Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wonder what the mainstream media would have said if Bush43 had attended Easter service at St John's Episcopal? Would he have been chastised for sitting there, or if he got up and walked out, would he be demonized for being a racist?


Google highlighted Cesar Chavez on Easter, later commenting that it's its policy to honor people of influence. Like Jesus wasn't a honorable person of influence?


Online headline: "2,000-Year-Old Jobar Syrian Synagogue in Damascus Burned and Looted * Assad Regime and Rebels Trade Blame for Destruction" -- Assad...Rebels... to quote Hiillary, 'What difference does it make?" Either way, Judas 00-bama is getting what he wants plus the Jewish will vote for the next DUMBERat to run in 2016.


Online headline: "Atlanta Cheating Suspects Expected To Surrender" -- And knowing the school teacher unions, they'll probably get paid while in jail and add to their future pensions. well, they pretty much do that in New York already.

Online story: "Lego is planning to pull its Jabba The Hutt-themed set off the shelves this year, but it wants you to know that recent accusations of racism are not the reason why. * (Birol Kilic, head of the Turkish Cultural Association of Austria) told NBC News that after his group met with the toymaker last week, the company promised to pull the product from shelves by the end of this year. * Because Jabba The Hutt is a villain in the Star Wars films, the group claimed the alleged close resemblance reinforced negative stereotypes about Muslims. " -- Jabba the Hutt "reinforced negative stereotypes about Muslims"? Like Ahmandine-JIHAD, Assad, Morsi, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, or even Benghazi or 'honor killings, or 911 hadn't already done that? Shame on LEGO !


Online story: " North Korea vowed Tuesday to restart all mothballed facilities at its main Yongbyon nuclear complex, adding to tensions already raised by near daily warlike threats against the United States and South Korea. * The reactor was shut down in 2007 as part of international nuclear disarmament talks that have since stalled." -- Hmmm, seems like a few Reagan-esque strategically placed missiles at Kim Jong Un's residential complex (including his version of a pet goat) plus a couple of bunker breakers at the nuclear complexes would cause all the meltdown we need.


Kim Jong Un is doing so much 'saber rattling, Judas 00-bama thinks he's dancing the Harlem Shake or going Gangnam style.


Online story: "DENVER — Because of a paperwork error, the suspect in last month's killing of Colorado's corrections chief was freed from prison in January – four years earlier than authorities intended.* Judicial officials acknowledged Monday that Evan Spencer Ebel's previous felony conviction had been inaccurately recorded and his release was a mistake." -- Yeah, the government wants 'gun control', but can't even control the felons most likely to get illegal access to guns and do harm with them.


Online headline: "Obama 'Limiting Press Access In Ways That Past Administrations Wouldn't Have Dared': AP" -- Well, y'all (mainstream media) got him elected, now finally expose him what you already know about him, because once hi cripples the 2nd Amendment, shutting down the 1st Amendment will be a piece of cake.


President Barack Obama’s decision to launch his own political organization has some Democrats wondering: Is he just in it for himself? * Obama’s new group, Organizing for Action, will focus on his policy agenda – not on electing Democratic candidates – by raising unlimited amounts of cash and accessing the president’s secret list of 20 million supporters, volunteers and donors." -- Heh heh heh. Now the DUMBERats are as worried as the mainstream media about who they elected... Welcome aboard the sinking ship with those of us that saw this all along; Judas 00-bama has always been in this for himself!.


Question... 4 teams have made it to the final set of NCAA games to determine the National Championship. OK, but why were they awarded trophies for just making it to the semi-finals.


A spokesman for Planned Parenthood was questioned by a Congressman about what happens during an abortion when the baby lives outside the mother. She hem-hawed then said that was between the doctor and patient. Excuse me, but the live baby is now the patient, and killing it becomes a murder if the doctor and mother end the baby's life. Where is the media on this?


Someone, somewhere, just made a donation of $100,000,000.00 to a public school district. That was sensational, wasn't it. That should take care of all their problem... at least it seems so, but if that school system is as encumbered by federal programs, like Columbus, it would only take care of federal food and similar budget items for less than 2 years, and none will get to the classrooms.


McClatchy headline: "Defense in prison guard murder fears tainted jury: -- Well, since he obviously can't get a jury to acquit him of murdering a guard in prison, appeal to let him out early, or a presidential pardon from Judas 00-bama.


Online story: "DENVER — Because of a paperwork error, the suspect in last month's killing of Colorado's corrections chief was freed from prison in January – four years earlier than authorities intended." -- Now, close your eyes and imagine HELL-thSCare death panels in action.


