Thursday, April 18, 2013

Online headline: "Jodi Arias Trial Unexpectedly Canceled, Again" -- "Unexpectedly"? How about 'mercifully' stopped? Whatta circus; whatta waste of tax dollars! The prosecution shoulda 'rested' months ago. Jury may die of natural causes before Arias.


Online story: "COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday rejected a plea for mercy by a condemned man who says he intended to rape his girlfriend's 6-month-old daughter but didn't mean to kill her." -- Why is this b&*%^#d still breathing?


Online headline/story: "John Kerry On Benghazi: Obama Administration Making Progress On Attackers * "We are making progress," Kerry said. "There's video, as you all know. We have identified people. And they are building a case. * Kerry repeated his boss' pledge to "do what was necessary to bring somebody to justice," without elaborating on the progress he cited." -- "Bring somebody to justice"? "somebody"? Didn't Judas 00-bama already claim that when he condemned a video maker who still sits in jail?


HuffPost headline: "Gun Bill Background Check Amendment Fails, Other Key Provisions Follow" -- Hmmm, since it was a bi-partisan rejection, the HuffPost couldn't outrightly blame Republicans. Whatta frustrating occurrence for the mainstream media.


Online headline related to above: "Obama Says Opponents 'Willfully Lied' -- Hmmm,

Judas 00-bama says opponents to registering guns 'willfully lied' --- in his mind, I guees he's upset that "willful lies (in his mind)" overtrump his own "intentional lies (in America's mind)".


From the "intentionally misleading headline" department - HuffPost headline: "Two Men Propose After Boston Marathon Attacks" -- Would you believe this is actually two separate men who had separate proposals set-up to be delivered at the marathon finish line as their girlfriends crossed the finish line?


Online headline/story: "IRS Employees Charged With Theft Of Government Benefits * The U.S. attorney's office in Memphis said Wednesday that the employees were indicted on charges that they fraudulently received more than $250,000 in benefits including unemployment insurance payments, food stamps, welfare, and housing vouchers. * Prosecutors say 13 of the IRS employees face federal charges of lying about being unemployed while applying for or recertifying their government benefits. Eleven others face state charges of theft of property over $1,000." -- Some crimes just demand a death sentence that wouldn't apply to others.


Online headline: "Possible Motive Emerges In Sandy Hook Killing" -- Where's Hillary when we actually need her? This is a headline her Benghazi Committee remarks would actually have been appropriate for, "What difference does it make?".


Time Magazine scuzzes it again. Forget Time abused a child filled with fear and bloody hair, but the headline was "Tragedy in Boston" ! Dammit it was "Terror in Boston". Libs just have to blame the victims.

time boston bombing


An article in the Atlanta excuse for a newspaper states 42% of GA houses are under water. That means more than 4 out of 10 homeowners are in investments that are draining their savings/retirement accounts.


Reports are out alerting us that 172 IEDs have been discovered/detonated in the US in the past 6 months. You know, I'd rather to know about these news stories than all the drug related street shootings we get bombarded with.


It's nice that poison tainted letters to a Senator and Judas 00-bama were intercepted in Maryland before they were delivered but what about all the people who handled it, and all the other letters that touched it after it was mailed from Memphis? Who is intercepting that mail to us?


The fact that there were two pressure cooker sized bombs left/triggered in the Boston area must mean there were multiple bombers. Surely even Barney Fife would have noticed one person carrying 2 backpacks of that size.


Lest we forget; there are other issues going unaddressed during the Boston terror attack. Take ObamaCare/HELL-thSCare for instance... how do you lower the insurance costs for the 20+ million who didn't have insurance before?


A fellow BCer brought up a 'gotcha' point about Judas 00-bama's 18% tax return. Warren Buffet's secretary pays a higher percent than 00-bama, too! You know, all our secretaries probably pay more than 00-bama as well.


Online headline: "Foreclosure Settlement Checks Bounce In Latest Setback For Troubled Program" -- Guess Tim Geithner's "Turbo-Tax" software can';t keep the printing presses moving fast enough.


Online headline: "Madonna's Daughter Lourdes Leon Fed Up With Overprotective Father " -- Guess she wonders why she can't have her own coffee-table book of sex pictures like her mother. Hmmm, and there's a perfect 21st Century mother-daughter sequel title available, "Sext"


Where's Algore? All this chaos going on and Algore is nowhere to be found. Guess he's hiding after selling his TV network to Al Jazeera.. in effect selling out liberals as well as America.


L-E's "Thought for Today": “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” — Albert Einstein (1879-1955)." -- Even Einstein's theory of Relativity can't explain why the MCSD board can't get from A to B on its own.


L-E story: " WASHINGTON — A senior Democratic senator who helped write President Barack Obama’s health care law stunned administration officials Wednesday, saying openly he thinks it’s headed for a “train wreck” because of bumbling implementation. * “I just see a huge train wreck coming down,” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., told Obama’s health care chief during a routine budget hearing that suddenly turned tense. * Baucus is the first top Democrat to publicly voice fears about the rollout of the new health" -- You guessed it... Baucus is up for re-election in 2014. And remember, it was the House DUMBERats who didn't read the HELL-thScare Bill that the DUMBERat majority Senate passed presumably after reading it.


L-E headline: "MARGARET THATCHER FUNERAL * Britain’s Iron Lady laid to rest with full pomp" -- Hmmm..."pomp". You know, if Margaret Thatcher had planned her own funeral, she'd have voted against the "pomp".


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