Friday, February 19, 2016

Online story: "Pope Francis on Thursday suggested using artificial contraception in countries afflicted with the Zika virus would be OK for women worried with how the disease is linked to rare birth defects.
Calling it a "lesser of two evils," Francis indicated that choosing to avoid pregnancy altogether would be the better alternative to abortion." -- "lesser of two evils"? Poop Francis has now determined God is "OK" with the "lesser of two evils"? Where'd he find that passage.... in the Quran?

Poop Francis says Trump cannot be Christian because he wants to build a wall to keep people out. Let me get this straight..Poop Francis lives in a completely walled compound! Guess Poop Francis isn't so much a Christian since doesn't even keep his gates open, much less considers tearing down the walls.

Hey, Poop Francis, are illegal aliens who cross borders and violate the 10 Commandments Christians?

From the "see what happens when you put your foot down" department - Online story: "North Carolina has joined a growing list of states that have spent huge sums of money to drug test welfare recipients in order to make sure they weren't wasting government money on drugs -- only to find out that they rarely use drugs." -- You know, when people wanting handouts understand the consequences of their actions, they will alter their behavior. It's time we make extensive changes to the death sentence being used quickly and a lot more often when thugs use guns in street crimes. I;m pretty sure there'd be a huge drop in gun related street deaths.

A body guard for Geraldo Rivera was arrested in Baltimore last May for not having a Maryland issued gun carry permit... and is still in jail.  Hmmm..then how come were there rioters/protesters/criminals on the streets during the insurrection?

Whatta conflict of interest..a guy couple standing outside a San Francisco Apple Store holding up a sign saying "No Backdoor"

Good grief...Yesterday afternoon, I got a robo-call from the Columbus Consolidated Government asking me to go online and register/update my warning/alert info. DOH! I answered the phone..guess it didn't register that if I answered this phone that obviously my info IS up-to-date! Looks like Mayor TomLYINGson has found another wat=y to waste our taxdollars!

A Marco Rubio ad says he "outsmarted" the Democrats on Obamacare..huh? How...? I really want to know how Rubio thinks he thinks he "outsmarted" anybody but himself?

Online story: "There will be no vote on forming a city government on St. Simons Island and Sea Island this year after state Rep. Jeff Jones, R-St. Simons, withdrew his support for a bill that would establish a November referendum on a city charter.  * Jones said in a release, “ is abundantly clear that the legislation is so onerous and has so many problems that I have withdrawn my support for the legislation at this time." -- Hmmm... sounds a whole lot like the situation Mayor TomLYINGson has created... Columbus citizens.. contact your State Reps and Senators and end her madness!

I have questions about a purported Republican based poll that says 39% of Republicans would not vote for Trump under any circumstance... The poll is being misinterpreted.. What it actually says is on 39% support another Republican candidate 100%, while 61% like Trump.

Gov Haley has endorsed Rubio.. I question her judgement for endorsing any candidate, but since when does the endorsement by a 1st term governor for a first Senator really matter... especially a governor who supports McCain and Graham.

Online story: "Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), a superdelegate, is asking voters to help him decide which presidential candidate to back.  * The liberal firebrand, who’s running for Florida's open Senate seat, is holding an online poll where supporters can decide whether he should support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders at the party convention in July." -- Good grief.. what a disgrace.. even for a Democrat.. an (_*_) who has to see which way the wind is blowing BEFORE he climbs up on the fence!

Online headline: "Footage of Bernie Sanders' arrest allegedly found * Newspaper reports from 1963 reveal the senator of Vermont was arrested as a student, and now a film company claims it has found video of the incident." -- Hallelujah!  Now maybe Hillary will finally "fess up" so she'll have more arrests than Bernie to brag about...

How about that soccer referee in Argentina being killed by a player for "red carding" him? Guess during the  in the future, after the ref kicks a few shins in the pre-game inspections, the ref might also kick a few players in the crotch to see if they are "carrying".

