Thursday, October 2, 2014

A special request for your prayers. A teenaged boy, son of a military officer who died all too young from cancer, has been diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma. We knew this family well when stationed at Ft Benning and they attended our church. Please pray with us.
Obamageddon is pushing the FCC to strip licenses of broadcasters that use the name "Redskins". Is that exclusive to the NFL use or does it apply to grocery store and restaurant advertising as well?
Why is it that Michelle Martin runs on the influence her father had in the Democratic Party, yet doesn't mention the Democratic Party in her ads?
You know, if "Redskins" is so upsetting to Obamageddon, I think he should demonstrate his commitment to cleaning up public airwaves by yanking TV & radio station licenses that play any music that uses the words, bitches, ho's or n-words (whether ending with "er" or "a").. FIRST!

HuffPost "headlie": Deceit Obama couldn't overlook" -- LIE! Obamageddon's capicty to overlook deceit is bottomless!

There's a new TV show premiering tonight...."Bad Judge". I was hoping it was to be a reality show about the California court systems.

Online story: "The Rockefeller family is divesting some of its massive fortune from fossil fuels, the New York Times reported on Sunday. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the family's charitable arm, will announce the landmark move in a video conference on Monday along with 49 other foundations. * According to USA Today, the 50 groups will divest from 200 major oil and gas companies." -- Hypocrites! What you're not hearing them say is that they are divesting themselves (in a charitable manner) of the long term profits of those oil companies.
HuffPost story: "California will become the first state that allows family members to ask a judge to remove firearms from a relative who appears to pose a threat, under legislation Gov. Jerry Brown said Tuesday he had signed." -- What California NEEDS is a law that allows families to ask a judge to remove legislators who impose their agenda to override Constitutional rights.
L-E story: SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — A federal judge has struck a blow against the sanctity of public pensions in California by ruling that U.S. bankruptcy law permits the city of Stockton to treat pension fund obligations like other debts, allowing the city to cut benefits." -- You know.. "public pensions" funded, either partially or wholly, from tax dollars should be the first obligation stricken from recognized debt in government bankruptcies. Pensions should be more for reward for good and loyal services as they are for hiring incentives just for showing up to a taxpayer funded job that's been carried out inefficiently.
Online story: "SAN ANTONIO — A San Antonio city council committee has decided to ban the use of hand-held devices in cars. * The proposal would ban dialing, viewing a screen and texting. It would apply to all vehicles on city streets, even those stopped in traffic or at lights. It would not apply to drivers on public property or to GPS devices. Drivers communicating with first responders and people with hands-free devices would still be allowed to use their phones" -- Good grief.. can you even buy a new car today that doesn't have a electronic screen in the dashboard? My phone is a GPS device, probably most of y'all's are as well.. how's that different from a dash mounted dedicated GPS screen? Oh, speaking of 'driver distractions" how about those TV-type billboards that the transition between screens is DESIGNED to get you too look at them rather than the road? This is nothing more than nannyism with an eye on the revenue it can generate, rather than the disasters distractions can cause. Ban those billboards, and make cell towers have jamming devices for non-essential needs when a cellphone is moving faster than 5 miles per hour.
Hey.. why don't we swap Pric Holder to Mexico for Sgt Tahmooressi! I'm sure there are a few cartels that would welcome him with "open (and loaded) arms" he sent down via "fast & furious".
Online story: "A Milwaukee reporter is claiming that journalists covering first lady Michelle Obama’s speech at a campaign rally for Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke were told not to speak with the crowd at the event." -- When will mainstream media arise from it's Kool-Aid induced coma? Obamageddon has banned photographers from his events and distributes only pictures his staff photographer has taken, and now the pants-in-the-family wants reporters to print only opinions distributed by her staff as well. Mainstream media should probably start supporting our 2nd Amendment before it loses its First and Fourth Amendment rights.
Online story: "Even team mascots have rules to abide by. And Rocky, the Denver Nuggets mascot, may learn that lesson the hard way after attending a Colorado GOP rally on Monday without permission." -- I guess, in professional sports, being a Republican supporter is worse than being a wife beater.
Online story: "For his new book "No Meek Messiah" writer Michael Paulkovich studied the works of more than a hundred scholars who lived during and shortly after the time it's believed Jesus of Nazareth walked the Earth, which is sometime between 7 BC and 33 AD. He says that there is not a single mention of a man named Jesus in any of the writings. * "When I consider those 126 writers, all of whom should have heard of Jesus but did not. * I must conclude that Christ is a mythical character" -- Hmmm, obviously P(_*_)ulkovich didn't consider the writers of the books in the Bible authors. Obviously P(_*_)ulkovich doesn't know Jesus, either. Pray for him.
