Wednesday, January 21, 2015

About 10 minutes into Obamageddon's speech, I began wondering whether he got his engagement calendar notations mixed up..I'm guessing he gave the speech he was planning on giving to the Liars Club.
After listening to Obamageddon's speech last night, the "Fact Check" website probably went down faster than the OObamaCRAP one last year.
On business ideas, Obamageddon is a train wreck, and a high speed one at that. How can he expect business executives to look past next quarters' earnings when analyzing front line employee costs when doing so jeopardizes the jobs of middle and upper level employees, and their companies continued existence .
Did you see Obamageddon's orange indoor tan? Looks like he was trying to match up with Boehner..wonder if they paid the 10% excise tax?
You know, it's tough listening to Obamageddon tell us how good things are going because we know he's lying.

Tell you what, my wife nailed Joni Ernst last night.. Saturday Night Live will have a field day with her hair style. Wonder if she went to John Kerry's stylist?
Obamageddon said we are are nation of laws.. Sure wish he would lead by example.
I don't know who was manning the "shared camera", but it was rather obvious that the camera director would not show the Democrats' weak responses to Obamageddon's talking points.
Good grief..Obamageddon literally said we need a new Cuban policy because it hasn't worked for 50 years.. Well...then let Cuba change!
Online headline: "Obama Made History By Using This Word in the State of the Union" -- Only the NY Times would mention that Obamageddon said "transgender".. but at the same time, the NY Times failed to mention that Obamageddon DID NOT MENTION al Qaeda even once.
Random thought: Why does Lysol et al, kill only 99.9% of germs? It doesn't seem like too big a stretch to kill the other 0.1%..
You know..the ISIS demand for $200,000,000.00 to release two Japanese hostages has exposed ISIS for what it really is..just street gangs. If ISIS was really about ideals, even its warped ones, , there would not be ransom demands, just more jihadist terrorism.
Good grief...a California newspaper us under fire for referring to illegal aliens as "Illegals" in a headline. You'd have thought that newspaper was in Iran, and Charlie Hebdo was the publisher. I tell you what, political correctness has gotten so stifling, "I CAN'T BREATHE"!
My bride and I went to see "American Sniper" Monday. I had asked her to "humor" me, and she did. She said that while it wasn't "her cup of tea", it also helped her in her relationship with couples, dear friends, in our lives that have lived the experience. I thanked her for going with me. She thanked me as well. Oh, one thing..if, (no, WHEN you go because you do not need to miss this) do not sit on the front row of the movie..especially if you are in the Car mike 15 " Big D" (auditorium 1 )..Thank goodness it wasn't in 3-D. You could not see the full screen from there unless you scanned the area with your eyes.
You know..what image do Columbus visitors get...take with them..when they drive along a major thoroughfare such as Veterans Parkway, and see two buildings with razor-wire fences protecting them. One is actually a Booker T Washington public housing building, and one is a thrift store across the street from another public housing project.
Online headline: "Earnest: "The World Is Not At War With Islam;" We're At War With Those Who Carry Out Attacks In The Name Of Islam" -- Good grief.. wonder how he would separate Hitler and Nazism.
National story that missed the Columbus L-E editor's attention: "Protesters invoking Michael Brown and Ferguson burst into an auditorium at Harris-Stowe State University early Monday afternoon and briefly shut down a Martin Luther King Day celebration. * "They came in here (being) so very disrespectful," said Harris-Stowe freshman Shaquell Humphries, 18. "There are old folks and little kids in that auditorium and they (the protesters) started cussing."
Mich(_*_)el Moore and Seth Rogen are displaying their own individual cowardice by back pedaling on their comments about snipers. It's true cowardice when you do that simply because you realize the personal backlash that's coming because patriots throughout America are going to boycott your future ventures.
Good grief...Obamageddon's spinmeisters are claiming raising capital gains taxes will help middle class America's ability to send ..afford to send.. their children to college. Huh? How does raising taxes on middle class families savings accounts help families with the cash to pay for college? If an investment has doubled, how can stealing 23-28% of that gain by taxing it more help families afford college for their children?
