Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Had a birthday a couple of days ago... samo-samo... having another one today, and it's pure excitement.. having my first birthday of being a granddad. All is right with my world,, wish it were for the whole world.


Hot off the "press"!


Wasn't the aim of HELL-thScare to cover the 40,000,000 who didn't have it, but got it free anyway at Emergency Rooms? Now, those 40M are 60M, and another 60M are wondering if they will have it as their hours are cut to 30 or less.


Online story: "BOSTON — The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has won life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords." -- Looks like we'll never know the truth now... We're going to be paying someone who will give the DOJ an easy conviction without the DOJ having to get to the bottom of the bombing connections.


Online headline: "Obama Calls NBA Player Jason Collins Who Revealed He Is Gay" -- Hmmm, wonder what he called him...


Online headline: "Almost 60 years after the Supreme Court put an end to “separate but equal,” many high school students in Georgia's Wilcox County attended their first integrated prom this past weekend." -- This makes news... now I'll relate a tale that didn't: Boston, 1992 - Was there to watch my niece row in the Head-of-the-Charles with her Stanford teammates. There was also a city championship football game scheduled that weekend. The only twist was that buses picked up the two teams and their cheerleaders, and whisked them off to an unannounced destination where officials awaited them, and a championship game was played without any parents, any students, or any other fans in the stadium. Why? Both schools were "diversity free". 1992 and these two Boston high schools were still segregated.


Online story: "The U.S. Census Bureau said this year that after more than a century of use, it will drop the word "Negro" as a description for black Americans in its surveys. Instead census forms will use "black" or "African-American." -- Hmmm, no mention as whether Caucasian will be 'dumbed-down' as well.


You know... political correctness is awful... but I don't think that was the intent when the concept was injected 30-40 years ago... I think the intent was for there to be "political civility", but once you compromise with a liberal concept, it only digresses downward.


While it's early, reports came out Monday that a woman's DNA had been detected in/on bomb evidence from Boston. If nothing else, it puts a crimp in the DOJ's trial balloon that the terror attack was a 2-man job.


The MCSD board, well 8 out of 9, traveled to Atlanta versus paying the $300.00 hourly rate to the attorney to drive back and forth. You know, even the attorney admits there's a 'cap' of $25K on his services, so why did it matter about paying him his rate to come to Columbus? Does anyone believe his final bill will be less than the $25K contract cap?


Now we hear that the State Department & White House claims that there wasn't time to respond to the Benghazi assault. A member of C-110 assault response team says it was involved in an exercise at the time and could have made it to Benghazi to defend our Embassy. More in the next 2 days.


Online headline: "Obama To Name Mayor of Charlotte As Next Transportation Secretary" -- Hmmm, after the last DNC Convention was held in Charlotte, guess the Mayor was looking for the quickest way out of town to avoid the aftermath of DNC debt and damage.


Boy does God work in mysterious ways. The controversy on building a mosque in the shadows of the WTC were eased when it was agreed that the mosque would not have a footprint in the debris area of the terror attack. Now the landing gear is discovered 12 years later following another terrorist attack, and it brings the site into the debris area. God is great, mighty, and wise.


Barbara Bush thinks it may be "too much", an unprecedented thing, to have three presidents from one family. In a way she' s probably right, all DUMBERat presidents have been related via their hip connections.


Have you noticed that the leftist who hammered OUR government for legalizing wiretaps on highly suspected terrorists have been completely silent about the Russian government illegally wiretapping the Bomber Brother #1 and his mother?


Thinking outside "the box" doesn't mean it is actually as good as thoughts from within it.


It looks like Judas 00-Obama's spinmeisters are out smoothing the Islamic mentor, Misha, from being the dastardly influence he probably was. Now they have enough info and video to blame Bomber Brothers' mother.


According to the Columbus L-E, Mayor Obamalinson is going to propose a smaller budget for next year. Seems revenues will be lower...again... from the two "LOST" sales taxes. The L-E didn't pick up on the real story, though, which is that the "LOST" sales tax revenues are still declining, and showing particular weakness in the hotel and car businesses. Now, we just need the MCSD to own up to the same openness.


Low-info voter's L-E "soundoff": "Reading this newspaper, I would guess that 50 percent of police officers’ arrests are for small amounts of marijuana. I don’t understand why our officers spend most of their time on non-violent criminals. " -- Could it be that while in the stupor of a marijuana high, that even the users forget how much violence nay/can occur in acquiring the money to afford such 'pleasure'? There are NO victimless crimes.


L-E headline: "Army amputee completes air assault school * First amputee to complete course " -- Hmmm, how come the L-E didn't "qualify" this headline... after all, he was also the first "white", and first "male" as well, and you know the L-E will announce LOUDLY when the first female and first black amputee completes the air assault course/school. see how "political correctness" has deteriorated to today's state?


L-E story on Eugene White/MCSD superintendent search: Andrews was the first female superintendent in MCSD history. White wants to be the first black one." -- Exactly what's wrong! We need someone to want to be the best Superintendent in MCSD history... not just another first in a category!

Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2013/02/07/2374307/phenix-city-native-eugene-white.html#storylink=botprev#storylink=cpy

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