L-E headline/story: "Group discusses race in Columbus * Hundreds show up for community discussion, play *  As moderator of a conversation at the RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, Dr. Robert Wright asked panelists to imagine what it was like for blacks living in the Jim Crow South. *  The first scenario that he presented was of a cross burning in a woman’s yard. * In the play, actor Tarantino Smith dramatized Richard Wright’s journey from childhood innocence to adulthood in the Jim Crow South. *  About 100 people showed up for the discussion, and 425 for the play. Though a few white people attended, it was mostly a black audience" -- " a few white people attended"? Good grief.. when the black community is ready to talk about the future and solutions, the white community will respond en masse, but when it looks like the conversation is only going to bash their ancestors, the white community is not going to be a part of it. This just continues the parade of black speakers that have been brought in recently that include this and a preacher from a church that gave us the Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright, and Fractured-Historian Sheila Jackson Lee. You do not solve problems by keeping your eye on the stumbling blocks behind us.. all that does is insure we want see the same stumbling blocks that are in front of us.

Stunningly stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "   The Aquatic Center is definitely an investment in our children. Along with facilitating children’s swim teams, they’re teaching swimming lessons to underprivileged MCSD students. If it saves one child from drowning, it’s worth the investment." -- ""if it saves one child from drowning"? Good grief.. haven't the entitlement seekers learned anything about government inefficiency?  What loving parents would trust a government employee to teach their children how to swim?

Incredibly stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff:: "It is an insult to the American people when the Republicans put down everything that our elected commander-in-chief has to decide upon." -- Good grief.. the Republicans, and patriotic taxpayers are all the soldiers have who stand up for them! There's not a Democrat who would cut an entitlement program to spend more money on the needs of our soldiers and veterans.

You know.. the Climate Change faction has cried "AlGORE" too many times for any more credibility to be given.

L-E headline/story: "Bill creating 2 marriage licenses clears Kentucky Senate  *  Democratic Sen. Morgan McGarvey attempted to amend the bill so the state would only have one form. *  He said having just one form would save money and would treat everyone equally." -- "treat everyone equally"? How.. by disrespecting the heterosexuals   by removing mention of the "bride & groom titles" or by disrepecting homosexuals by making them label themselves? No what the Democrats want disrespects everyone.

L-E headline/story: "Alva James-Johnson: A broader view of black history  *  Sometimes when Black History Month rolls around, I ask this simple question. "What percentage of African slaves actually landed in North America?" * Some people guess 20, 30, 40, 50 percent. When I tell them the answer is closer to 5 percent, they look puzzled. "If 5 percent landed in North America, what happened to the other 95 percent?" they ask.
*  That's when I inform them that 40 percent of the slaves went to the Caribbean islands, 40 percent went to Brazil and the rest ended up in other South and Central American countries." -- Hmmm... well... how about that. some Black History Month info that is factual for a change,,,all that needs to be added is that most African slaves entered the trafficking aspect by being sold to slavers by other African tribes..

L-E  story: "The Muscogee Educational Excellence Foundation has raised enough money to send 11 MCSD teachers to Project Zero Classroom, July 18-22, at Harvard's Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, Mass. *  It costs about $5,000, including expenses, for each MCSD teacher to attend the program," -- Hmmmm... wouldn't it be a better use of money to give each of these teachers a $2,500.00 stipend and another $2,500.00 account to buy needed teaching tools/supplies and send them into schools that don't perform as well as the ones they are currently assigned?

In a "Letter to the Editor" a writer with self-interests in the Aquatic Center writes: "I have written to the paper previously about the Columbus Aquatic Center. The problem which seems to never go away is the cost of operating the center for the full 89 hour schedule, or having to cut that time frame in half due to budgeting restraints. * The bottom line, and what appears to be the council's stubborn opinion, is the city has no money available, and therefore passes the buck back to Parks and Recreation Director James Worsley. * Why build an aquatic center if the city had no idea how much it was going to cost to operate it? -- Hmmm.. No, Mr Writer, you should be the one paying adequate fees to keep the Aquatic Center open all the hours that are convenient to YOU! If the Aquatic Center was of true interest to more citizens, use fees would pay for it being open at the times that YOU want for your own interests. Man -up,, and pay what it takes to keep it open.. or shut up.

L-E headline from movie reviews: "No surprises in ‘Risen’" -- Good grief.. it's about time Hollywood stopped revising the events of the Bible to suit their own's also nice that a reviewer has actually read the Bible.

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