Saturday, February 6, 2016

Remember this sign:

It would have been just as accurately wrong if he erased the "M & U" from it.

Happy birthday remembrances for Ronald Reagan.. (1911-2004)

Online headline: "Twitter suspends over 125,000 accounts for 'promoting terrorist acts'" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought Twitter had shut down Hillary's campaign servers.

Hmmm.. do you think that she's still using the same server located in her bathroom at home.. that would explain the crap flooding my e-mail account..

Online story: "Hillary Clinton has infuriated Russians after she declared their federation is the greatest threat to America during the latest Democratic debate. Her opponent Bernie Sanders was asked the same question and said North Korea instead, and that an isolated country made him "nervous." -- Good grief.. when Romney said Russia was our greatest concern in 2012, Not only did the NERO-bamageddon led mainscream media demonize Romney, then Secretary of State G.I. JILLary said in a CNN story that argued Russia no longer posed the threat it did in the 20th century. "If you take a look at the world today, we have a lot of problems that are not leftovers from the past, but are of the moment, "Clinton said, pointing to Iran and its suspected nuclear development program as an example. "In many of the areas where we are working to solve problems, Russia has been an ally." Bernie.. well, Bernie is just being Bernie.

Note on above: Did anyone see/hear JILLary stand up and proclaim the Iran nuclear-path deal was evil?

Online headline:" Director Michael Moore rushed to the hospital * The award-winning documentary film maker posted on Facebook earlier this week that he had been sent to the ICU in New York City. * Serious illness he's battling" -- guess would have been "hoof&mouth disease".

Remember this sign:

It would have been just as accurately wrong if he erased the "M & U" from it.


Random thought.. there's a couple of adages that recently came to mind.. Segal's law is an adage that states: "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." and "A broken clock is right twice a day". Then I thought about those clocks /watches that are set by radio/wifi signals from the same Atomic Clock  source. Then I thought about Real World 101.. I have two clocks that are set by the Atomic Clock at midnight daily.. they are within 25 feet of each other, yet one is either two-minutes ahead, or the other is two minutes behind.. or as Hillary would say, "What difference does it make?" Hey Hillary,, it makes a difference if you want to be correct.

Online story: "EasyJet, an airline that boasts flights from just $20, has unveiled a plan to make planes more eco-friendly by using new fuel technology. The new hybrid plane could make air travel cheaper by saving thousands of tons of fuel. * The plan is to eliminate the need to use jet fuel while taxing, where 4% of the airline's fuel is used, and replace it with hydrogen fuel cells instead. * The change could even cut bills up to $35,000,000 a year -- saving passengers hundreds of dollars." -- "saving passengers $35,000,000 a year"? Good grief.. if airlines... farmers for that matter , could save that amount in fuel costs flights and foods would be cheaper now than they were last year already.. The reality is that the fuel saving will be better used at padding the bottom lines of companies/farms so they can be better companies, hire more or raise employee salaries, and improve the retirement accounts of hard working investors.

This is not a condemnation of Marco Rubio, but haven't we learned our lesson about putting a first term Senator into the White House?

A Quinnipiac Poll of 484 Democrats taken last fall had Hillary with 60-something% to 30-something% for Bernie...the one out yesterday showed Hillary with 44% to Bernie's 42%. That means 14% haven't declared, but if you are a Democrat and have known Hillary since 1991, and still cannot commit to her over Bernie, then Hillary's vote total is pretty much the top percentage she ever get...

Super Bowl ads..$5,000,000.00 for 30 seconds. You know, I imagine the ad managers for the corporations which bought ads months ago have a bit of buyers's remorse, and are a little shaky about explaining department overruns now that the game is between the Broncos & Panthers.

The latest unemployment lie released is that unemployment is down to 4.9%. The 95.1% number is supposed to represent only those workers who are filling 35 or more hours per week jobs, and we know, many of those now work less than 30 hours  as companies/corporations keep out of the mandatory OO-bamaCRAP  insurance system.. What's sad is that mainscream media will parse the numbers given by the Republican who becomes the next president, and will not count those working less that 30 hours as "working".

