Monday, January 19, 2015

Today is Martin Luther King's holiday.. many events have already occurred and more are scheduled today. I share Dr. King's "dream" but there are many who don't.. some of them will be speaking - leading rallies - today. I, pray, that those who speak will have healing forgiveness in their words and hearts. Dr. King would approve.

There's an inherent and simple flaw in having an elected school board..the only power is the ability..the opportunity to spend other people's money..There is zero incentive to save money. Board members want to go out and brag to their districts about "what they got for them". What we need is a grand jury appointed board..again...then, when a term is up for a board member and he/she wants to serve again, then being a good guardian of other people's money becomes strong asset for reappointment.

Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Isn’t a school board member who’s opposed to a tax for badly needed capital funds much like a union leader whose goal is to work for a pay cut for all members?" -- Hmmm.. even union leaders understand that rampant waste will end the jobs of it's members which the union is supposed to focus on saving at all costs. I just wonder which of the other 7 MCSD board's members sent this in...Oh.. reread the item above this one.

Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff" 2015 finalist for most stupid comment: " How dare the House GOP add the Homeland Security budget to abolishing Obama’s immigration policy? Blackmail is the appropriate word. They will shut down the government, desert national security — anything to get their way." -- And this guy/gal had no problem with Harry Reid stripping out an irrelevant Pelosi passed House Bill, inserting OObamaCRAP intp the shell, sending it back to Pelosi who called for a "no read" vote to pass it?
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "MCSD’s regular audit costs well over $100,000 and practically guarantees uncovering any material internal control, reporting, or compliance weaknesses. A comprehensive forensic audit will cost several times more with no guarantee of finding anything else." -- Good grief.. a "regular audit" amounts to balancing a check book not checking to see if the money was spent correctly..the real question is why a "regular audit" costs that much... a forensic audit will determine that, too. I mean, if you this "soundoffer" were getting $100K to rubber stamp something, would he point out discrepancies and risk losing next year's contract? In another way,, a "regular audit" is no different from Mayor TomLYINGson giving $350,000.00 to a group to conduct a feasibility study on a high speed rail system she wants, and knowing that will take 20 years before it could possibly be finished and people learn either it won't work or "come in" anywhere close to the figures she spouted 20 years before.
Another Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Sanford and Vivian Bishop have not distinguished themselves as Democrats. It's time they changed parties -- or just left town." -- Good grief.. the Bishop's have demonstrated PRECISELY what Democrat politicians are...
HuffPOO headline: "Shots fired outside Biden's Delaware home" -- Ooooops my bad.. thought maybe Dr Mrs Biden decided to step out on the balcony to fire a few shotgun blasts for practice..

Online headline: "Death sentence looms over bombing trial * Testimony expected to start later this month, the Justice Department hasn't indicated it will spare Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's life." -- "hasn't indicated it will spare (Bomber Brother 2's) life"? Good grief.. if Boston accepts the premise Bomber Brother 2 deserves another chance at life, then Obamageddon should start turning his Gitmo releases loose in Boston instead of Yemen or Oman.

HuffPOOPOO story: "Jane Fonda was at the Weinberg Center for the Arts in Frederick when she was confronted by about 50 veterans holding signs with the phrase "Forgive? Maybe. Forget? Never." * All over this decades-old photo where the actress is seen sitting among Viet Cong soldiers during her trip to the country in 1972. * The photo earned her the hateful nickname "Hanoi Jane." -- "All over this decades-old photo"? It had nothing to do with a photo.. the photo just "captured" what she was doing! I nearly walked out of a theater because of a "coming attraction" trailer of some movie I will never see anywhere...

Random thought: You know, if Obamageddon had been graduated by Columbia or Harvard cum laude (or higher), do you think he would have kept his grades locked away in limboland?

Obamageddon sent Sweet Baby James Taylor over to France to serenade President Hollande with "You've got a friend"... guess a Kerry hug wasn't enough... strangely, just two years ago, James Taylor was advocating that Americans need to sacrifice some of their freedom to protect children from gun violence. Maybe Obamageddon needs to watch how the Godfather descibes his course of action if someone hurts one of his "family".

Online quote source: "“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower " -- hmm thought this was an appropriate tag-a-long for the message Obamageddon sent to the world in the item above.

Online headline: "Michael Moore Blasts ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle as a ‘Coward’" -- Good grief.. You know.. Michael Moore could wallow around in a latrine pit and no one would be able to tell him apart from what else is in there...

Yesterday, after leaving church, I drove by a building that used to house Merrill-Lynch, and later bought by Synovus Financial. It's now on the market for sale. When it was owned by Merrill Lynch, it had a putrid "mustard-ish" brick facade.. Synovus hand painted each of those bricks to make them look like "real brick". Caveat Emptor.. it needs a new paint job..

Oh! A "get's it" L-E "soundoff": " The civilized world was unaware Nazis were exterminating Jews until after WW II, but Muslim terrorists are exterminating non-Muslims in Nigeria now, and the world just shrugs." -- Hmmm, imagine Hitler's world if he had access to today's mainstream media back then.. Remember CNN looking then other way at the atrocities in Saddam Hussein's palaces.
L-E headline/story: "Commentary * Overhyping Obama’s Paris fail by Kathleen Parker * If we can be serious for a moment: The president made an error in judgment by not sending someone with a higher profile than our ambassador to join world leaders Sunday at a solidarity rally in Paris. * The White House has admitted the error." -- "over hyping"? Based on what.. Obamageddon's successes in Iraq, Afghanistan or Benghazi? "admitted the error"? You know, there are times... this being one.. that asking for forgiveness just doesn't cut it.. being the President of the USA has obligations.. obligations to its citizens and the world.
From a Tim Chitwood column: " Tim, What was the precipitating factor in the sudden and painful separation from your horse? By the way, my grandfather, the quintessential horseman, said that you haven’t really ridden until you’ve been thrown. You’ve been initiated. JD. * Dear JD: The horse stumbled and went down on both front legs, so I was catapulted from the saddle over the horse’s right shoulder. * I’ve been told I should have been able to hold on, but I never see guys in the movies stay in the saddle when that happens, so I remain skeptical. And sore." -- Hmmm.. Hey Tim.. what's worse. being thrown by a horse or the Democrat donkey you on ride daily?
You know.. Islamic jihadists don't even need to attack conservative news outlets like Rush Limbaugh or Fox News... Obamageddon and Pric Holder are already hard at work at this.

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