Wednesday, January 28, 2015

HuffPOOPOO headline: " Forecasters Apologize After Blizzard Misses NYC" -- Good grief.. in a science that's about as predictable as politics, who are these people who think they know what God intends?
Online headline: "Obama will not meet Netanyahu in March visit " -- Obamageddon snubbed the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz this week, and is planning to snub Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.. why does the Jewish population of America still support the Democratic Party. I'd really like to know.
Online headline/story: "The Obama campaign strategist who could break the Israeli elections wide open *
The group V-2015 is working with U.S. political strategist Jeremy Bird to replace the government in March. * Their mission is to oppose the Likud party in the March 17th election." -- Jeremy Bird is basically a "paid assassin" to knock Netanyahu out. Obamageddon will not meet with Netanyahu before the March 17 election.. Netanyahu is a member of the Likud party.. Jeremy Bird was Obamageddon's 2012 campaign field director. I repeat.. why does the American Jewish population still support the Democratic Party/
Online headline/story: "Judge refuses to toss Perry case on constitutional grounds * Former Texas Governor Rick Perry was indicted in August on charges of abuse of official power and coercion of a public servant. He is accused of publicly threatening - then making good on - a 2013 veto of $7.5 million in state funding last year for a public corruption division within the office of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. That came after Lehmberg, a Democrat, refused to resign following a conviction and jail time for drunken driving." -- Hmmm sounds like another aspect of drunkenness.. like a case of a judge drunk with power.....
Online story: "In a piece published in the Atlanta Blackstar, the so-called “Black BuzzFeed,” the article states that there are six words that no white person should ever use because they are “synonymous” with the “N” word. * These are the six words/phrases: Thug, Urban/Inner City, State's Rights, Welfare and Food Stamps, Law and Order, Cut Taxes" -- Good grief!... is there anything that can be said to a liberal to get a conversation started about solving any problem? Oh! if this is a list that blacks/libs feel are substitutes for the "N" word, then what are the words "jobs" and "work" substitutes for?
Did you catch it? Last week, in an interview with a green-lipped YouTuber, Obamageddon described homosexuality as a " lifestyle choice "... "lifestyle choice"? Where is the backlash from the LGBTG world that has fought so hard to get Obamageddon to acknowledge they are "born" that way?
Public education is out to dumb down our children.. teachers in private Early Learning Centers are no longer allowed to use teach children in groups, nor use "flash cards" to expand their knowledge of words and numbers. Now, only 1-on-1 teaching methods are allowable.. that means a teacher in the ELC's must pay attention to one student at a time while the other 5 get no attention (Usual 1-to-6 ratio). What it amounts to is that teaching time is effectively cut to one hour versus 6 hours for our young children. Effectively, premier private Early Learning Centers are to become nothing more than day-care-centers.
L-E headline: "Volunteers hit the streets to count Columbus' homeless population" -- Guess this is an acid test on how Mayor TomLYINGson's Committee to End Homelessness in Columbus in 10 years" is doing. 4 or so years into it.
Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Hopefully God will soon approve gender equality so either sex can conceive and carry a fetus to birth. Then all including rednecks will support marriage equality." -- Good grief.. now the LGBs wanna tell God how to run His world. If God wanted us to be asexual, He would have created us asexual, and the LGB's would be without a cause. BUT, since He hasn't made a mid-course evolutionary modification,...guess He's proud of His original plan.
FTR: There is a movement to organize a "No SPLOST" ad campaign at the present time.. as soon as I get a working address, I will publish it so any who agree can send a contribution to the cause. Chatter is that about $24,000.00 can mount a good effective campaign. I'm going to send them a check, and I hope all of you will also.. Even$20.00, hopefully higher, contributions will aid the cause. Make it happen!
L-E story:
• Aug. 3: First day of work for teachers
• Aug. 10: First day of classes for students
• Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday
• Nov. 11: Veterans Day holiday
• Nov. 23-27: Thanksgiving break
• Dec. 21-Jan. 6: Winter break (teachers return to work Jan. 6; students return to classes Jan. 7)
• Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
• Feb. 15: Presidents Day holiday
• March 21-25: Spring break
• May 25: Last day of classes for students
Good grief.. Do you notice that every holiday but one is called for what it is... Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Matin Luther King, Jr., President's , and even Spring Break.. but not the Christmas holiday break.. I wonder if educators and politicians really believe that if they don't call it Christmas, then the children won't know?

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