L-E headline/story: "UPATOI HOMICIDES * POLICE NAME BOY, 15, CHARGED IN TRIPLE HOMICIDE * R**** L***** B**** is the 15-year-old boy charged Wednesday in the Jan. 4 triple homicide in Upatoi, according to a Columbus Police Department arrest report. * An autopsy showed each of the three victims sustained “extreme blunt-force trauma to the head,” and Gloria and Gianna also had “multiple stab wounds,” authorities said." -- "R**** L**** B***** is the 15-year-old boy charged"?   "boy"? True,, he's not a man.. in fact neither are the other two charged..they are all lower than animals! 
L-E headline: "Columbus Water Works: No lead worries in local water" -- Hmmm...."no lead worries"... does that mean we have NO lead or lead within the current acceptable amounts allowed by the EPA... and we know how transparent the EPA is....uh... isn't.
From the "must be a Common CRAP math problem" department - L-E headline/story: "High school students from across the state in town for education and competition have economic impact of $16 million  * You may have noticed a huge wave of young people that began swamping downtown Columbus Thursday, particularly in and around the RiverCenter for the Performing Arts and the Springer Opera House. *  It’s more than 4,000 high school students gathered for a three-day Georgia Thespian Conference that wraps up today. The CVB estimates the conference is drawing about 4,750 altogether, including families, to the city from across the state. That includes more than 75 professionals and educators in the area of theatre, a group that is holding classes for the young participants this week. The event is generating more than 2,600 hotel room night stays, the CVB estimated, with a total economic impact of $1.6 million, which also includes eating in restaurants, shopping in stores and filling up vehicles with fuel."  *  "Another event contributing to the local economy this week is today’s Mardi Gras Spirit Cheerleading at the Columbus Civic Center. More than 3,200 people are expected to attend, generating 1,100 hotel room night stays and an impact of about $450,000." --  So 50% fewer people are associated with the cheer competition than the thespian festival, and those cheerleaders/families will be here one day less, how come their contribution is figured to be less (percent wise) per person than the thespians? Just asking...
L-E headline: "Bar Review Panel advises Eddings be disbarred" -- About time! Now, has the L-E bothered to search out whether Eddings may be licensed in another state and will simply move on?
You know.. as rampant as babies are being born to unwed mothers, any government assistance  request should include the mandatory insertion of a Norplant birth control implant in the women, and if the baby-daddy doesn't become accountable/responsible, then amputation should be an option number 2.
L-E story: " A state judge ruled Friday against an effort by preservationists to stop the removal of prominent Confederate monuments in New Orleans. *   Civil District Court Judge Piper D. Griffin said the city did not act improperly in deciding to take down four monuments tied to Confederate history, including a towering column and statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. *  The state suit deals with three of the four monuments: statues of Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, P.G.T. Beauregard, a Louisiana-born Confederate general, and Lee. A fourth monument, an obelisk to the White League’s attempt to overthrow a biracial government after the Civil War, is under a federal consent decree." -- Huh? the monument for the White League is protected by a "federal consent decree"?  Let's look at this from another report :.. "the fourth monument slated to be removed, the Liberty Monument. That monument was erected to honor the Crescent City White League’s attempt to overthrow a biracial Reconstruction government in New Orleans after the Civil War. The monument’s current location is tied to a federal consent decree; city lawyers say they are seeking to get that decree changed and have the obelisk removed." Why would the federal government stop the removal of the "White League" monument? Could it be that it wasn't configured until 1874 and "The White League, also known as the White Man's League, was an American white supremacist paramilitary terrorist organization started in 1874 to turn Republicans out of office and intimidate freedmen from voting and political organizing and affiliated with the Democratic Party"? Anybody check the party or race of the Piper D. Griffin? Guess what.. you're right if you said Democrat and black. Doesn't make much sense does it.. to allow the White League Monument to radical Democrat racist, while removing a genuine hero, Robert E. Lee who Lincoln tried to recruit to lead the Union armies. I also do not remember any "recusal" offers from her.

L-E headline: "O.J. Simpson dislikes lawyer’s portrayal on TV show ads" -- Well.. the pots about right.. I don't believe very many people liked the way the real lawyers.. on both sides..performed in the real trial.

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