Online headline/story: "Ohio State fan who ran on field during game loses scholarship * Anthony Wunder was charged with misdemeanor criminal trespassing and pleaded not guilty in court. His attorney said the school is removing him from the Evans Scholars program, which gives scholarships to former golf caddies, because of the criminal charges. Wunder is a fourth-year engineering student at Ohio State." -- Good grief.. universities cover up violent sexual charges of its student athletes but dismisses an excited student supporter. Academia is sick.
Thought I had previously written my last item about "the Boob", but couldn't pass this one - Online headline: "Justin Bieber acted violently against paparazzi in Paris as his bodyguard tried to restrain him on Tuesday" -- Who would want a body guard who couldn't restrain "the Boob"?
Online story: "A Washington State teen with a violent criminal history snuck out of jail last week and officials didn't notice his absence until two days later. * Rhyan Vasquez, 19, was booked on September 16th for allegedly committing a violent robbery. * Then on the 22nd, he slipped through an unlocked door after attending a Bible study class held in the visitation area at Marysville Jail. * But officials didn't know until two days later when his lawyer showed up for a visit. When jail staff went to retrieve Vasquez, he was no where to be found." -- Hmmm, maybe the Washington voters might want to reconsider their vote to legalize R&R marijuana.
Online headline: "Can A Beyoncé Song Bring Peace To The Middle East?" -- Good grief.. The Kingston Trio brought forth the "Merry Minuet" over 50 years ago, and "they're (STILL) rioting in Africa, and there's (STILL) strife in Iran".
The RNC really needs to talk with Fox News to get Fox to stop bringing on Karl Rove to set out strategy plans for Republicans. His only real interest is himself.
You know, it shouldn't have been the option of Ms. Julia Pierson to resign/retire. Whether it came directly from Obamageddon or Jeh Johnson, she should have been fired.
Random thought: "If women golf pros want equal pay, then they should play equal tees with the men. Results count the same for everybody..
Online headline/story: "Goddard College picks convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as commencement speaker * A man serving life in prison for killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981 has been selected as a commencement speaker at his Vermont alma mater. * Goddard College, a liberal arts college in Plainfield with 600 students, says on its website that Mumia Abu-Jamal's recorded remarks will be played Sunday at a commencement, along with a video about him. * Bob Kenny, the school's interim president, is quoted on the website as saying the graduates' selection of Abu-Jamal reflects "their freedom to engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up barriers to do just that." -- You know.. if there has ever been a valid reason to remove God from education, removing God from the college's name is more than justified. I hope the parents boycott their kids graduation ....
Yesterday, I mentioned that California has become the first state to banned plastic bags, and that I thought the voters were recalling Pelosi, Feinstein, and Boxer. Now here's a question that California has created for itself: What about those reusable grocery bags..aren't they made from recycled plastic bags?
Now that California has banned plastic grocery-type bags, the bag manufacturers should get together and form a company to make paper grocery bags out of giant Sequoia trees.
Online story: "With a goal of getting out from under federal court supervision by the end of the year, Fulton County’s sheriff said he needs more money to hire 339 additional deputies and jailers to attain the minimum staffing and clear the last major hurdle required by an order that has been in place since 2005." -- Our Sheriff should carry this newstory with him to show Mayor Obamalinson anytime she chastises him for being over budget because of court/federal mandates.
Online story: "With a little more than two months remaining before county voters decide whether to extend a 1 percent special purpose local option sales tax, Commissioner Lisa Cupid has decided to remove anti-SPLOST activist Lance Lamberton, chairman of the Cobb Taxpayers Association, from the SPLOST Oversight Committee." -- This move is what exposes the tyranny of government entities.. rather than win the man over with facts, Ms. Cupid has literally become a beheading jihadist. It probably will bring more public awareness and distrust of government by taxpayers. Well, if not, it should.
Jason Carter... his v=comments at a local fundraiser this week seemed to excite the L-E, but with it being less than 5 weeks until the general election date, how can the L-E not call Carter on the carpet for presenting an "outline" of his platform.. by now it should be in stone, but that would mean he would have to say where he stands on issues that would cost him too many votes. Campaign promises made up at the moment are harder to make a politician keep if they aren't in writing.
L-E story: " A Columbus man jailed 19 months on allegations he threw his estranged girlfriend off a second-floor balcony soon will be free again. And that has authorities concerned the woman he assaulted won’t be safe. * After about three hours’ deliberation Wednesday, a jury found Ricky Bernard Burch Jr. not guilty of three felonies — aggravated assault, aggravated battery and terroristic threats — but guilty of two misdemeanors, assault and battery." -- What is wrong with this community! There's nothing racial about this.. this is the result of a full cultural breakdown! You know.. the guarantee of a jury of one's peers doesn't
mean the jury has to be composed of people who think like the defendant.
L-E Headline: "Local leaders bring back big ideas from Austin, Texas * 132 community officials travel to Texas for chamber’s annual inter-city trip" -- Wow.. where do we start analyzing comments made here:

