Monday, December 31, 2012

Online headline: "Hillary Clinton Admitted to Hospital" -- "Admitted to Hospital"? Hmmm, that's the only think she has or will ever "admit" to.


Online story: "Absent a new bill or an extension of current law, milk prices would revert to rules set in 1949, the last "permanent" farm legislation in the United States. Government price supports would kick in, based on production costs 64 years ago, plus inflation. The potential retail milk price has been estimated at $6.00 to $8.00 a gallon versus current levels near $3.50. * U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, in an interview with CNN taped Friday and aired on Sunday, urged Congress to come up with such a solution, if only an extension of the old law that expired nearly three months ago, lest milk prices start rising after Jan. 1, 2013." -- Hmmm, sounds like the dairy industry has been milking us, as well, for the past 64 years. We've obviously been paying much more than we pay at the check-off counter at Publix, so the dairies' cows aren't thye only thing that's been fattened.


Most every elementary school already has school crossing guards on premise for 2 03 3 hours daily, so mark all vehicles/persons that are bringing/dropping-off children or picking them up have ID stickers that allow them on school grounds, then one of those school guards remain on campus daily.


Why are DUMBERats so supportive of law abiding citizens being restricted to owning guns (DOH! only the law-abiding honor such laws), versus being adamantly opposed to armed, law-abiding, and well trained personnel being on campus to counter any psycho who runs amok?


Online headline: "Al Qaeda In Yemen Offers Bounty For U.S. Ambassador/soldiers" -- Yep, pot-US Obluster, you got al Qaeda shaking in their boots.


You know, I'm not really interested in who the Muslim terrorists were who attacked the Benghazi consulate. What I want to know is why our state department didn't respond or protect American citizens, and who loses their job(s). That's the only three questions that need answers.


Online headline: "Obama Signs Extension Of Controversial Bush-Era Program" -- Hmmm, a Bush43 extension... how come pot-US Obluster is not getting the same mainstream colonoscopy as Bush got? Things are always different when the libs have to do what's necessary.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "If your taxes go up, blame the GOP. They’re the ones who want the higher income brackets to be exempt from fair share taxes. " -- Another Ron White can't fix liberals, either.


Another liberal's L-E "soundoff": "I’m sure Time magazine won’t miss your subscription. I’m putting in mine at this moment." -- What's he going to do when Time sends him a bill and he finds out there's not a giver-mint program that pays for it?


Went to "Les Miserables" with my bride yesterday. It's 'long' from a guy standpoint but a great date with your honey. If it weren't for the 12 years' difference in birth dates, I'd swear that Hugh Jackman and Mel Gibson were twins separated at birth.


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