Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Think I've figured out why Obama was confused ... While the world knew what ISIS is/was.. Obama was trying to use a play out of the old Clinton playbook...Obama now says it depends on how you define "is....is".
It's a sad state when the US Supreme Court turns its back on an Amendment.. Yesterday, it was the 9th & 10th.. Tomorrow it could be the 2nd.. followed by the 1st and 4th. October 6th may be the date that eclipses 9-11-01 and 12-7-41 as THE day of infamy.
HuffPost headline: "Seattle replaces Columbus with indigenous people" -- Well, no one has to ask what they have been smoking... anymore.
Hmmm..... Washington libs want to ban the use of "Redskins", yet celebrate Columbus Day by taking a long paid weekend off.
From the "what you find on the I-net without even trying: department" Adrian Peterson.. recent NFL headline fodder.. has sired 6 children.... with 6 different women...whatta role model...NOT!
Saban may not be the cure-all magician after all. Having major contenders for several years running has shown that new talent goes elsewhere so they have a chance to play before their Jr/Sr seasons.
Wonder if Ole Miss has Harvey Updyke "Wanted Posters" all over "The Grove".
Rumor has it that Nick Saban has requested that all future games with Auburn end after the 3rd quarter.
The little girl we loved on the Bill Cosby Show is... well, she's BACK! On Oprah, she told her that she rejects the notion of labels completely in all areas of her life. "I'm tired of being labeled," she says. "I'm an American. I'm not an African-American; I'm an American." That's a big step in fulfilling Martin Luther's King's "dream", and Rodney King's query of, "can't we all just get along?"
You know, our Mayor Obamalinson travels a lot to other cities to bring back what she feels are good ideas for projects here in Columbus.. hmmm.. on the other hand.. how many of those cities' mayors have come to Columbus an taken back her ideas?
HuffPost headline: "Chicago-area teen arrested for plot to join ISIS" -- Hmmm.. guess he thought he needed to get off the streets of Chicago for safety...
Online story: "President Obama announced Monday, after meeting with top health and security officials about the Ebola outbreak in Africa, that the U.S. government is preparing additional measures to screen passengers in the U.S. and overseas as part of the expanding effort to contain the virus." -- Good grief.. what good is screening for ebola in an airport after everybody has been exposed to it waitin 2+ hours in line to be mauled?
Online story: "It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos. During a panel discussion on the upcoming midterm elections, Jones suggested that Democrats should point out that the “Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.” -- Huh? "Ebola thing is the best argument".. you know,, there's a bit a truth in this assessment by V(_*_)n Jones.. the Democrats do not have anything positive to flaunt.
It's said that 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Walmart. You know.. Walmart could put a cell tower at each store and have better coverage than all the other cell companies.
Online story: "Rep. Elijah Cummings said Sunday that a majority of black Americans, excluding himself, fear the Secret Service is failing to adequately protect President Obama due to racism. * “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer suggested that many members of the black community are worried the Secret Service would better protect a white president." -- Hmmm... doesn't the sitting president pretty much control the Secret Service.. maybe looking at the quality of who Obamageddon appointed is a better measuring mark.
Online story: "The Sandy Hook (Connecticut) Advisory Commission, created by Governor Dannel P. Malloy in the aftermath of the school shooting in Newton, Connecticut, claims that the Sandy Hook massacre occurred because Adam Lanza was homeschooled and his emotional problems went undetected. * Although Lanza's mother pulled him out of the classroom, he earned a degree from Newtown High School, an option not available to any homeschooled student." -- Other than L(_*_)nza shot up a elementary school, I want to know why getting a high school in Connecticut is considered a "degree" while everywhere else considers it a diploma. Additionally, wasn't it BECAUSE of his "emotional problems" that his mother, bless her heart, was probably made to pull him from public high school?
Documents show Frank Myers, John Thomas have disagreement with Lewis" -- Hmm.. isn't this exactly why the voters REPLACED Harris and Wells with people more in touch with the voters?
From above L-E story: "The relationship between the superintendent and two Muscogee County School Board members-elect already is strained, three months before the new representatives take office." -- The election was held during the primary election in May..it's a total of 7 months before ousted Board members vacate their positions of power..this is just one more reason to have our local Council and School Board elections held on the November General Election date.
Open letter to one of our State Representatives:
What will it take to get our local elections back on the November General Election dates?

The politics that followed our Charter Amendment to make sure local elections were decided by a majority versus a plurality have moved the elections from November, first to August and now to May, but all the "situations" that preceded these political moves no longer exist.
Contact yours, too.
L-E headline: "Benning to send medical soldiers to fight Ebola in West Africa" -- God help them.. us, too, if our warriors have to follow the same "rules of engagement" they have to abide with concerning the enemy firing first.
On a local note.. we certainly wish Councilman McDaniel a speedy and full recovery. First because he's a good man.. secondly because we do not need an "appointed" interim replacement.. in fact, we can't afford an interim 'lapdog' for Mayor Obamalinson
L-E headline: "South Lumpkin Road Winn-Dixie to close" -- Hmmm.. musta seen the future...Walmart is acoming.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Women are key to stopping the cycle of violence. Mothers, stop hitting your kids. That is the start of the cycle." -- Women probably are the key.. but the cycle won't end until women wait to be married before having children, and a family to raise those children. The influence of a complete family is the odds for children's futures.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Conservatives have the problem that reality continues to punish their worldview. Abstinence education doesn’t prevent teen pregnancy; tax cuts don’t generate revenue; climate change is real; supply-side economics doesn’t create sustainable growth; etc." -- Whoa! Requiring a photo-ID is no longer enough.. what we need is a sanity authorization by a psychiatrist stating who should be able to vote!
Things are getting tough again.. the Columbus L-E's "Foreclosure Section" has expanded again, but at the same time the L-E has shortened the Tuesday edition by a completer section. The "Foreclosure Section" use to be "Section E",; today it's "Section D".

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