Saturday, April 13, 2013

There's a possibility Tiger Woods may be DQ'd for signing an incorrect scorecard. There are elements of the 'drop' he made on #15 that are to be reviewed this morning. If it's determined that he took an improper drop, 2 shots will be added to his score, and since he signed the card at the lesser score he would be DQ'd. Can you imagine how many Masters' pool bets this would effect?


How many of us imagined tapping in the winning putt to roaring a crowd at the Masters when we 14. Imagine what Guan Tianlang feels at making the cut at the Masters at age 14. Wow!


Looks like Microsoft has bombed with Windows 8. Tell ypu what, I am not interested in it after acquiring Windows 7, and finding out that most of my previous software would not run under the Newest Windows 7, and there wasn't a fix from the manufacturers to make it work with Windows 7, nor a patch from Microsoft to do the same.


HuffPost headline: "RNC Passes Unanimous Resolution Affirming GOP Is Still Against Gay Marriage" -- Is the glass half full or half empty. The RNC is not "against" gay marriage, the RNC is still "FOR" marriage between a man and a woman. This is what the RNC needs to focus on.


Online headline: "Small Businesses Opt To Pay Obamacare Penalty Instead Of Offering Health Insurance * Rick Levi, owner of Consolidated Management, a Des Moines, Iowa-based company that runs cafeterias at schools, offices and jails in 10 states, told the Journal the penalty is all he can afford. He employs 102 workers and will be required to offer coverage to many under the new law, at a cost of more than $500,000 per year if every employee takes the insurance plan. The penalty will cost him around $144,000." -- The US Supreme Court was dead on when it ruled HELL-thScare was simply a tax in spite of Judas 00-bama plaintive objections. Next we'll probably get a Harry Reid/Diane Feinstein bill out that will declare opting for the $144,000.00 penalty instead of paying $500,000.00 in cost basically is a 'tax loophole' and the bill will add the difference as a tax penalty.


Gun control is not Congress's job. Congress's job is to protect the rights of of law abiding citizens to own guns as provided in our Constitution. It is the Court system that has failed to in protecting law abiding citizens. Leniency in sentencing and incarceration do not deter the wrongful & deadly misuse of guns.


Thanks to a fellow BCer:


Even if he doesn't run because he can't find a way to circumvent the 22nd Amendment, this gal will vote for Judas 00-bama again


Fox News is reporting that NC college has reported that an unknown man carrying a rifle was seen on campus. No knowledge of any shots or dangers, yet the college shut down, and Fox has broken in on regular reporting to alarm us. This is not news... it's hysterical speculation... basically gossip.


Now a further report on the NC college gun situation was reported by a student and no other confirmation has been reported. Welcome to the 21st Century way to get out of taking a test .


Seems like the crazies in the latest mass killing splurges might have been averted if schools, and a court in one case, had reported mental health problems into the universal background check database . The Connecticut killing was different. The Sicko's mother had not secured legally obtained weapons, so the sicko had easy access to them. No background check on the Mom would have stopped any sale.


Our military intelligence has released a report that N. Korea has advanced enough that it "could" attach a nuclear weapon on a long range missile. If so, why are we placating them? Sounds to me that N. Korea had tossed down the gauntlet, so send Dennis Rodman back in wearing a GPS gadget and fire off a couple of laser guided rockets to take out the regime.


Baseball is already off to a dubious start. Field fracases are making MLB look more like hockey games. I don't go to those, either... for the same reason.


L-E story: "After weeks of trying to quell opposition to its plans to build 100 apartments around the historic Liberty Theater, the Housing Authority of Columbus announced Friday that it was abandoning the plans and seeking other alternatives for redeveloping the Booker T. Washington housing complex." -- Well, well, well,... the power of the bloc vote has punched Mayor Obamalinson in the mouth. Guess we just witnessed her declaration for re-election.


Online story: "During an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said expanded background checks are "not enough," and private gun sales cannot continue because they allow terrorists to buy guns in the United States." -- Hmmm, why would terrorists want to buy them here, when Judas 00-bama will ship them weapons free?


Low-info voter's L-E "soundoff": " If Americans were as concerned about the environment as we say, then we would be asking for twice-a-week recycling trucks instead of twice-a-week garbage trucks. " -- Hmmm, if this guy needs the recycling truck twice a week, I'd say he eats take-out food every meal and has a horrendous obesity problem.


Another low-info voter's "L-E "soundoff": "Congress needs to pass the transaction tax on Wall Street speculation. Speculation costs every gas purchaser 60 cents or more per gallon and results in Washing-ton street traders pocketing our millions. " -- Hmmm... and wouldn't adding a 'transaction tax' on every 'speculation' add that much more to every gallon at the pump?


Misinformed L-E "soundoff": "No human being should be able to tell me what I can or cannot do with my own body, whether it’s wearing makeup or being (or not being) pregnant." -- Do what you wish... you're right in one thing, it's not my business... that's between God and you, but don't expect me to pay for and support your decision.


L-E headline: "Gun measures put moderate Senate Democrats in bind" -- WRONG! The measures on the floor will make "moderates" whether Democrats or Republicans, to actually get off the fence they enjoy straddling on most issues, and show the voters what they are.


L-E story: "Robert Anderson, chairman of the Liberty Theatre board of directors and a supporter of the project, said the theater is struggling to stay open and the housing authority’s redevelopment project could have helped revitalize the area. * “Everybody seems to be concerned about the theater, but nobody attends it,” -- And the truth finally comes out.... just as there are no graves in the recently designated Liberty District cemetery, and Ma Rainey only roomed a few months at the house named for her. Political Correctness is more blinding than helpful.


I have just heard that when the J. Kyle Spencer Map exhibition opens on April 19th at the W.C. Bradley Company Museum on Front Avenue in Columbus, GA, it will include a copy of the Joshua Fry-Peter Jefferson 1751 Map of Virginia. This was the first surveyed map, and basically 'staked' out the Mason-Dixon Line. Colonel Joshua Fry was/is my ggggg-great grandfather.


Senator McKoon states in a L-E article that: " I believe when you can improve a government function and save money at the same time, that’s a step worth taking, especially if that step can reduce crime with the added bonus of putting young people on a more productive path. In a few short weeks, Gov. Nathan Deal will sign into law a historic reform over Georgia’s current juvenile justice system. * What will this bill change? For one thing, instead of locking up every suspect in detention centers, the program will offer sensible alternatives to those whose crime is less serious and who can be guided into a more productive life with the right kind of intervention that addresses the root of bad behavior." -- Question... who's going to determine which juvenile delinquent deserves "sensible alternatives"? Who decides which juvenile crimes are "less serious"? Wouldn't a more cost efficient jail program be to enact death sentences within 2 or less years when a gun or other lethal weapon is used rather than housing murders for 20 or more years of appeals?


L-E story: "A man whose girlfriend had been living with him for a month faced charges of aggravated stalking against the woman during a Friday morning Columbus Recorder’s Court hearing. * He also allegedly told police that he had a court order to stay away from his girlfriend, but that she had been living with him about a month. * According to Lexis Nexis, Georgia State Law Code 16-5-94, which covers stalking, does not specify what actions should be taken if the offender and the victim are living together voluntarily in the offending party’s home. " -- Tell you what the law should say, and that is if the complainant violates his/her complaint by moving into the abode of the person the complainant filed the complaint against, then the complainant should be required to reimburse the taxpayers for every cent taxpayers paid to process and service her complaint!


Online quote source: "Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will be judged by only one thing - the result.

― Vince Lombardi

Yep, you guessed it, this will never be seen in a school classroom that focuses on excuses for failure and social promotions.

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