Sunday, August 3, 2014

Online headline: "Officials announced that an Israeli soldier previously believed captured by Hamas gunmen had been killed in battle. * Warns that Hamas 'will pay'" -- Now that's how you respond when some one crosses a line drawn.. Can you hear me now, Factless Shrugged?
Online headline: "Netanyahu Tells U.S. 'Not To Ever Second Guess Me Again' On Hamas" -- You know,, This sounds like the sequel to Peter Sellers' "The Mouse That Roared". -- Hmmm, only this time, Las Vegas ranks the "Mouse" as the 'prohibited favorite'.
Online story: "A U.S. Air Force spy plane evaded an encounter with the Russian military on July 18, just a day after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed by a suspected surface-to-air missile that Ukraine and the West allege was fired by pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine. * The RC-135 Rivet Joint fled into nearby Swedish airspace without that country's permission, a U.S. military official told CNN. The airplane may have gone through other countries' airspace as well, though it's not clear if it had permission to do so." -- Good grief... even Sweden is drawing lines and daring Factless Shrugged to cross it. The mice are coming out in droves.
Online story: "Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa said, “Under the leadership of the former speaker … in 2009 and 2010, they had the House, the Senate and the White House, and they knew this problem existed. * “They didn’t have the strength to go after it back then. But now are trying to make a political issue out of it now.” * Soon after he made the remarks, Pelosi, in full view of House cameras, walked across the chamber to the GOP side of the aisle -- a rarity in the House -- to challenge Marino. * It was not clear what Pelosi said, but Marino responded immediately. * "It's true, madam leader, I did the research on it," Marino said. "You might want to try it. You might want to try it, madam leader. Do the research on it. Do the research. I did it. That's one thing that you don't do." * The presiding officer, Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-Ill., told Marino to direct his comments through the chair and not at a fellow member. * "Well, it works both ways," Marino said. * After things seemed to calm down, Marino said, "Apparently, I hit the right nerve."-- "hit the right nerve"? How could he tell through the Botox? This does demonstrate how liberals react to the "spotlight of truth" sends them scurrying.
Online story: "Many Islamic groups are working to bring Sharia law to America, despite the fact that implementing foreign law violates the Constitution. Fortunately, many states have preemptively passed legislation to make Sharia law illegal in their state. * Apparently this doesn’t sit will with Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, as she gave a speech at the Islamic Society of Orange County, California, where Breitbart reports she called those who oppose Sharia law implementation “bigots” and “fear mongers.” * During the speech, Waters stated that America needs to stop profiling Muslims, and try to gain understanding into their religion and beliefs, because all religions have had radicals that have committed acts of terror." -- Isn't supporting foreign law a form of treason?
Online headline: "California declares a state of emergency" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought the voters just realized that Pelosi AND Waters represents their state.
From the "huh?" department - Online story: "Verizon no longer offers unlimited data plans to new customers. But subscribers who signed up for unlimited plans before Verizon ditched them in 2012 can keep those plans -- provided they pay full price when they get a new phone. The company said last week that it would occasionally slow the connection speeds of those customers during times of heavy network usage if they fall within the top 5% of data users." -- Excuse me, but if you "slow down" users, doesn't that mean those "users" will actually be spending more data time? It takes 4 times longer to walk a mile than to run one.
Online story: "A U.S. Air Force spy plane evaded an encounter with the Russian military on July 18, just a day after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed by a suspected surface-to-air missile that Ukraine and the West allege was fired by pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine. * The RC-135 Rivet Joint fled into nearby Swedish airspace without that country's permission, a U.S. military official told CNN. The airplane may have gone through other countries' airspace as well, though it's not clear if it had permission to do so." -- Good grief... even Sweden is drawing lines and daring Factless Shrugged to cross it.