McClatchy story: "A little more than a year ago, California began testing the GPS monitoring devices that track the movements of thousands of sex offenders. * Corrections officials found that the devices used in half the state were so inaccurate and unreliable that the public was "in imminent danger." -- Another early release failure.


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/31/187373/tests-found-major-flaws-in-calif.html#storylink=cpy

McClatch story: Nearly $900 Million in outdated Stryker vehicle parts have been discovered by the Army. Congress should purge itself of the elected members who campaigned for their states getting those unneeded contracts to make those parts.


From the "what could be scarier' department - Hey, this is sitting just a heartbeat away from the White House:



Online story: "The Student Government Association at Johns Hopkins University compared pro-life students to white supremacists and denied them official club status at the school. * They were denied status because the students on the student council felt being pro-life violates their harassment policy,” said Kristan Hawkins" -- Hmmm isn't this the same Johns Hopkins which withdrew the speaking engagement offered Dr Benjamin Carson.... current most prolific alumnus of Johns Hopkins? If Johns Hopkins starts graduating doctors who do not respect all aspects of life, soon Johns Hopkins sheepskin will be as career worthless as a public high school diploma.


HELL-thScare may be the job creating machine that no one anticipated.... Look at the number of lawyers being hired by accounting firms hired by business executives just to explain it to them, and the number of specialists doctors and hospitals are having to hire to figure out who and how to bill. And don't forget the number of people Congresspersons have had to hire to read it for them.

So "pro-amnesty" folks are going to have a "million alien march" in Washington. What an opportunity for ICE... it can roundup and deport almost 10% of the problem in one "Fast&Furious 2" fell swoop.
After reading comments by receivers of advanced online degrees, I think all such advanced degrees should be issued with the title of mba, or dr or phd.
From a L-E story on the Liberty District/BTW conflict: "Douglas Bachtel, a demographer at the University of Georgia, said Columbus is struggling with an age-old problem of cities trying to balance the needs of poor people with the interests of the business community. * "It's a real dilemma, if I had the answer I wouldn't be working for the University of Georgia," he said" -- "I wouldn't be working for the University of Georgia"? Hey, he shouldn't be working at UGA, and sure as hell shouldn't be working here in Columbus!
L-E headline: "Police suspect twin brothers in Opelika stabbing " -- I hope some witness doesn't say he's not sure of which is which because they 'look alike' (twins) and some Appeal Court overturns the case on racial stereotype prejudice, but I can see it coming.
Afterthought: "Hey Sandra...Sandra Fluke... I'll pay for your birth control... forever... we certainly don't want to see you reproduce.
I must have really touched a nerve on Mayor Obamalinson's deal with CVCC to rent Golden Park out at $500.00 a game date. The L-E has held back from printing two letters I submitted to get the issue more public exposure. There's no reason for Columbus tax payers to supplement a non-taxpaying Alabama institution in this manner. Having maintained Little League fields for extended periods, and knowing the costs of maintaining a rental facility, there is no way the taxpayers of Columbus are getting a fair shake with CVCC paying as little as it does to use our facility.
From a fellow BCer via Facebook:
When u find out what's wrong with this picture, hit like
Obviously a government project home project..
Random thought: I love the US flag. I love BIG flags... well, I need to qualify that; I love BIG flags that are on proper/suitable flag poles. The one at Nissan is a big beautiful flag, BUT the pole is not up to proper flag etiquette protocol. The flag pole is not of essential height to allow the flag to be flown at half-mast (when appropriate) without the flag dragging the ground. Any veterans who shop there, let Nissan know of its faux pas.
Hey, here's a gun control law that if it's not already on the books, it should be: Anyone committing a crime while in possession of an illegally owned gun should be denied any bail for such, and their crime be moved to the top of the court priority list for trials.

Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2013/03/30/2444934/taking-sides-liberty-district.html#storylink=cpy
L-E story: "NELSON, Ga. — A north Georgia city has approved an ordinance that would make gun ownership mandatory, though the measure doesn’t include a penalty for those who don’t comply. " -- Not true... the penalty of knowing you can't pass a required extended background check will alert law abiding citizens of your tendences. Let's pass one here!
Have you noticed how quickly the racial hatred murder of the 13 month old baby in Brunswick has left the pages of the L-E (and I'm sure other liberal sources)? Remember how long Trayvon Martin was promoted for sainthood? Of course that finally dwindled once high def photos of the injuries he did to Zimmerman surfaced, and Martin's juvenile delinquency finally came to light.

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