Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hey, Al-Sharlatan.. there was a black al-Qaida terrorist gunned down by the French police... why aren't you there leading racism protests?

Online story: "Terrorists killed as many as 2,000 people last week in a single attack. * Boko Haram militants stormed a small remote village Saturday and butchered the unarmed Nigerian civilians as it took control of 16 surrounding towns, according to reports." -- Hey, Al-Sharlatan.. 2000 unarmed black people were killed last week by a "police" force... Are you taking your "Black Lives Matter" protestors there?

Online story: "The leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah group says Islamic extremists have insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad more than those who published satirical cartoons mocking the religion." -- Oh.. someone from the moderate Islamist jihadists is speaking out against the radical Islamist.. maybe the Nobel Committee will give him Obamageddon's Peace Prize.
At this moment yesterday, there was a French Islamist jihadist holed up in a Kosher Deli in France. Talk about irony, and don't you think the store personnel wishes it had ham and bacon to throw at the jihadist?
There's a movement to ban American companies who moved production and jobs overseas from selling their products in America. You know, wouldn't it be better..more feasible, and more likely to get desired results if the Republicans rewrote the rules Democrats passed that sent those jobs overseas?

Online story: " President Barack Obama on Friday proposed to bring the cost of two years of community college "down to zero" for all Americans, an ambitious nationwide plan based on a popular Tennessee program signed into law by that state's Republican governor. * The White House estimated that 9 million students could eventually participate and save an average of $3,800 in tuition per year if they attend fulltime. Students would qualify if they attend at least halftime, maintain a 2.5 grade point average and make progress toward completing a degree or certificate program. Participating schools would have to meet certain academic requirements. * The White House said the federal government would pick up 75 percent ($60 billion federal price tag over 10 years) and the final quarter would come from states that opt into the program - a cost of $20 billion over 10 years. Spokesman Eric Schultz said Obama will propose new programs to pay for the federal portion in his budget next month." -- Hmmm... so $80 BILLION is the new "free" in Obamageddon's definition of "free".. and how much is the federal food/meal plan gonna cost when that's added since students getting "free" education obviously won't be able to feed themselves.. and the books? What about the "free" computers and phones students will need .. oh! how about the "free" school spirit-hoodies .. and the "My Kid is a 2.5 student at Free Community College Day Care" bumper stickers.. oh, and if there are "free" bumper stickers, "free" cars will be necessary.. Good grief.. can we afford "free"?

You know, if Congress passes a voting law that prohibits students from voting until AFTER they graduate from college, Democrats wouldn't even be interested in "free" education..
Had to go to Columbus Park Crossing yesterday and had to take the Whittlesey Rd section that's being widened. Somebody at the construction company must have heard about then complaints of the delays yet no amount of work seemingly being done. Well, yesterday, there were flagmen and detours in action.. couldn't see any work going on, but saw a lot of inconvenienced cars/drivers.
Good grief..even Fox News has fallen into the trap of the French Islamic terrorists. All media is covering the event 24/7 which is what martyrs want.
There should only be one world wide policy on dealing with Islamic terrorist. Kill them, then grind their carcasses in to "pellets" and feed those to pigs.
It's comforting to know CA Senator Barbara Boxer will not be running for reelection. Of course, that seat is basically empty even when she's sitting in as it is.

Wow.. a California accountant at a school stole $2+ MILLION dollars from "lunch money" over a 4 year period. It was discovered only after a full audit. Let's have a full audit of our MCSD system.. and before any new SPLOSTs "wish LUSTs" are put on a ballot.

Did you see... hear it? That news clip (no one watches "live") of CNN’s Christiane Amanpour calling the French Islamic jihadists terrorists "activists,”. That's sorta like referring to Saddam Hussein an "community organizer".

Online story: "Dozens of Dartmouth College students are suspended following accusations they were cheating, ironically, in an ethics class. * Professor R(_*_)ndall B(_*_)lmer said he has no plan to fail the students for cheating, however, he will lower their overall grade by one letter." -- So.. the professor isn't really concerned about the cheating... just that the students got caught cheating...Hmm.. wonder what today's Las Vegas odds are on these 64 Ivy Leaguers will get scholarships to Harvard Law and become politicians?

Comment on above story: Good grief.. it's not Professor B(_*_)mer that should face public and parental scrutiny.. it's Dartmouth's president! At $65,000.00 annually costs (not including student drugs of choice), I'd think Dartmouth's president has it's eye on its bank account rather than the honor and reputation of the school. At $65K annually, that's a 4 year cost of more than a quarter of a million dollars.. Dartmouth must look more closely at the parents Bank Account Averages than student Grade Point Averages for admission.

