Sunday, January 4, 2015

Online story: " 39-year-old Jason Duval was charged with illegal possession of a controlled substance and driving to endanger in 2012. He agreed to pay $450 in court costs to have the charges dismissed. The warrant was issued when he failed to pay any money and he was picked up on New Year’s Day. * The Massachusetts man convinced a judge he wouldn’t be a flight risk by offering to post his new Nike sneakers as bail. * “OK, we’ll take them,” Framingham District Court judge Douglas Stoddard said in response." -- Good grief.. a man who bailed out on his word and restitutional requirements got hauled back into court and a judge takes a pair of used sneakers as an asset for the criminal to keep his word this time.. is there anyway we can require judges to take a drug test before putting on his/her robe?

Parsing the MCSD 2015 SPLOST "wish LUST":

Item 23 - Playground equipment at elementary schools: $250,000.00 -- Talk about a :hey, we got something for you" for the Board members if a constituent asks "what's in it for my child's school" slush fund. We have 33 elementary schools... that $7,500.00+ for each and every school. When I went to Wynnton, there was equipment there that my Dad used when he went to Wynnton.. $7,500.00+ is "needed" at every school.. when was the last time you drove past any elementary school that didn't already have fairly new equipment already installed.

Item 24 - (Actually this was #2 on the "wish LUST", but I was hoping there would be more "detail" available before I commented...there's nit..) -- District-wide technology and infrastructure upgrades: "$34,000,000.00... $34 MILLION slush fund for unqualified maintenance is a more fitting description! If the school system cannot.. probably more like "will not" spell out what it is trying to milk out of the local economy, then the MCSD system should get zilch! Vote "NO".. resoundingly!

You know.. finding the wreckage of the Asian airplane crash so quickly just leads us to rethinking about the first one that "disappeared". It still may be out there in some secludes area waiting to be used against the world in some terroristic manner.

HuffPOO headline: "Palin criticized for controversial photo of her son" -- The left criticizes Palin for breathing..
Seeing stories about changes in how Fed-Ex and UPS will charge for land delivery, and that the USPS may benefit because it will still charge by weight rather than cubic dimensions bothers me. In a way, the fact that UPS & Fed-Ex must operate at a profit to stay in business is further undermined by the USPS's ability to lose money and be supplemented by BILLIONS in tax dollars is not a fair business practice. If Congress wants the USPS to remain viable, it must demand the USPS clean up its act and cut back jobs/expenses to show a positive cash flow.. or shut down.
HuffPOO headline: "Iran, U.S. Reportedly Closer To Nuclear Deal" -- "closer to Nuclear deal"? Will someone from the left please explain how the US benefits in any capacity?
HuffPOO headline: "Bratton Asks NYPD Not To Turn Backs During Wenjian Liu's Funeral" -- Hmmm.. The NYC Police Commissioner is appointed by the Mayor, and serves at the Mayor's pleasure... Wonder if Bratton's job is on the line.. Mayor de Bl(_*_)io should simply back down from trying to horn-in on the NYPD's members period of mourning. Trying to salve the wound with salt is not going to heal the wound.
Looking towards 2016 -- Republican candidates for the nomination need to prioritize their positions early on.. gay and abortion issues, in fact no morals issues, should not be combined with Constitutional issues. The smartest answer/position on morals issues is for candidates to state they believe that those are personal issue with individuals and God, and God is the one that will determine everyone's fate.
Online quote source: " “Teamwork is so important that it is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your capabilities or make the money that you want without becoming very good at it.” - Brian Tracy" -- Hmmm... guess Jameis Winston and FSU would be a great example for this...
Hmmm... In spite of the top 5 SEC West teams losing, the SEC still managed to have a 7-5 record in the bowl games. That's a better record than a lot of the individual bowl-eligible teams.
Oregon vs Ohio other words.. O vs O..hmmm ...two big ZEROs will be playing for the National Championship.
Went to the new Government Center Friday to get the tag renewal sticker for my daughter's car. What is going on with security? I felt like Mayor TomLYINGson must have brought in some TSA goons to manage the check in station. I was required to remove my belt because it had a metal buckle.. just glad I wasn't wearing penny-loafers..or lead-lined underwear...
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Why is it that the more conservative you are, the more you want to kill somebody? Texas and Oklahoma just love executions." -- Hmmm.. I think the question is presented in the reverse of reality.. It should read, "Why is it liberals 'feel' a violent criminal will be remorseful if we let him/her go and have a second/third/fourthchance to prove him/herself?
L-E headline: "Republicans in Congress prepare assault on Obama policies" -- Hmmm.. more like newly reconstituted Congress to do the voters' wishes to straighten out failed policies of a narcissistic pretender to the throne"
I.2 million Georgians do not have a high school diploma or GED... sad... real sad.., but it also fillets the public school system failure to adjust to student needs. Extreme at-risk students need to be removed from general public high schools and middle schools and put in an environment that focuses on home-life issues, and.. at the same time.. removes such students from disrupting the educational system so that borderline students aren't further influenced by the attitudes of the extreme problems.

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