreme Court! Go online and find her Fox News rebuttal to the NY paper who printed the gun owners' map of addresses, including hers, and she's a former District Attorney and Judge who put criminals away. She nailed what we all think.... or should be thinking.


From a L-E story, (How come it's in Monday's paper... did the school board work Sat or Sun?) Apparently, the MCSD school board is rethinking year-round schools as a way to cut costs. While the board is in a thinking mode, it should also put all those summertime food/daycare programs that keep us on the tax hook (and extreme power bill hook) during the months our ancestors knew were unfit to school kids.


L-E's "Thought for Today": "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." -Robert A. Heinlein, American science-fiction author (1907-1988) -- Hmmm, proof positive that pot-US Obluster is not a happy man.


That Indiana story of the child being kidnapped by his grandparents 19 years ago has some aspects that just don't promote sympathy for the child's parents. Undoudtedly, the child was in the school and legal systems (name change in 2006), but no social security number match-up were made until this year, and the father says he can't afford to go to Minnesota to see his son after 19 years.


Excerpt from a liberal's L-E online "comment of the day" concerning the Newtown, CT massacre: "I've heard the excuse ad nauseam that gun laws wouldn't have stopped the madman in Newtown," -- Hmmm, hey goofball, if you hadn't noticed, there were ALREADY laws against gun usage the psycho did, and they didn't stop his psycho actions! Do you think you can write up a new law that would have made a difference?


Why doesn't Council (or at least the Columbus Runners' Community) pass a law/rule that prohibits shirtless participation? What's good for the gander is good for the goose.


Excuse me, but why do homosexuals think they have (or it's their right to) to announce themselves on National TV events? Are they looking for new partners or such?

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