Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is it just me or does everyone else associate the most scandalous political city, Chicago, with Judas 00-bama, and Baltimore, with the most scandalous prison with Bleep Veep Biden?
Kermit Gosnell .....I'll be satisfied if he's only sentenced to six months as long as it's in the Wisconsin prison where Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced and killed.
What's the difference between the way Gosnell murdered babies being aborted, and DUMBERat approved "partial birth abortions"? Not one damn thing!
Now the unions are turning on Judas 00-bama. The AFL-CIO is out in front pushing the Keystone Pipeline for NOW!
The Breakfast Club strikes again. Last night, BCer Bill O'Reilly referred to the Bomber Brothers...twice! In 2009, Rush Limbaugh adopted the BC's monicker for Obama at the time; remember POTus Nero-bama.... who fiddled while America burned?
Speaking of the Bomber Brothers, if we find out they are/were DUMBERats as well (whatcha wanna bet), we could then refere to "them" as the OBomber Brothers.\
Now we find out that Russia contacted both the FBI and the CIA, and the trigger mechanisms were pretty sophisticated remote control units. You have wonder how much longer Napolitano will be allowed to hold office and how long before Jay Carney follows Robert Gibbs out the door.
News about the CIA being notified about Bomber Brother #2 may add a new aspect about what diverted Director David Petraeus attention from such info.
You have to also wonder if CUNY may have suspected or known this before offering Patraeus a professorship.
On Easter weekend, a Catholic church in California was vandalized by a homosexual group. 3 weeks have passed and this probably is your first knowledge of such. Now, if it had been a gay church vandalized by Catholics.....
Looks like a lot of DUMBERats are are looking winsomely at the George Bush billboards asking, "Miss me yet?".
I thought the issue with the Post Office was about Saturday or not deliveries. Lately, I just wish I would get my daily mail before it's so dark I need a flashlight to find my curb box.
From a fellow BCer: "A one sentence editorial that appeared in the Peoria (Illinois) Journal Star: "A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens." -- Please note that this is in Illinois... love it when DUMBERats eat their own.

Up until a year ago, Bomber Brother #1 & his wife/child were on welfare. That corresponds up until the dates he flew to Russia. How did he pay for those tickets .. with his EBT Card?


The Drug Tzar is trying to initiate a rehab versus jail time for non-violent drug related arrests. What that basically means is that the drug dealers will stop carrying guns, hire an extra body guard, and delegate the violence to the body guard. That way, drug dealers will just get rehab time.


The public wins one... and that's getting rare these days. The William Jefferson Clinton library has been retagged to acknowledge Hillary's importance. Now the library is more appropriately known as the "HillBilly Library".


A Minnesota school is buying bullet-proof "$300.00 white boards" for the teachers. Hmmm, for $600.00, the school could buy top notch semi-automatic handgun for half of the teachers, and I think a kook knowing some teachers are armed is a better deterrent than the same kook knowing the teachers had bulletproof "white boards"!


Guess it doesn't matter which DUMBERat Judas 00-bama names as the Secretary of State.... World leaders agree with Hillary... What difference does it make?


L-E story: "The U.S. Department of Justice will hold a forum to discuss residents’ complaints of discrimination within the Columbus Consolidated Government. * (Local NAACP spokesperson) said the department of justice contacted the local NAACP after receiving complaints from individual residents dissatisfied with the Consolidated Government’s response to their reports of discrimination. * The forum will focus on discrimination complaints ... (focusing on the cases) involving Tony Carr and Jaquess Harris. * (NAACP Local president, Nate) Sanderson said the issues discussed at the forum should be of concern to the entire community, not just African-Americans." -- You know, the NAACP would get a lot more respect of the total community if it responded to the needs of the whole community, not just black community gripes. After all, white is a "color", too. It would be very relieving and solidifying for the community if the NAACP called a forum about what's the best way to get a grip on black crime, black bloc voting, and racism without throwing the 'racial trump card' when the discussion gets serious.


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The Congressional Black Caucus pressed the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday to move swiftly to cut the costs that prison inmates and their families are paying for phone calls, an issue that has been tied up with the regulatory panel for a decade. * Caucus members said the rates can be nearly $4 per call, with up to an additional 55 cents a minute for long distance calls. They said the high phone rates disproportionately impact African Americans and Hispanics who make up more than 60 percent of the incarcerated. " -- This just confirms the above story... The Congressional Black Caucus is more concerned about the costs of phone calls than it is about how 13-14% of our national population makes up 60% of our prison population, but don't bring up the percentage of black crimes contributing to this... that's a no-no item.