You know.. Crimes up, and arrests non-existant..I wonder when law abiding citizens are going to take to the streets of New York and protest that they miss the police officers' presence in their neighborhoods?

In 1993, I vowed that since business wasn't going to dictate I go to NYC anymore, that I would go back voluntarily and put up with the callous abuse visitors were exposed to in NYC stores and businesses.. It was sorta like a "we'll take your money, but get out of here as soon as we do" atmosphere.

Then "9-11-01 happened".

My in-laws had a family re-union planned in the summer of 2002 in the Boston area. Flying 18 people would have been a nightmare making connections at that time, so we rented a cruiser bus, and plans were made to see other cities along the way. Plans were made to spend a couple of nights in New York so we could all visit the whole in the ground called "Ground Zero"..we needed to experience this first hand.. the next generation needed to understand what had occurred that they certainly wouldn't get the whole or truthful story at school. We spent two days exploring Broadway and subways and theaters as well. I noticed that merchants/restaurants were totally different from the last time I had been there. They actually expressed their gratitude we had come.. tourists were no longer taken for granted as simply "wallets".

Maybe the police officers will now get this feeling from New Yorkers. I hope so...

Online quote source: "“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.”
- Samuel Ullman" -- "maturity"? Hey.. NBC should have changed its location for the last Peter Pan show.. there;s an actual "Peter Pan" who sometimes finds his way the Oval Office.. well, if it's on his way to the golf course...
Online quote source: " “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu " -- "best when people barely know he exists"? Doesn't sound like Where'sWaldObama does it?

Online story: "Records obtained by the Washington Examiner under the Freedom of Information Act show that HHS executives spent $31 million taking 7,000 first class and business class flights between 2009 and 2013, including 253 trips for which a one-way ticket cost more than $15,000. * Half the records listed the price of a coach ticket for comparison. For that portion alone, the upgrade boosted the cost by almost $14 million, from $4.9 million to $18.5 million. * Federal employees are allowed to fly business or first class if the flight is longer than 14 hours, but only 1,400 of the 7,000 flights met that description." -- First.. no fed employee should fly anywhere on a First Class ticket.. when has any ordinary taxpayer gotten first class accommodations waiting on government services?
Online headline: 'Holder Wants To Force Gun Owners to Wear Tracking Bracelets" -- Hmmmm... How about him using the same tracking software he did for the guns sold to Mexican cartels?
Hmmm... you know... if GA lawyers want to eliminate the death penalty in GA.. maybe there is a potential compromise.. how about lawyers represent death penalty cases "pro bono", and if the criminal is convicted, there be a sentence of life without parole or appeal... that and the prison be funded by GA lawyer donations... non-tax-deductible ones at that.
You know.. when the MCSD starts to "sweet talk us" about giving it another 5 year SPLOST to pay for maintaining buildings and such that it has built on our dollars but hasn't taken care of, well, the campaign will be focused on how cheap a penny is.. Well that "penny" is worth between $180-$190 MILLION dollars that will be taken out of the local economy over 5 years. That "penny" will be an extra 14+% added to the already economy crippling sales taxes.
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " If you want to crunch numbers about gas and unemployment, then include Bill Clinton. His numbers will immediately make your Republican icons look like the ignorant losers they are." -- Good grief.. after two years of the Clintons, Newt Gingrich became the virtual president in 1994 when voters overwhelmingly swept the Democrats out of Congress. In fact Gingrich got Clinton re-elected in spite of himself.
L-E story: "On the evening of MLK Day, Monday, Jan. 19, the Columbus Community Orchestra will present a special concert, “Martin Luther King’s Legacy: A Tribute in Song and Word.” Jerry “Pops” Barnes, Columbus council member, will be a featured concert narrator and Bunky McClung Clark will serve as mistress of ceremonies. Numerous other speakers and vocal soloists will also be highlighted. * The concert is free and will be held at the Activity Building of St. Mark United Methodist Church, 6795 Whites-ville Road at 7:30 p.m" -- Now this is the "dream" Martin Luther King "dreamt" about.. coming together without color being a handicap.. not what the Al-Sharlatans, Jackson, Holders, Ranfels, Obamas, or Democrats say.
L-E's "Quotable": “The days you work are the best days.” Georgia O’Keeffe American artist (1887-1986)" this should be inscribed in Obamageddon's golf cart.
From the "mainstream media point-of-view bias" department - L-E headline/story: "2014 was best hiring year since ’99 * nearly 3 million more people are earning paychecks than at the start of 2014 — the best annual job gain since 1999." -- Good grief.. we have 92,000,000 people of working age who are not working, and a great deal of the 2014 "hires" are working less than 30 hours a week because of OObamCRAP rules.. This is not a pretty, or celebratory picture..

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