Thursday, October 30, 2014

Online headline: "Jeb Bush: Obama handling of Ebola 'incompetent'" -- And.. his point? Or as Obamageddon's caddy might say,, that's par for the course.
Rumor has it a reporter asked Tim Hudson, "Now that you've won the World Series, what are you going to do next?", and he answered "Going to Phenix City". Of course, that recording is on the floor of the editing room.
Recent jihadist events have the government beefing up security at hundreds of federal buildings. Wouldn't more citizens be better protected if the government beefed up border and airports/ports that have foreigners trying to get into America?
When her lips are know.. Mayor Obamalinson is the quintessential liberal... she's a politician, a lawyer, and a Democrat.. and a victim of a bad economy and being a woman... she would be the perfect spokesperson to have taken over Jay Carney's White House job.
You know.. it's an absolute travesty that the best Mayor Obamalinson can do to alleviate taxpayers on the Redeployment Referendum issue is to "assure" (lips moving) us we are protected by the "tax freeze" while it has been her number goal to eliminate the "tax freeze".
A new Fox Poll says 83% of Americans are concerned about the future. Guess that means 17% are only concerned with today. Hmmm, 17% of 300,000,000 is 51,000,000 which about sums up the food stamp and non-reachable voters Romney was crucified for stating.
Online story: "FORT KENT, Maine - K(_*_)ci Hickox, a nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa, broke her quarantine by stepping outside with her boyfriend and speaking briefly to reporters Wednesday night. * State and local police could only watch from across the street because a judge hadn't signed off on a court order sought by state health officials. * "I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me even though I am in perfectly good health," Hickox said" -- You know.. what kind of person would risk the health of others by arrogantly exposing people she knows to unknown health risks. She should be arrested/charged the same as an active AIDS victim who intentional has relationships without informing partners of such.
Online story: "Two bears fought in a rural New Jersey neighborhood, and a brave bystander caught all the exciting action." -- "brave bystander"?...hmmm... wonder if he would have been so "brave" if he'd known they were fighting over who was going to have him for dinner?
Online story: " Long Island man beheaded his mother, played with her severed head and then jumped in front of a train, police said." -- Good grief... now California's Senator Feinstein and Representative Pelosi will introduce new laws to ban knives... and trains, then call for an investigation as to what victimized the son.
Forget OObamaCRAP, even immigration and education as issues, what Republicans should focus on is whether voters want change, or do they want the continued foreign policy fiascos like ISIS, Iraq, Afghanistan, Benghazi, Ebola, Gitmo, Taliban swaps, and Sgt Tahmooressi's Mexican incarceration to continue.
Online story: "North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Un reportedly had 10 senior government officials executed –- for watching South Korean soap operas.* All 10 were killed by firing squad * They were accused of blasphemous crimes like illegally watching the soap operas, graft and other various charges." -- Rumors have it that MSNBC has hired Kim Jong-Un to reenact this for a reality show... only in Washington where the Senate is a soap opera and graft abounds.
HuffPost headline/story: "Tensions Flare In Illinois After School Board Member Tells Parents To 'Shut Up' * The meeting ended soon after that, putting further strain on a situation that has kept about 17,000 students in one of Illinois’ largest communities out of school for weeks." -- Yeah.. those teachers are really in it "for the children".....
Online story: "A Texas man who unexpectedly pleaded guilty to killing his two adopted stepsons in 1986 after years of claiming his innocence was released from prison Wednesday and headed for a halfway house and strict parole supervision for likely the rest of his life." -- "killing adopted stepsons"? Justice here should include his having a GPS chip installed in his brain, and every blood relative of the two boys be given a GPS locator watch, and a "00" carry permit.
HuffPost story: "African-Americans in Minneapolis are far more likely to be arrested for minor offenses than white residents, according to a new report. * The ACLU of Minnesota released a report this week showing that a black person is 8.86 times more likely to be arrested than a white person for disorderly conduct, 7.54 times more likely to be arrested for vagrancy and 11.5 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession * These same types of disparities have cropped up in other cities like New York. When confronted with these statistics, police often say they are simply arresting the people who are committing crimes, regardless of their race." -- The ACLU is probably right.. so is the New York police response. Nothing will alter these statistics until the cultural decay is reversed, and crime, major or petty, is not a first alternative to life on the streets.
Online story: "STOCKHOLM (AP) - Sweden's new government says it has recognized a Palestinian state, a move declared by the prime minister as a priority for the left-leaning minority coalition." -- You know.. why does the Jewish community support leftist politics? Israel is really our only ally in the Mid-East when you get down to it.
