Thursday, April 4, 2013

From the "only from California" depatrtment - Online story: "LOS ANGELES -- The Food and Drug Administration has fast-tracked human tests of what may be the first cure for methamphetamine addiction. The drug also may be the first non-opiate drug treatment for heroin and opiate addiction." -- Hmmm, a pill to cure a drug addiction.... next the FDA will be announcing a new beer that cures alcohol addiction, and a cigarette that cures cancer. Nothing "cures" a drug addiction accept stopping the intake,


Online story: "MOBILE, Ala. — The crippled (Carnival) cruise ship whose sewage-filled breakdown in the Gulf of Mexico subjected thousands to horrendous conditions tore loose Wednesday from the dock where it's being repaired, lumbered downriver and crunched into a cargo ship." -- Guess Carnival will be the subject on a movie soon... "Nightmare on HELM Street".


Online headline: "North Korea Threatens 'Merciless Attack' Against US" -- Tomorrow, I expect to hear that Peter Sellers has "arisen" and will make a sequel to "The Mouse that Roared".


Online headline/story: "Large Food Stamp Scam Busted At Florida Convenience Store * The father-and-son team bought the cards from sellers desperate for hard cash for between 20 and 40 cents on the dollar. According to News Journal, the duo would pay $200, for example, for an EBT card loaded with $500 in credits. Then they used the cards to buy goods at Walmart and Save-A-Lot stores as a way to cheaply supply their own store. * On Monday, after a three-month investigation, the two men were arrested and state and federal agents raided the business. The Diabs allegedly made at least $88,000 through EBT transactions at the store" -- And with typical government efficiency, the investigation probably cost more than the scam. Combined with the employees probably going on unemployment, food stamps, Court appointed lawyers, and Medicaid, taxpayers were better off allowing the scam to continue.


Online story: "Move over, Harvard. * New findings from the Princeton Review suggest that the country's oldest university has lost its top billing in modern college applicants' minds. * With a new king could come a new perception of royalty, however. Students told the Princeton Review that they are concerned about getting into their dream school, but there is another worry that burdens them even more than getting admitted: Some 9,955 college applicants responding to a Princeton Review survey said their chief concern is graduating with too much student debt." -- Well, it's nice to hear some students are actually learning something in college.... not to be duped into debt so not-necessarily-proficient professors keep their tenure and annual pay raises flowing.


Robert Johnson of BET (Black Entertainment Television) faults American corporations for racism, but how many non-blacks does he have working for him and how many shows does he televise, not just for white audiences, but just for crossover audiences? I look at TV schedules a lot, especially for movies, and his station never has one that interests me. Racism is a two way street.


Our Sophia is now 11 months old, has two bottom chompers and uppers are about to breath through, Sophia's mom brought us a package of baby tooth 'paste' and a fingrttip brush. The package proudly proclaimed it was 'ok' if babies swallowed some as it contains 'no fluoride'. I thought, "huh?", as I digested the fact that when we make her formula, we make it with tap water that does have fluoride in it. Is the tooth 'paste' company blowing smoke, or should we sue the Columbus Water Works?


Online story: "A southern New Jersey man who admitted killing a teenager 23 years ago was haunted by nighttime visions of the boy's mother, according to the suspect's best friend. * Steven Goff, 41, of Ventnor, turned himself in to police Monday and confessed to the 1990 stabbing of 15-year-old Frederick "Ricky" Hart in Galloway Township. *

Superior Court Judge Michael Donio advised Goff that he had to wait until being indicted by a grand jury before he could enter a plea. The prosecutor's office said no further court appearances or grand jury proceedings had been scheduled as of Wednesday." -- A judge advised a man 'he had to wait until being indicted" before he could enter his plea? The nightmare continues for the victim's mother..


Have you noticed Kim Jong Un II's rantings haveb taken several other news stories out of the media? Now we get next-to-nothing on the Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi, "sequester", Judas 00-bama's NCAA picks, nor his string of vacations. Maybe Judas 00-bama told Dennis Rodman to relay to Kim Jong Un II that he could be more flexible after the election, too.


Online headline: "College Hoops Coach Fired for Verbal and Physical Abuse" -- Oooops, my bad. Thought maybe the NCAA had lifted its ban on Bobby Knight.

Yesterday, I took a walk along the RiverWalk from just north of the collapsed bank behind the Chase Homes to the construction going on just south of the RiverMill Event Center. To be honest, Mayor Obamalinson is going to have to start writing checks a la Judas 00-bama ot make that walk esthetically pleasing to visitors. Debris along the river banks, Phenix City across the way, and those God awful GA Power Company towers lining both sides of the Chattahoochee. GA Power has even strapped on some of the least appealing (and dangerous by themselves) devises on the tower legs to discourage people from climbing on them (seems to me strategically placed electrified varmint wire would do the trick better and prettier). Pictures of Tower appliances, and view at Phenix City with power towers as well:



L-E headline: "Obama to return 5% of salary to Treasury * Difference amounts to $20,000 a year" How come I'm conjuring up the same image about this as I do about Kim Jong Un II... a flea climbing up an elephants leg? It would be significantly better for the economy and taxpayers if Judas 00-bama simply parked Air Force 1 when vacationing and fly commercial flights.


Low-info voter;s L-E "soundoff": "Fulton Daily Report just posted hourly rates for corporate attorneys from $350-$980 per hour. Republicans carp about tort reform while average people’s attorneys average $60 per hour and wait 3-5 years to be paid." -- Well, I do not know exactly what court appointed attorneys are paid, but what's relevant is the low-info writer wouldn't know either as he isn't paying his attorneys' bills.


L-E headline/story: "2 ARRESTED IN PROSTITUTION BUST AT HOTEL * 2 face prostitution, drug and weapons charges after arrest at Howard Johnson Express * Police observed (McGilvary) attempting to conceal something between the mattress and the box frame on one of the beds, according to the report. * Police say Britney Kaye Stuart, 20, looked scared and panicked when officers arrived. She whispered to an officer that McGilvary might have guns concealed in the mattress or the drawer between the beds. Police said they later found a pistol under the mattress, which had previously been reported as lost, according to the report." -- "found a pistol.... which had previously been reported as lost"? Lost? Perhaps reported "missing" or "stolen".t"? I don't think so. Possession of the gun puts this in my category of a minimum life sentence, and possibly a justifiable death sentence since other crimes were being committed.


L-E comic strip:

When liberals start to eat their own, their appetite is insatiable.


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