Online headline/story: "Racism – Black Fresno Leaders Fight Hiring White Teacher to Teach Ethnic Studies Course! * Rev. Karen Crozier and the small group of followers are urging the school district to abandon their plans to hire a white person to teach the course at newly-constructed Rutherford B. Gaston Middle School. * the racially charged words that Crozier utters seem to have come right out of the race-baiting playbook of a Rev. Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton. Crozier insists, “We’re just saying what the community wants. We didn’t fight for a white male or female teacher to educate our babies" -- Hmmm ..Dr Martin Luther King, Jr said, ""I have a dream that my four little children will one day be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". - Obviously Crozier, Jackson, and Sharpton need a person of character to explain this to them 50 years later.. I suggest Dr. Ben Carson..
Online story: "James Muwakkil, President of the Lee County, FL chapter of the NAACP, has petitioned the local commission to remove a portrait of General Robert E. Lee from their chambers. The reason? * Muwakkil claims the portrait symbolizes racism. * Lee County was named after military hero Robert E. Lee" -- Hmmm... seems we still have work to do.. perhaps a person of character needs to be educating black leaders on white history as well. The NAACP could well do with putting General Lee's portrait in every NAACP office in this country.
There's a picture of an incredibly designed "crop circle" out. You know, surely "Google Earth" has a oicture of someone/something while it was being made.
Online quote source: "“Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” - W. Clement Stone " -- Hmmm, bet this adage will never grace the walls of Congressional bathrooms on either side of the aisle.
Dustin Johnson....what is/was he thinkin'? How did he think the PGA wasn't gonna catch him with cocaine residue? Maybe "the Great One" should take him out to the woodshed and introduce Dustin to a few "slapshots".
I have got to keep asking,, How can the GA Board of Elections let a person name be on a ballot that doesn't correspond with the name she uses to vote?
Another killing in Columbus.. the L-E says it's the 12th this year, but it's actually number 13. For some unknown reason, the L-E seems to think that a shooting death on the CSU campus isn't considered to be a death in Columbus.. must be the illogic behind "Common Core" math.
The recent 3-person turnover following the MCSD Board elections draws attention to one of the biggest flaws we have in our local election process.... 6 months of lame duck participation by the losers until the winners are seated in January. Same goes for our Council elections as well. There is no good reason that local elections are not determined on the November General Election date.. I said there are no "GOOD REASONS", but there are many political ones.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Detroit is a ghost town because management has strangled the life out of unions. Unions are at their lowest point ever and cannot protect the workers from mistreatment and poverty-level wages." -- Good grief... the man-of-Steal has upped the dosages of Kool-Aid his voters have daily. The ills of Detroit were CAUSED by unions. No city gets $18 BILLION in debt by listening to the taxpayers.
L-E's "Quotable": “Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.” - Hannah Arendt German historian (1906-1975)" -- Hmmm... then why are the Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright so averse to forgiveness?
You know.. it's Democrats that are fanning the fuel of "impeachment". Impeachment is not going to take place despite Factless Shrugged deserves such, but without 67 Senators to vote "guilty" ain't gonna happen, so it will not be on the House agenda.
Campaign finance is not so much in need of a cap on the amount, but it sure could use a dose of reality. Simple rules such as a donor being able to vote in the election he's donating to would be good. Requiring 50+1% of PAC members being able to vote in an election that the PAC sends donations or runs ads for one candidate or another would be good, too.
There's no need to identify the L-E commentary writer other than hi stuff really is "the Pitts", but a 'sentence" jumped out at me, so I read it , He wrote, " The thing (Sen Paul) Ryan apparently does not know, but should, is that urban poverty is driven not by a lack of people wanting to work, but by a lack of work — and skills and transportation." -- You know.. "the Pitts" is partially right....for a change... There is a lack of work, and lack of skills... and lack of transportation in our inner city areas. What he hasn't grasped is that the inner city populace has caused this. Education is a joke... businesses deserted the areas because of the danger elements and not being able to sustain profitability... and transportation.. what cab or bus driver wants to be cruising an inner city route after dark? The problem is that the inner city populace, the black leadership, and the Democratic Party entitlement programs have caused and sustained this situation.... but..BUT.. inner city voters keep re-electing the same representatives.
You know.. In 2008, Columbus had a great opportunity to land the new LL Regional Tournament site that's now playing in Warner Robins, GA. Warner Robins has none of the family entertainment opportunities that Columbus offered when it was picked. It turned out to be a decision of politics and our politicians let us down.

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