Sunday, October 19, 2014

From the "bias buried in the mix of HuffPost/AOL news" department - Online story: "The police officer who fatally shot an unarmed 18-year-old in a St. Louis suburb last summer has told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as they struggled over his gun, The New York Times reported. * Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson has told authorities that Michael Brown reached for the gun during a scuffle, the Times reported in a story posted on its website Friday night. The officer's account to authorities did not explain why he fired at Brown multiple times after emerging from his vehicle, according to the newspaper." -- "the officer's account...did not explain why he fired at Brown"? Mainstream media is not interested in's not even interested in presenting the new.. it's more like it wants to present only "its views". Good grief..Officer Wilson gave collaborative and explanative testimony covering every aspect. The officer was in fear of a 6'4", 292 pound physically violent man!
I've got an idea how to keep ebola out of my town.. no one leaves or comes in for the next month. Travel should be sake for Thanksgiving travel.
Online story: "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg issued a six-page dissent early Saturday morning, blasting the court's decision to allow Texas to use its new voter ID law in the November elections" -- Good grief.. I could write a 7 page dissent over her Puritanical crocheted collars she disrespects her Supreme Court robes by wearing. Then, I could write 7 tomes over her personal distaste for the Amendments of our Constitution.
Online story: "APPALACHIA, Va.- " Six years into what many term the Obama administration’s “War on Coal,” Appalachia’s main thoroughfare is a tableau of boarded-up buildings, empty storefronts and dilapidated homes. Those who still mill about on street corners are looking for jobs, not places to spend their paychecks." -- It's not just a "War on Coal".. it's a war on hardworking men and women and their families.
Let's look closer to the above item.. in 2013, nationally, the average wages of a coal miner was $82, 058.00 annually. and as high as $113, 602.00 in Kansas, versus the US average of $49,700.00 for the average of all US workers. Obamageddon has killed all the coal mining jobs, and put 19+ cola mining states in economic turmoil.
With the past two Heisman Trophy Award going to freshmen, the NCAA should put in a restriction ( or at least a strong recommendation) that the Heisman go to only Seniors. That would eliminate the cocky attitude and probably delay early departure to the NFL of quality players, AND, probably get more graduates.
Steve Spurrier has a .65 win percent at South Carolina. That's basically 7 wins per 11 games. You know..that really isn't impressive considering each season is that 3 or 4 of those wins are against 'sacrificial lambs'.
Online story: "Kansas Senate hopeful Greg Orman insists that he is not beholden to the Democratic Party, but a major Democratic donor is hosting a fundraiser for his campaign to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts." -- You know.. it's tough.. no, it's an outright lie to claim yourself to be an "independent" candidate when you rub elbows with George Soros.
L-E headline: "COLUMBUS LAW ENFORCEMENT * DIVERSIFYING THE FORCE * More than 50% of city residents are minorities, while most of the law enforcement officers are white; officials working to diversify" -- The "Point"? What the L-E could do for enlightenment is to publish the percentages of crimes committed by racial breakdown so meaningful conversation can be had. Crime is the issue, more so than crime prevention/investigation. A decision to commit a crime has nothing to do with what color the responding/arresting officers are. What we all need are the best qualified and well-trained officers regardless of color. Crime is the target.
From above story: " Nate Sanderson, president of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said he doesn’t think the racial make-up of law enforcement agencies is as important as the lack of accountability. * “I think the greater issue is the outcome,” he said. “I don’t think race necessarily gets you better service. * I think the blue wall of silence is what we as the community have to be concerned with. If our law enforcement and elected officials can honestly say we have an honest police force, I don’t think race should be a major factor.” -- Combined with his support from the Republican Party, the black communities' lack of support of Nate Sanderson for School Board is pretty obvious.. He wants open dialogue. Wish the L-E would cooperate with him, too.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The right wing, because of its lack of concern about social justice and its support of corporate power, has overwhelmingly rejected the scientific consensus of climate change, burying its collective head in the mud." -- You know, if this guy would take the Democratic Party Kool-Aid out of his diet, and his head out of his ... he would get a lot better view of reality. Might even get him a job, too.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Senate Republicans have held up the President’s appointment of the surgeon general for over a year. Maybe they’ll approve him before we have a full-blown Ebola pandemic." -- Good grief.. a "Surgeon General is basically a political appointment with the normal authority of such appointed positions. The CDC and the National Institute of Health have CEOs, and then there's the sitting Secretary of Health and Human Services. What this "soundoffer" should be wondering is why aren't those people handling their jobs better...
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Republicans are famous for “no new taxes.” The lottery, TSPLOST and 2,000 new (unannounced) fees enacted by the legislature are the new regressive taxes. Vote ‘em out." -- Hmmm.. let's see.. Zell Miller is responsible for the beginning and current problems with the lottery, and the T-SPLOST was voted on by the people of the different Districts (smart voters rejected it in all but 3 areas.. hmm, what does that say abut voters in our district?), and I challenge this "soundoffer" to name 2 of the "2,000" such new fees he's pulled out of the air.
From a Richard Hyatt commentary over the past memories associated with "the 12th Street rag": " the tragic morning that rogue pilots crashed into the World Trade Center." -- "rogue pilots"? Richard.. love ya, but soft peddling jihadist terrorism as "rogue pilots" is a bit much.. why not label them as "disgruntled temporary flight attendants"?
L-E headline: "IN GEORGIA SENATE BID, NUNN TALKS ECONOMY TO WOMEN" -- Good grief.. what does Know Nothing Nunn know about economics? She has only an appointed donation-funded job as a baby-sitter for an existing entity based on her daddy's political pull.
Two interesting outcomes this weekend..... the GA-ARK and ALA-Tex A&M games.. UGA left a lot of doubt about its ability to put an opponent away, and Bama removed any doubts.
Remembering I've pulled Oregon out of the consideration of weekly assessment (and pronounced Orgegon as the overall winner), Kentucky edged Baylor for the ugliest uniform of the week.
Locally. let's all pray for Council members Red McDaniel and Evelyn Turner-Pugh. 

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