McClatcy headline: "Biden calls Boston bomb suspects ‘knockoff jihadists’," -- "Knockoff jihadists"? This administration would be better off just calling the Bomber Brothers just what they are/were, Muslim Jihadists terrorists. Of course America would be better off if Bleep Veep Biden 'just stuck a sock in it'.


There's an openly gay kicker hoping to get drafted into the NFL. Talent is one thing people will overlook other things for, but since the NFL can carry only suit up 45 players per game, he would take up two of that number.. him and someone designated to hold the balls for him......


Online story: "After CNN made a very public error during its coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings last week, the network said it was implementing new practices as a result. * CNN's John King mistakenly reported that a suspect had been arrested in the Boston bombings investigation. The network was not alone in the misreport-- the Associated Press, Fox News and others ran with the same news. * "We have instituted additional checks and balances to our editorial processes as part of an ongoing internal review," the (CNN) spokesperson said." -- Hmmm... I hope one of the new "checks and balances" is that CNN et al will not run news UNTIL it IS NEWS! The media has become so focused on being first, it has lost focus on being accurate.


L-E story: "Trip Tomlinson, the husband of Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, has stepped down from his position as a commissioner on the Housing Authority of Columbus board. * Trip Tomlinson said Wednesday he resigned because he believed his presence on the board had become a distraction to the agency’s mission" -- "the agency's mission"? More likely Mayor Obamalinson's mission... to get re-elected..


"LifeLock".. ,you know that company that offers identity protection, will insure any "ID theft" they don't stop for $1,000,000.00? Hmm what happens if some group hacks into LifeLocks's database and steals everyone's personal info? Can Lifelock guarantee that won't happen, and if it does, can LifeLock pay $1,000,000.00 to every client?


A common sense L-E "soundoff" worth discussing: "Common-sense compromise. If you can’t buy a gun because you took Prozac or Paxil, then you should not be allowed to write up executive orders if you ever did cocaine or smoked marijuana in college. "


The Columbus Midnight Stars BEEP Ball Team will participate in the National BBEP Ball World Series which will start July 28th here in Columbus, GA. It ought to be fun to watch, and the only time you can get onto the umpires for NOT being blind.


From L-E's "Today in History" feature: "Ten years ago, Georgia lawmakers voted to scrap the Dixie cross from the state’s flag." -- Hmmm, "Dixie cross"? If this is talking about the old Georgia flag that used the Cross of St Andrew, or Southern Cross as it is sometimes referred to as, then the L-E and the Feature editor need to research better before printing.


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Researchers have identified the voice of Alexander Graham Bell for the first time in some of the earliest audio recordings held at the Smithsonian Institution. * The National Museum of American History announced Wednesday that Bell’s voice was identified . * Researchers found a transcript of one recording signed by Bell. It was matched to a wax disc recording from April 15, 1885. * “Hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell,” the inventor said. " -- Now this is history... history of the first unauthorized government wire-tapping!


L-E headline/story: "Hagel: Israel did not tell him of intel on Syria * Associated Press CAIRO — U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel indicated on Wednesday that he was caught by surprise when Israeli officials publicly revealed their assessment that Syria has used chemical weapons in its civil war." -- DOH! What makes Hagel think that Israel will tell him anything important sine Hagel answers directly to Judas 00-bama.


Hmmm, the new NCAA D1 championship playoff is set for January 12. One question is what happens to student participation since every college involved will have already started Spring Semester? Then other question is when will the final Championship game be played when the playoff teams are extended to 64 teams like the basketball tournaments?


Picture in the L-E:

As a longtime umpire (retired), pitchers were not allowed to wear a white undershirt or jewelry, watches, sweat bands on their pitching hands because they could be distracting to the batter... what about tatoos? Alsom of note is that 'smudge' on the ball? Is Tim throwing a "chew spitter"?


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday that it will begin circulating a redesigned $100 bill this fall, more than two years after its initial target. " -- Hmmm, could it be that the Federal Reserve was waiting to see if Judas 00-bama got re-elected first? Does the new design have a picture of 00-bama rather than Franklin..... hey, has anyone of you seen it?


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