Monday, January 12, 2015

Online headline: "Obama will ask Congress to OK new legislation" -- Heh heh heh.. Obamageddon's "Veto/Executive Order pen" must have run out of ink...
Online story: "A White House official said Obama will announce the proposed legislation Monday, along with a measure aimed at preventing companies from selling student data to third parties and from using information collected in school to engage in targeted advertising." -- Whoa! Wanna bet Mark "FaceBook" Zuckerberg starts sending contributions to Republicans?
Online headline: "Star's touching Globes tribute to Paris victims * Sunday night's show brought a bevy of powerful moments, including Jared Leto's poignant 'Je Suis Charlie' show of solidarity." -- Hmmm... does this mean that the Hollywood A-List is going to be dropped from White House invitations?
Online headline: "Killer camel leaves 2 dead at Texas farm" -- Hey, Caleb, what day is it? Must be "Trample Day"...Guess the Surgeon General was right.. Camels are unhealthy...
The NFL just "play review" option just lost all credibility on the overturn of Cowboy's Dez Bryant's catch. The field ref got it right the first time, and the "review ref" blew it.
Two things are inevitable about the future of electric cars.. the price of oil will effect your transportation costs on the upside, and the cost of fuel will never go down in the winter and will be even higher in the summer when your home AC is running. Oh... make that three things.. California liberals will dream up some sorta screwy law concerning emissions.
Random thought: You know. ..England gave us the phrase.."watching one's Ps and Qs" .."Ps and Qs " meant "pints and quarts".. Well, how come England now gives us metric measures?
You know.. basically.. with the exception of plans to set up "some" schools to be better at handling autistic needs, none of the MCSD "wish LUST" SPLOST-legal projects addresses actual classroom needs?
The MCSD school wants to rush into a new SPLOST election in two months. March? Seriously.. if there is merit in the MCSD "wish LUST", then wait and put it on 2016's November General Election date... item by item and after a full audit of the MCSD system and, particularly, the last SPLOST projects.
Online story: "State ethics filings released this week show that the Democratic Party of Georgia spent about $4.2 million and ended the year with roughly $512,000 in its coffers. * The Georgia GOP, meanwhile, spent most of the $6.7 million it raised during the cycle, leaving it with only $188,000 in the bank. That’s a contrast from the end of 2010, the last gubernatorial race, when it had $1 million left over." -- Hmmm.. guess having $512,000.00 after the November election means that the Democrats were not "All In" on supporting Carter and Nunn...
Online story: "Gov. Nathan Deal paid his daughter-in-law’s fundraising company $607,000 just before and just after he won re-election in November." -- Good grief.. there's a pretty standard percentage fee in fund raising, and whether nor not Deal's d-i-l was involved is irrelevant. Does anyone think they were donating to her? On the other hand, where was mainstream media's concern about CA Senator Diane Feinstein's HUSBAND being given the government contract to sell of all the defunct/unused/unnecessary US Post Office buildings?
Hey GA legislature... are you seriously think about adding another tax on gas to fund transportation needs? This area and 2 other are already saddled with the ill-throughout T-SPLOST, and you already get 4% sales taxes in addition from everybody.. The GA DOT needs to learn to make do with what it gets.
CNN is trying to establish that the Islamic jihadist who took over the kosher supermarket wasn't anti-semitic. Huh! Of course he was.. he didn't take over a non-kosher supermarket because people could have thrown ham & bacon at him!
Online headline: "Holder mum on report Petraeus faces felony charges" -- Hmmm.. interesting.. Holder certainly wasn't "mum" in opinionating on Officer Darren Wilson or George Zimmerman or supporting Police Officers in general... even black police officers have to wonder whether the US Attorney General supports the laws they are sworn to uphold.
Soapbox moment: We need is for the MCSD to enforce the Harris County and Phenix City students who are attending MCSD schools to pay their out-of-system fees. This applies to students of parents of MCSD teachers as well. Furthermore, all school personnel should be required to live in Muscogee County. They pay less taxes in other counties, so, in a sense, they are dodging the taxes that pay their salaries. In addition, out-of-county teachers/administrators should not be given the local "incentive pay boosts" that in-county personnel get.
L-E headline/story: "Hearing in MLK Bible, Nobel medal dispute set for Tuesday * The Estate of Martin Luther King Jr. Inc., which is controlled by Martin Luther King III and his younger brother, Dexter Scott King, asked a judge a year ago to order their sister Bernice to turn over their father’s Nobel medal and traveling Bible. The brothers want to sell them to a private buyer." -- Hmmm..let's hope that the judge has the wisdom of Solomon.. and orders Dr. King's Bible and Medal be tiurned over to the Smithsonian Institute for prosperity.
L-E headline: "OHIO STATE, OREGON TITLE GAME WILL CROWN A 'TRUE CHAMPION'" -- Huh? It may decide which school is the Biggest "0" but that's about all...

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