Online story: "The White House on Wednesday sought to tamp down the controversy over a magazine piece that detailed deep tensions between the U.S. and Israel – and quoted an unnamed senior Obama administration official calling the Israeli leader a “ch*ckensh*t.” * Administration officials, including White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, did not deny the quote. They also did not signal there would be any robust effort to find out who said it. * But Alistair B(_*_)skey, spokesman for the National Security Council, said the criticism does not reflect how the rest of the administration views Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. " -- "did not deny the quote"? No "robust effort to find out who said it"? "does not reflect how the the rest of the administration views Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu"? GOOD GRIEF! What a slaap in the face of America's Jewish community as well as Netanyahu! Somebody.. and the person who hired/appointed him/her should be out on their (_*_)sses. This also explains why Obamageddon prefers to use ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ) versus ISIS.. ISIS is correct, but ISIL includes Israel rather than separates it.
Online headline: "More than 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Red Hat technologies" -- Oooops, my bad.. Thought "casual Friday" was going to become "purple dress" day.
I posted a story here and on "Revitalizing Columbus Commuities" about another government involved, bond backed redevelopment project failure ( ). "Revitalizing Columbus Communities"'s response: "Revitalizing Columbus Communities These aren't TADs." My response: " They are government assisted redevelopments. Not a nickles worth of difference ."
How scuzzy can TV law suit solicitations get than for a law firm to try to get clients based on them getting cancer BECAUSE of hysterectomies? Obviously, the bottom has not been reached. Hysterectomies have eased the minds of women with family DNA histories of cancer for decades, and now lawyers want to rip off doctors/insurances companies for caring.
Online story:"Mercer University wants to build a $40 million to $50 million hotel, restaurant and student housing complex just across Mercer University Drive from the entrance to campus, and it wants the Macon-Bibb County government’s help. * Commissioners voted 5-0 in the Operations & Finance Committee to endorse the idea of issuing $23.7 million in bonds. Part of that would help fund the project, and the rest would pay for other work including $10 million to tear down abandoned houses. * The proposal contemplates $8.7 million in bonds for a tax allocation district, or TAD, created in 2012 along the Second Street corridor, which includes the new development area. * Mayor Robert Reichert said the housing is intended to be occupied in the fall 2016 semester. Answering a question from Commissioner Elaine Lucas, Reichert said the student housing wouldn’t pay property taxes and wouldn’t pay into the tax allocation district that’s intended to repay the bond issue, but the hotel and other business space would. * The resolution approved in committee says that if future tax revenue from the TAD isn’t enough to make bond payments, the difference will have to come from Macon-Bibb government’s general fund." -- "if future tax revenue from the TAD isn’t enough to make bond payments, the difference will have to come from Macon-Bibb government’s general fund"? Look familiar?
Soapbox moment: While Mercer is a private school, the University System of GA has 33 member institutions. There's a statewide referendum issue on the ballot that "Allows property owned by the University System of Georgia and operated by providers of student housing and OTHER FACILITIES to remain exempt from taxation" The initiative parameters are a shade different... "Shall property owned by the University System of Georgia and utilized by providers of college and university student housing and OTHER FACILITIES continue to be exempt from taxation to keep costs affordable?" "keep costs affordable?" Good grief.. the juniversity system facilities are already parasites on out roads, and police and fire protection, and heaven knows the university system members' ability to add "mandated fees" to tuition costs belie any university system wanting to keep "costs affordable". This is the first time I've even known we have voice in curtailing wasteful university spending habits, and at the same time, we can alleviate the extra burden of taxpayers paying the universities share of basic government expenses. Vote NO!
I'd really like to see proof of whether the women ( note no men were involved) used in Know Nothing Nunn's "Pillowtex" ad berating David Perdue worked there and are representative of workers there.... Looking at them, if they are even representative of Pillowtex workers , then Pillowtex was in worst shape than even Perdue thought when he accepted the job of trying to turn Pillowtex around. At least "outsourcing" allowed those women to be downsized with dignity than being outright fired.
How biased can a liberal media get? The Charlotte Observer endorsed Incumbent Democrat Senator Kay Hagan in spite of her being "a disappointment" and doing but "minimum" during her term. There seems to be no bottom to the depths liberals will accept ineptness among themselves.
Deal nails Carter: "“When I say I’ve added money for education, he says I cut. That’s Washington math. I was in Congress. I know they only understand addition,” he said of Democrats. “The only way they understand subtraction is the funding of the military.”
