Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Online headline: "White House: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Will Not Be Treated As Enemy Combatant" -- Yeah... it would be hard for Judas 00-bama to continue to send more money/weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, Libya and Egypt if he was prosecuting a Muslim as an 'enemy combatant' here.


How cannot Bother Bomber #2 be considered a "enemy combatant"? Even if he took the oath of citizenship, it was obviously not one of loyalty. At best his act was treason, and a traitor has no rights in my Constitution.


Why hasn't the Republican Party filed to have Sen Lindsey Graham declared an enemy combatant for all bombs against conservatism on Fox News?


The Brother Bomber #1's wife's lawyer says she knows nothing about the bombings. Give her that, but it doesn't take her off the hook for not calling in when she saw the posted pictures of her husband & brother-in-law.


Online headline/story: "Boston Bombing Suspects Did Not Have Gun Licenses * The younger brother could not have applied as he is not 21 years of age and the older brother did not have a license to carry and we have no record of him ever applying," Riviello said." -- Well, well, well..... doesn't look like either applied so no background check would have stopped them from getting a gun illegally. Stuff that in your liberal medicinal marijuana bong and smoke that.


I wanna see Algore's tax returns for 2012. I wanna see how he calculated the capital gains on the sale of his TV station to Ajazeera, and how many carbon credits he took.


Online story: "New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn discussed details of a proposed law that would raise the minimum age for tobacco purchases from 18 to 21." -- Yeah, right, that'll cut down teen smoking, but she forgets an important aspect... most of the 18 year olds already have a fake ID showing they are 21+ so they can buy liquor.


Where is a psychopathic rogue nurses when we need one? Some of them need to be assigned to Brother Bomber # 2 immediately.


Why didn't the police in Watertown just blow the boat Bomber Brother #2 was hiding so we could be moving on with this. The Department of Homeland Security certainly has enough ammunition on hand to replace them.


After seeing the armored vehicles being bought for Homeland Security/Police-Rescue, it's beginning to make sense why Homeland Security has been buying 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammo.


Texas state representative , Lon Burnham D-FtWorth, welcomes the protest to the opening of the Bush43 Library.He says, Bush43 started 2 wars. Excuse me, but President Bush didn't fly his plane into the World Trade Center buildings.


Now the FBI is claiming that it didn't know about Brother Bomber #1 flew to Russia because his name was misspelled on the ticket purchase. If so, why the hell is photo ID required to get on a plane, and how did he get by TSA!


Would you believe there are factions in Boston fighting over the copyright of "Boston Strong". Less than a week after the terrorist bombing, Bostonians are dividing themselves. What's "Boston Strong" about that?


Government officials are quickly trying to eliminate other conspirators being considered working with the Bomber Brothers. That was what the first thing the government did following JFK's assassination. Government doesn't want citizens to think there are others out there that government cannot account for.


L-E headline: "CORPORAL PUNISHMENT BANNED IN MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOLS " -- Well... I hope they BANNED corporal punishment ACTIVITIES as well.


From L-E story on MCSD Board meeting: "In response to (Alton) Russell’s questioning board trips, (Interim Superintendent John) Phillips said Monday that some training for board members is required, and it’s in line with other professional education travel the district provides for its employees. (Cathy) Williams countered that the state school board association requires training, but attending the National School Boards Association convention is not required. " -- Our Board members do not need to attend propaganda seminars... now seminars on learning about responsibilities to the voters, and course on financial management, I can see to be valuable.


L-E headline/story: "Homicide recorded on jail phone goes to court * That gunfire and the argument preceding it were recorded because a Muscogee County Jail inmate named Marcus Price happened to call the motel room to speak to a prostitute who was there, authorities said. The jail typically records such outgoing calls" -- "happened to call the motel room to speak to a prostitute who was there"? Did the prisoner call to see if she made "cell" calls?


I've about concluded that DUMBERats feel that if you take guns away from those legally qualified to buy/own them, then criminals will have to kill each other to get guns.


From a liberal's "letter to the L-E editor": "How ironic is it that in Georgia it is easier to buy a gun than to get a driver’s license. " -- If the L-E was truly offering a "letter to the editor" feature, then shouldn't the editor be responsible for editing out liberal lies?


If the state is going to compensate prisoners that get pardoned because a witness changed his/her testimony during the sentence, then the witness needs to be arrested and tried, and be responsible for any compensation to the wronged person.


While I think that the new "Drug Drop Program" is genuine in its concept, locating it on the 4th Floor of the Government Center is not exactly "brilliant". If the "drug dropper" can get by the screening at the entrance, he/she must take one of the slowest elevators up to the "Drop Box".


Watching the recent batch of car ads talking about their features has about convinced me that they hire people to figure out totally unnecessary way to add to the cost of the cars.


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