Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Republicans need to stop pounding how Obamageddon is mishandling the Ebola situation.. just compare it to how he has handled OObamaCRAP, and ask voters if they want someone representing them who approves of that or not, then move on to real issues.
Looks like Know Nothing Nunn is spinning the Republican story in hopes of offsetting her Democratic Party connections with Obamageddon and Reid. It just proves Democrats will promise anything for a vote knowing mainstream media is OK with it as long as she doesn't actually vote that way.

The Marysville High School in Washington State should be the reason schools make students check their cellphones in at the office each morning and retrieve them on their way out.

Online headline: "Accused White House fence jumper declared incompetent" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought Dennis Rodman had rated Obamageddon's fade-away shot.
Online story: " A man charged with jumping the White House fence last week was dragged screaming from a courtroom on Monday after a federal judge declared him incompetent to stand trial. * "You can't do this to me! Somebody please help me!" screamed Adesanya, struggling to escape from the grip of court marshals after the judge spoke. * "This is a trap! This is a scheme!" he shouted * Adesanya cannot be arraigned without being found competent to stand trial" -- Hmmm... you know, what he screamed out sounds like he was lucid and competent to me.. but what do I know. Tell you what though, I do know that it sounds like the White House ordered this man's Constitutional right to "due process" stripped from him in order for him not to have an attorney of his own choosing or be able to have his say in a public trial. Ironically, it's not just the 5th Amendment being denied him, but also the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the Citizenship Clause, Privileges or Immunities Clause, Due Process Clause, and Equal Protection Clause. Let it not be missed or forgotten that the 14th Amendment is not being violated by someone wearing a "white hood" .
Seems like the latest list of the top selling cars/trucks have one thing in common... all are powered by internal combustion engines. What does that say about all the wasted.. defaulted "loans" Obamageddon dispensed to "green Ideas"?
Online headline: "Walmart Renames Its 'Fat Girl' Halloween Costume Section * Walmart quickly changed the name to 'Women's Plus Size Halloween Costumes' but still left an insult" -- Oh, no! Walmart has succumbed to the politically correct police.. Does this mean the Walmart Shoppers Gallery will be pulled from e-mail circulation?
Online headline: "Gas prices tumble to lowest in four years * Nationally, drivers haven't seen prices at the pump fall this low since December 17, 2010" -- On the other hand.. this just shows how high gas had become under Obamageddon...
That illegal alien who killed the deputies in California had been deported twice, and had changed his name since then. If that's not the number reason for photo IDs for voting, entitlement programs, and citizenship, then we are doomed.
From the "poetic justice" department: "Chicago Bears defensive end Lamarr Houston is out for the season after tearing the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee while celebrating a sack against the New England Patriots on Sunday," -- Isn't just thumping one's chest enough recognition? It was once in time..
This oughta chap the liberals as well.. Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft partner, and $2 BILLION dollar purchaser of the LA Crippers basketball team from boogeyman Don Sterling, is set to get $1 BILLION back in tax credits over the next 15 years as long as he spends 500 hours annually in active management.. not a bad gig for a retired person. Let's see 15 years times 500 hours equals 7,500 hours which makes his time worth $133,333.00 per hour.in tax credits.
Online story: "Voter I.D. is one of the most contentious issues in the mid-term elections -- and it's not even on the ballot. * Recent conflicting court decisions have both supported and struck down laws in several states. * "I think that voter I.D. works," declared the Secretary of State of Rhode Island, A. Ralph Mollis. Voter I.D. has been the law in the Ocean State since 2012. * "It protects the voter," he said. * "it has worked tremendously well. Our clerks have told us it helps the lines move easy. You don't have to say your name and repeat the spelling of it. It is right there on the I.D. It has given people some confidence in their election. When they go there, they know that my vote is protected." -- Mollis is a DEMOCRAT! No, this is not an April Fools Day story... but I imagine Mollis will be under attack by Obamageddon until he's replaced.
L-E headline: "Chuck Williams: We. Have. A. Homeless. Problem." -- What homeless..Mayor Obamalinson has had a committee to end that in Columbus for the last 4-5 years. It's supposed to be halfway solved. How come the L-E is suddenly concerned now after it endorsed Obamalinson for re-election this past May?
L-E story: "Sixty two people, more than half of whom are suspected of gang-related activity in Muscogee, Harris, and Russell counties, were arrested on outstanding warrants as part of an initiative spearheaded by the U.S. Marshals Service, officials announced Monday." -- Wow! Didn't Mayor Obamalinson say we didn't have a gang problem prior to the last election. Now she wants us to believe TADs are going to be good for us. Say, didn't the L-E endorse Obamalinson for re-election because she swore we didn't have a crime/gang problem?
L-E headline/story: "Coroner: Man fatally shot at Booker T. Washington Apartments * The deadly shooting is suspected to be the 19th homicide for Columbus this year." -- Hmmm unless you count the guy killed on CSU property...Looks like a potentially record year...something we don't need.
Obamageddon wants us to call these suicidal jihadists attacking law enforcement personnel "lone wolves".. Wish he would be " Earnest" with us rather than "JOSHing" us.
You know, if DHS and the DOJ believe "lone wolf" terrorists are our #1 problem, then every law enforcement office needs to be able to go back to "profiling" without fear of judicial activism throwing arrests out.
Online quote source: "“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.” - Socrates" --- Hmmm... how Democrats translate this: "Don't read before you vote on things that will give what others have labored hard for to those who will vote for you."
Online story: "Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches ‘There Is No God But Allah’ -- Hmmm guess the School Board didn't read the entire "scripture".. they must have stopped at, "There is no God"...so that doesn't violate its church/state separation issue.
Online story: "A comprehensive review from 2013 shows that the United States is home to 62 high schools that have the Redskins as their athletic mascot. The majority of the students at three of those schools are Native American. * The Washington Post sent an intrepid reporter briefly beyond the Beltway to find out what could possibly motivate students, parents, coaches and school officials at one of the schools: Red Mesa High School in the rural, isolated corner of northeastern Arizona. * Turns out it’s simple: They like their mascot just fine. * “I don’t find it derogatory,” school district superintendent Tommie Yazzie told the Post. “It’s a source of pride.” * Red Mesa student council president Mckenzie Lameman agreed. * “It’s not a racist slur if it originates from a Native American tribe,” the junior told the paper. * At a recent Red Mesa Redskins football, game, the Post reporter found dedicated parents stamping the bleachers and signs in the raucous, festive crowd reading “Redskin Nation” and “Fear the Spear.” -- Heh heh heh.. liberals need to learn not to assume everyone "feels" they need liberals "to save them". The Washington Post needs to learn not to ask such questions when it doesn't already know the answer.
Jimmy Carter was in town campaigning for his grandson.. the grandson was in shirt sleeves... all he neede was a cardigan sweater to complete the picture we still have of Jimmy.. Also, "First Lady Rosalunn (SIC) Carter was on stage with them... are we sure she's not Know Nothing Nunn's mother?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Perdue says unemployment is caused by policies out of Washington. Under Republican policies, 3.8 million private sector jobs were lost by 2008. Unemployment has decreased 25 percent during Obama’s second term." -- Good grief.. if there's a 25% improvement (the sounoff writers magic figure) in unimployment.. it's compared to Obamageddon's first term before every insurance company, doctor, and hospital had to hire more staff to work on the OObamaCRAP problems.
You know.. it's almost comical to watch Mayor Obamalinson calmly tread water on the Redevelopment/TAD Referendum using the tax freeze as her logic for taxes staying low, while her feet are churning 90-to-nothin under the water to end the tax freeze. What does that tell you about her transparancy?

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