It's absolutely mind-boggling that Obamageddon, actually does, send his spinmeisters out to lie about how healthy our economy and job markets are. There are less people working now than 6 years ago, and too many of these aren't working full time and benefit qualifying ones.
Online headline: "Couple fined for parking Ford F-150 in their own driveway" -- Oooops my bad.. though this might have happened in my neighborhood... but it was in NY.
9,000 people have been alerted for possible jury selection in the Colorado trial for the (_*_) who shot up the movie theater there. Good grief.. I guess since recreational pot is legal there (not federally, of course), finding 12 people not likely to smoke/consume any during the trial period is quite a challenge.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "This Was The Best Moment Of Obama's State Of The Union Address" -- OK.. I give up.. what was it?
L-E headline: "Obama to Congress: Time to help middle class" -- Will someone ask Obamageddon to define "middle class" .... the middle class , in my opinion, is not looking for redistributed income from already successful people.. The middle class just wants to have a shot at achieving the American dream on its own efforts. Middle class does not look for government agencies controlling their income nor their lives.
L-E headline: "Boko Haram leader claims massacre in Baga, threatens more" -- Hmmm Where's WaldoBama, Pric Holder, and Al-Sharlatan when their protest signs, "Black Lives Matter" would actually be pertinent?
I tell you what.. the school board wants to rush a so-far-less-than-openly-discussed SPLOST issue for a vote in less than two months, and Mayor TomLYINGson wants to go after the tax-freeze in the 2016 General Election. It doesn't look like neither of our authorized taxing bodies gives a damn about Columbus. Neither can stay in their budgets with the revenue stream, and neither has control of maintaining what we already have.
It is not up to the taxpayers to fund financial mismanagement of politicians. Arise, Columbus, and send the MCSD Board and Mayor TomLYINGson a message..
Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid L-E "soundoff": "Mr. Myers and Mr. Thomas seem to be determined to lead Muscogee schools into the same path that a whole board of their type led the Gwinnett County School System causing them to lose their accreditation." -- Hey.. there needs to be a moratorium on School Board members who are not Myers or Thomas from sending in "soundoff".
Jonathan Gruber extra-extra-stupid L-E "soundoff": " Hopefully Georgia will hurry up and approve marriage equality for gay people so that we can stopped being looked at as a redneck, Bible-thumping, backwoods state." -- Hmmm a real diplomat.. what happened to "killing your opponents with kindness"? Besides. the writer just labeled him/herself as more bigoted than those he/she's throwing stones at.
Hey... why is Carlton Gary still alive? The last appeal issue was proven impertinent, so why hasn't the death clock resumed?
Online story: A Russian intelligence warship docked in Havana on Tuesday, a day before the start of historic US-Cuba talks aimed at normalizing diplomatic relations. * There was nothing stealthy about the arrival of the Viktor Leonov CCB-175, which was moored to a pier in Old Havana where cruise ships often dock. But the visit was not officially announced by Cuban authorities. * The vessel previously docked in Havana in February and March last year, staying there for a few days. Those visits were also unannounced" -- Hmmm.. instant repeat: Good grief..Obamageddon literally said we need a new Cuban policy because it hasn't worked for 50 years.. Well...then let Cuba change!
L-E story: " Myers was the board’s campaign consultant in 2009, when voters approved the five-year SPLOST that expired Dec. 31. Now, he said, “I’m not anti-tax or anti-SPLOST. I am anti-tax and anti-SPLOST right now. … We need a new Spencer, I get that, but I want to have it after we have accountability.” -- Whoa, Frank Myers, you're beginning to back pedal like Judy Thomas has about keeping the 1st Floor of the Macon Rd Government Service Center available for only public parking! We do not need a NEW Spencer.. If the current one is so unsafe, spread the current students around to the other high schools.. there's plenty of room, and there are excessive school buses galore to transport them.. and at a great less cost that $56,000,000.00. In fact, if that $56,000,000.00 was aimed at improving the school facilities, it would be better spent!
I want to know why Kia Chambers voted "yes"... didn't she campaign on bringing responsibility back to the school board, and yet her first real vote was a "rubber stamp". 

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