Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Online story: " Three Russian citizens were charged Monday in connection with a Cold War-style Russian spy ring that tried to recruit New York City residents as intelligence sources, authorities said." -- Talk about an oxymoron.. why was Russia looking for intelligent recruits in the city that voted for Cuomo, de Bl(_*_)io, Hillewinsky, and for Democrats in the last 7 presidential races?
Online headline: "Drone crashes at White House" -- Ooops my bad.. thought may Josh Earnest had collapsed in the Press Room.
Online headline: "Parents in France came up with an unusual moniker for their baby -- but a judge ruled against it, saying the kid would risk being mocked." -- Oooops, my bad.. thought it was going to be Obama.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Looks Like The NFL Will Try To Pin 'Deflategate' On A Locker Room Attendant" -- Good grief...the NFL has found its "Rusty Calley"..the guy at the bottom rung of the ladder, who doesn't speak unless spoken to.....
Online headline: "The Justice Department has acknowledged constructing a database to track the movements of millions of vehicles across the U.S. in real time. " -- Oh! that's that's why Pric Holder wants to give illegal aliens driver's licence's.. so he can find them after they sneak across the border and buy a car.. yeah.. right.
Online headline: "Marietta councilman wants to increase salaries of elected officials" -- Hmmm... bet he wants to increase taxes, too, to pay for them.
You know.. "we" voted in a T-SPLOST to take care of transportation needs in the area, but all we've seen are "frill" projects like the RoverWalk $244K bathroom.. well, what good is a $244K bathroom if you can't get there because of the potholes you encounter on the roads that lead there?
Random thought: "The 1% SPLOST taxes takes $192,000,000.00 out of our pockets over 5 years.That's collected by retailers which use computer register calculations to figure it out. For that, retailers submit a check/electronic transfer once a month, and keep .3% of that as a collection fee. If you haven't figured that out, retailers are getting paid $$5,700,000.00 to process sales taxes. Couple that with banks getting $4,000,000.00 for processing bonds on the SPLOST, and the school SPLOST is short nearly $10,000,000.00 for doing what they claim it's for. This is a bad deal all around.
Though I haven't gotten word back from our Atlanta delegates, I have learned that although the legislature set rules and regulations for SPLOST revenues, apparently there's no follow through about checking whether SPLOST project requests fulfill the requirements. We are going to have to ask for the school board to release the specifics of those requests.
Also, You can request the 2015 SPLOST specifics from the MCSD under the GA Open Records act by e-mail:
Include info you want, your name, your e-mail address, and your number.
Online quote source: " “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - St. Francis of Assisi " -- Alright "Noschoolboardtax.com", this is your rally cry!
Just got news from Hank Johnson, D-GA4, about his committee assignments. He's been named to the "House Judiciary Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law" and the "Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet". Remember Hank Johnson.. the guy that thought the island of Guam would tip over and sink if we moved more military equipment there? Thank God he's a Democrat and will be useless on any committee.. especially one monitoring "intellectual properties".
Online story: "Today, heads of state from around the world will gather for a 70th anniversary ceremony commemorating the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. More than 1.1 million individuals, the majority of whom were Jews, were killed at Auschwitz by Hitler’s Nazis. One world leader, however, will be missing – Barack Obama. * Rather than attending the ceremony himself or even sending his vice-president, Joe Biden, Obama is instead sending Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to represent the United States" -- Well, at least he didn't send Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar, Islamic Society of North America.
Online headline: "Sheriff urges New Yorkers: 'Throw gun renewals in garbage' -- OK.. then how about legal owners of guns just ignoring the 2008 "SAFE Act", and just don't bother to upload the info.. that'll put them on equal footing with the criminals who own guns...
Yesterday morning was one of those dictionary perfect weather descriptions.."blustery".
From the "did you know" department: There's a provision in O.C.G.A 48-8-141 that provides that a "commissioner" to administer and collect the SPLOST tax and take a "1% administrative fee".. 1% is $1,920,000.00 ! As some unnamed prospector would say as the Lone Ranger rode off, "Who is that masked man?"
Online story: "Gainesville attorney and former Hall County Commissioner Ashley Bell has been elected General Counsel by the National League of Cities (NCL) Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials." -- Hey, Pric Holder,, when are you going to arrest these folks for racial profiling!
Online quote source: " “No matter how good you think you are as a leader, my goodness, the people around you will have all kinds of ideas for how you can get better. So for me, the most fundamental thing about leadership is to have the humility to continue to get feedback and to try to get better - because your job is to try to help everybody else get better.” - Jim Yong Kim " -- Bet this is not being taught by professors at Columbia or Harvard Law..is it, Obamageddon?
L-E headline: "City to ask council to cancel Aquatic Center's management contract: -- Good grief... Council could not find a way to operate the aquatic center on a break-even basis to begin with, and expected a third party to operate it profitably without bending/breaking a few rules/laws? Gimmee a break.. this just demonstrates how inept our City government can be.. next election, just vote for the candidates running for re-election only if they voted against farming out the aquatic center operations.
Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Gov. Bentley needs “a health care system that is accessible and affordable.” Answer: Duh … Obamacare." -- "Duh"? Has thos idiot even ;looked at the rates for OObamaCRAP? When you pay $6-$800.. a month and have a $5-$6,000.00 dollar deductible for for services (each person on the policy) it means you will pay$7,200-$9,600.00 in premiums plus the first $5-$6,000.00 before your insurance even kicks in.. in effect, you pay $12,200-$15,600.00 before the insance companies pay a dime...
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff: "Every 50 minutes an elephant is killed for its ivory tusks which finance warlords. 30,000 will be killed this year and none will be left in 10 years." -- Good grief.. even when libs try to pass on meaningful info, they still make up numbers and lie.. Sure, it is tragic that these beautiful beasts are slaughtered for their tusks, and it is a problem that needs to be addressed, BUT the actual truth, according to real info is "Researchers believe that since 2010 an average of nearly 35,000 elephants have been killed annually on the continent. * They warn that if the rate of poaching continues, the animals could be wiped out in 100 years." What we have is a typical "Chicken Little Liberal" running around with it's head chopped off.. wonder when Algore will take up the cause?
L-E story: "Muscogee Democrats will hold their first monthly Social Club of the New Year Monday, Feb. 2 at Caffee Amici on Airport Thruway, 6-8 p.m. There will be a cash bar, appetizers and/ or dinner. Welcome to new and old members. Call Judy Brouillette at 706-571-6234 for more details." -- Heh heh heh.. hope somebody is videoing for YouTube when the owner tries to find out who is picking up the bill?
Congressman Bishop's letter in the L-E defending his "FOR" vote on the House Keystone XL Pipeline bill just demonstrates how pathetic Democrat voters are. What are they afraid of.. that jobs will be created and they will have to get one?
L-E story: "The U.S. Supreme Court vacated a ruling by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that had upheld the Alabama prison system’s policy against long hair. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the 11th Circuit and told the appeals court to reconsider the case in light of a Supreme Court ruling last week. That ruling said Arkansas couldn’t deny a Muslim prisoner’s request to grow a half-inch beard in accordance with his religious belief." -- Good grief.. why does any prisoner get any rights.. civil or religious, as the prisoner is incarcerated, to begin with, for violating someone else's rights and his/her on religious laws?

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