Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Online headline: "Elizabeth Warren: I'm not running for president" -- Hmmm... somebody must have showed her the results of almost-as-left-as-she-is results of Democratic candidate George McGovern....
To local Columbus, GA merchants: Your sales tax collection figure for January sales should be reconfigured to 7%. The 1% MCSD 2009 SPLOST expired at midnight on December 31, 2014. If you call your accountant and he/she tells you it's still 8%, what he/she is talking about is that on your January Sales Tax report to the state is 8% because... get this BECAUSE you will be reporting December 2014 sales. If your accountant doesn't clarify that you can't charge but 7% on new January sales.. get you a new accountant... fast!
The average sales taxes collected in GA are 6.97% ..which is still lower than outs AFTER the 2009 MCD SPLOST was recently removed. Of note is that Oregon, Montana, Delaware and Vermont do not charge any sales taxes. If we STUPIDLY add the 1% 2015 MCSD SPLOST back on, locally, we will jump back into the number 13 spot nationally as a highest community sales taxed entity.
Online story: "Carolyn Kesel was arrested and charged with a felony DWI after she was caught driving drunk ... on vanilla extract. * The 46-year-old registered at three times the legal limit after consuming two bottles of the baking ingredient." -- Story disclosed that vanilla extract is 41% alcohol,, what's worse is that the story also mentioned peppermint and orange extracts are up to 89% alcohol. Guess we can't send our teen children to the grocery store to pick up baking ingredients anymore.
From the "is there zero shame to be a registered Democratic Party voter" department - Online story: "A Virginia lawmaker who resigned his seat following a sex scandal involving a teenager has won it back in a special election. * Joe Morrissey defeated two opponents in the Richmond-area House of Delegates race Tuesday - a feat he accomplished while serving six months in jail on a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. * The Democrat resigned under pressure after his December conviction, then angered legislators from both parties by running as an independent for the seat * The 57-year-old Morrissey denies allegations that he had sex with a 17-year-old girl who worked as a receptionist in his law office. He entered a plea deal to avoid a felony trial. * Through four elections, most voters have overlooked or even embraced Joseph D. Morrissey's flamboyant history of fistfights, contempt of court citations and disbarment. The 57-year-old bachelor, who fathered three children out of wedlock with three different women, repeatedly won at least 70 percent of the vote as a Democrat" -- what else can I add...
Online headline: "Cops fire tear gas into crowds of Ohio State fans * As revelers spilled out of bars near the Ohio State campus Tuesday, they were met by police and pepper spray. * 30-40 trash can fires reported" -- Mainstream media must be disappointed that stores weren't looted and burned .....
HuffPOO story: "The House passed a measure Tuesday to dramatically restrict the government's ability to enact any significant new regulations or safety standards, potentially hamstringing the efforts of every federal agency, from financial regulators to safety watchdogs. * With the GOP in the majority, it is at least likely to get a vote in the upper chamber. * "It really covers the entire spectrum of public health and safety, worker health and safety, financial protections, consumer product protections -- just about everything that you can think about for which the government has a responsibility to ensure the public is being protected, * The White House has threatened to veto it." -- Applaud the new Republican leadership for jumping on this process, which, under the Obamageddon Administration, has allowed government agencies to bypass Congress in making up their policies and rules.
You know.. things would sail smoother if the MCSD Board and School Administration would remember that they work for the taxpayers, and kept us better informed... intentionally. Well, at least pretended they liked us. Full audit or no SPLOST!
Stupid Republicans tricks : 1 - "Texas Republican Randy Weber, who represents a district in suburban Houston, wrote on Twitter that even Adolf Hitler went to Paris, a swipe at President Barack Obama skipping the massive freedom rally over the weekend"., and 2 - "Huckabee slams Obamas over parenting skills * The former Arkansas governor has accused the president and his wife of 'parenting by double-standard.' -- Gentlemen.. the public can see the truth, but being petty about these things just turns the public indignation on the wrong party
Online story: "VALLEY, Ala. (AP) - An Alabama middle school principal wants to stockpile cans of corn and peas in classrooms for students to hurl at possible intruders as a last resort defense. * In a letter Friday, W.F. Burns Middle School Principal Priscella Holley asked parents to have each student bring an 8-ounce canned item. * "We realize at first this may seem odd; however, it is a practice that would catch an intruder off guard," she wrote in the letter, published by TV station WHNT in Huntsville." -- Is this what the education system considers good leadership for students? Let's forget about the stupidity aspect of the principal, but for argument sake, wouldn't just picking up stones around the school for students to throw be better? They are free, and if nothing else, several hundred rocks would eliminated from the children's playground. Of course. it would save tax dollars as well, because many of the canned goods would probably be paid for out of federal dollars used for the free/reduced lunch programs.
The NYPD needs to send the Mayor a fact, the NYPD should put 911 on an automatic forward to his office and home phones. Hmmm.. might be a good idea locally as well; our Mayor will actually know about our crime rate.
Whittlesey Road widening project update: It's about 10 til 4:00 PM Tuesday.. there are a dozen pieces of equipment and 9 employees out and about...all with one thing in common..nothing is actually working. My guess is that they don't want to finish the project on time.
Online quote source: "“The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds.” - Albert Schweitzer " -- Hmm imagine the improvements in this country if liberal minds could be altered positively...
Jonathan Gruber stupid L-E "soundoff": "One must remember that over $2 of that $4 burger is pure profit." -- Good grief.. does public education not teach anything about the world beyond liberal fact creation? There is no such thing as "pure profit".. there is "gross profit" and "net profit", but if a liberal wants to jump on anybody, it should be the federal government which nets more in taxes than most companies net in actual "net profit" (oh.. for you libs.. "net profit" is something businesses hope exists after paying expenses and taxes)
Jonathan Gruber stupid L-E "soundoff": " Every day I see a fund or special account to pay someone else’s bills, like medical bills, burial expenses and a plethora of others. Why not a SPLOST to pay bills for everybody? -- I have a slim hope the writer was being sarcastic, but since this is the L-E editors pick, I sorta have to go with my hunches that this could possibly be submitted directly by Jonathan Gruber. So... let's "cut to the bottom line.. why not every body just turn over their salaries, entitlement checks, and life savings/pension funds to Obamageddon for him to make good on his promise to give us everything for free. IRS could be eliminated, property taxes (no one would own any) would be eliminated, even sales taxes would be eliminated. Wow.. Utopia! Better hold onto your guns, though, cause you will need them in a few months when Obamageddon runs out of other people's money.
L-E healine: "France: Terror funding, attack weapons came from abroad" -- As Gomer Pyle was apt to exclaim, "Surprise - Surprise - Surprise!"...... To this I add...NOT!
L-E headline: "AMAZON SIGNS WOODY ALLEN TO CREATE HIS fiRST TV SERIES" -- Let's pray it doesn't prey on teenaged girl audiences.
L-E "headlie" - "Man accused of burning woman with hot water" -- Hmmm.. "burning"... with water? Perhaps scalding, but if the L-E has figured out how to set water afire, liberals will rejoice at the possibility of eliminating oil/gas as vehicle fuel.

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