Online story: "Acting one week before Election Day in a state with closely contested races for governor and a seat in the United States Senate, a Georgia judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit that accused election officials of failing to fully process thousands of pending voter registration applications. * Judge Christopher S. Brasher, of the Fulton County Superior Court, said in a 14-page ruling that he believed state and county officials were complying with the Georgia elections standards that govern voter registration. * Judge Brasher, who sits in Atlanta, issued his decision four days after he heard oral arguments in the litigation filed by the NAACP and the New Georgia Project, an officially nonpartisan group founded by the state House’s Democratic leader, Stacey Abrams." -- "New Georgia Project, an officially nonpartisan group founded by the state House’s Democratic leader, Stacey Abrams"? There wasn't anything non=partisan about the New Georgia Project registration drive in Columbus.. I'm a witness to that. The literature was decided partisan and appearing to comply with the Secretary of State's criteria for such a drive was purely an ethics. if not criminal, violation.
Online story: " The Federal Reserve plans to keep a key interest rate at a record low to support a job market that’s improving but still isn’t fully healthy and help lift inflation from unusually low levels. As expected, it’s also ending a bond purchase program that was intended to keep long-term rates low." -- "ending a bond purchase program that was intended to keep long-term rates low" Wow! Another nail in the TAD referendum coffin.. selling bonds at lower rates just got "tased", and if bond buyers hesitate.. believe... the Mayor's contention that the City has no responsibility for their integrity.. the bonds may become categorized as "Junk Bonds".
Online story: "Attorney General Eric Holder says he has one regret: his department's court order for Fox News reporter James Rosen's emails labeling him a criminal "co-conspirator." -- Good grief.. how inanely revealing... a man of "justice" who literally has no regrets other than getting caught in an act of vengeance. Even Hollywood cannot find a person to play Pric Holder's persona in a movie role.
Online story: "The mother of an eight-year-old wants to know why a Tennessee school teacher gave her child a handout from the Nation of Islam that portrayed the presidents on Mount Rushmore as being racists." -- What I want to know is how Disciples of Louis Farrakhan got on a school campus that has been off limits to Christian groups.
L-E headline: "Committee members voice traits they seek for CSU president" -- Well.. the most important trait is the trait of the Committee itself.. as it is, there are too many CSU staff ties to pick someone who can actually be effective. The president needs some people skills, of course, in handling liberal egos, but more importantly, the president needs to show he has productive experience in cost management.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Senate Republicans cut America’s health care budget which is now impacting our Ebola response in order to keep the elite, corporate and personal tax cuts and subsidies. Voters understand your priorities." -- Good grief.. not one Republican Senator voted for OObamaCRAP, and Reid hasn't even let a Republican bill to alter such on the floor for a vote. I'm glad we have photo=-ID requirements for voters, but we need to enact minimum IQ parameters as well.
L-E's "Quotable": “Never mistake activity for achievement.” - John Wooden American athletic coach (1910-2010)" -- Sadly Coach Wooden has died.. now we can't ask him if he was analyzing basketball or the Obamageddon's California fund raising junkets.
A L-E commentary by an Episcopal priest in NY said, "Jesus spent an estimated two-thirds of his teaching time on wealth and power. His message was clear, if radical: Give wealth away rather than build bigger barns. Submit to others rather than seek power. Love your enemies rather than smite them." -- Jesus also taught our action were free will.. meaning we are responsible for what we do. When He said to "give away wealth", He didn't say to give it to the government to do government programs, He said we should want to do others in and with our hearts. No amount of wealth redistribution by government will get the first person into heaven.
L-E headline: "Alabama, Georgia officials hold exercise for dam failure" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought the Referendum Committee had met to get its story straight when the next TAD failure happens.
L-E story: "OPELIKA, Ala. — Jurors will return to deliberations today in the perjury trial of a lawmaker accused of lying to a special grand jury investigating possible corruption at the Alabama Statehouse. * Rep. Barry Moore faces charges of perjury and giving false statements to law enforcement officials." -- Hmmm.. how come lying politicians are only tried for lying to other elected officials and not for campaign lies to the voters?
Hmmm, if Gurley admitted to getting $3,000.00 after originally denying receiving anything, how much did he really get?
L-E headline: "Rosy Halloween spending report looks good for Christmas shopping" -- Hmmm.. maybe.. but it may be that parents are just getting dressed up as bogeymen to tell their children that the government has confiscated their Christmas money.

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