1 - “Any Given Child,” in which fine arts groups partner with the public schools to expose children to the arts." -- Hmmm.. you know.. art IS in the eye of the artist more than the beholder. Give a kid a box of crayons, and you know what he/she is thinking. Kids don't need programs that basically restrict or curtail expression by criticism/approval of an instructor. Just giving a kid an opportunity to express him/herself is all the opportunity a kid needs to express him/herself. His/her desire will be all the motivation needed.

2 - " Mueller Project what could be accomplished with the proposed City Village project to address the blighted area along the First Avenue corridor between TSYS and Bibb City. * “The planned stuff that they put in there is just phenomenal, and I translated it to City Village," -- Speaking of being in the eye of the beholder, it is of selfish personal interest when you've already bought/built a house in the area when government redistribution of tax dollars will directly benefit someone.

3 - " it is clear that poverty is “an albatross around the neck of economic development.” If it is not addressed, an area will not grow economically as well as it could." -- Good grief.. Mayor Obamalinson just hung the albatross of excessive sales taxes, ongoing negative revenue projects, and increasing property tax projects around her own neck.
L-E headline/story: "$750K grant will be used to recruit airline to city * Marking the first anniversary of his arrival as director of Columbus Airport, Richard Howell acknowledged the “nice present” he received Wednesday in the form of a $750,000 federal grant. * That money, he said, will be used to recruit a new airline to the city, with a portion of the cash acting as a carrot of sorts. The airport will offer a “revenue guarantee” that will fund any shortfall a carrier experiences in its passenger loads as it gets up and running
* The $750,000 grant comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation and its Small Community Air Service Development Program, which assists airports with various service issues." -- " The $750,000 grant comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation"? Good grief.. "the money" may come from the government, but "the money" started in our pockets, went to Washington, has been divvied up by government employees, and about 20% has made it back to Columbus, and we are suppose to be grateful?
Why is all the Democratic Party attention aimed at gun confiscation from Christians? The Democrats, and America,  would be better off at creating knife control laws for Muslims.

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