Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If the sequester targets only the nonessential aspect of government's wasteful spending habits, how can it hurt the US taxpayer?

Online story: "The Texas district attorney killed in his home three days ago was shot 20 times, according to an unnamed federal source quoted by an NBC News report. " -- Hmm, with the reports of the purchase of massive amounts of ammo, you almost have to put the Department of Homeland Security on the suspects' list. Who else has that many bullets to use wastefully?


Online story: "Pluto's Gate Discovered: The Plutonium 'Gate To Hell' Found In Ancient City Of Hierapolis (Turkey) -- Dang, I had Detroit, Chicago and San Francisco in the office pool.


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed an effort to map the brain's activity in unprecedented detail, as a step toward finding better ways to treat such conditions as Alzheimer's, autism, stroke and traumatic brain injuries." -- That money would be better spent on analyzing DUMBERat voters' brains to see "why", but I'm sure it would be another waste as DUMBERat brain matter obviously is inert.
McClatcy headline/story: "Connecticut lawmakers agree on wide-ranging gun-control bill
* The firearms industry expressed dissatisfaction Monday night with the proposal. "It's unfortunate that legislators are moving forward with gun control that's not going to make Connecticut safer," said Jake McGuigan, director of government relations for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation. * "I think Cabela's (the sporting-goods store that sells guns) really has to think about whether they can remain in the state as a destination. Based upon this bill, even the ability to sell ammunition is going to be pretty difficult for them," McGuigan said. "The manufacturers have no reason to stay in Connecticut anymore." -- You know, Colt, a Connecticut entity for about 175 years should just pack up and move South where they will be appreciated for the safe guns they sell to dealers and non-criminal buyers. I'm sure we can accommodate Colt at one of our industrial complexes.
With all the rules covering campaign signs at election precincts, it's rumored the FEC is favoring a certain one to be the only one allowed:
You can't help but notice the work going on at the 'old iron bank' on Broadway & 11th Sts in downtown Columbus. It looks as if many layers of paint are being removed down to the metal. It also appears not to much is being done to contain dust from the process. You know there has to be lead paint in the past history, therefore 'lead paint dust' floating around to breathe in.
Those "GripGo" phone stands you put on your windshield or dashboard need to state a caveat. If you use one and your phone sits in the sun, it'll heat up, condensation will build up inside, and the liquid will fry/short the innards.
DUMBERats feel increasing minimum jail sentences to 20 years will stop this crap. Jail time and parole options ain't gonna do it. Sentences need to be for life if you have a stolen/ illegally attained gun in you possession, and the immediate death sentence if flashed or used a gun during the commission of another crime.
Online headline story: "New legislation would fire sheriffs who disobey federal gun restrictions * Many state legislatures are now pushing to passing measures that would remove any sheriff found defying federal law. * In the Texas state legislature, Dallas Democratic Representative Yvonne Davis introduced a measure that would fire any law enforcement officer who disobeys state or federal orders." -- Hmmm, seems more like an arrest warrant should be taken out and enforced for stupid legislators introducing stupid laws. No wonder DUMBERats favor lenient jail sentences.
Arrests on our southern border are up, but they are being released because there's no jail room. They are not Mexican illegals though, but from Guatamala, Honduras et al, trying to get here before amnesty cut-offs. Complicating things is that Mexico is not stopping them at its southern border because the officials know they are just passing through.
I'm curious as to who the "Liberty Stakeholders" are? Since the Liberty area is being made-over using tax dollars, it seems every taxpayer in Columbus should be considered a "Liberty Stakeholder", and have a vote on whatever the options are. One thing for sure, decisions should be based on what's best for Columbus and the district, not on whether the fed's grant money is more important.
Low-info L-E "soundoff": "In 2010, the top one percent made 93 percent of all wealth. Why didn’t they pay 93 percent of the taxes? And why won’t McClatchy and the Ledger-Enquirer print anything about tax inequality and evasion?" The real question here is why the L-E prints comments of liberals who have no factual support of the complaints they babble about.
Maybe the MCSD is right about ending corporal punishment in schools. Paddling is not enough for too many students. Arming teachers will give other students more sense of security..... as well as make the teachers feel adequately prepared.
Is it just me, or did anyone else notice the inordinate amount of unused "space at the top of each page in the L-E? Maybe its just the online version, but if you get the print edition, let me know if there was an excessive amount of wasted space.
Do you wonder, too, at the alarming amount, at the percentages published, of autism and ADHD diagnoses in the current generation? Could it simply be that diagnosticians are simply 'willing' their results? How do the figures we hear in America compare to other advanced and third world countries?
L-E headline: "UN adopts treaty to regulate global arms trade * Treaty will have to be ratified by 50 countries" -- Hmmm, such a treaty is a liberal's dream. The problem has been addressed, so there's no longer a problem. Trouble is that no treaty works unless every party to it agrees and signs on. 50 countries is not even a majority, much less a landslide of acceptance. Besides, when illicit weapons are outlawed, only outlaws will own illicit weapons.

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