Monday, February 22, 2016

Wanna see if Hillary CAN tell the truth? Then ask her if today is George "I cannot tell a lie"  Washington's birthday.
Online headline: "Chick-Fil-A Banned From The University of Nebraska Because CEO Supports Traditional Marriage" -- So Nebraska defines "freedom of speech" as not speaking freely of your beliefs. yet doesn't prohibit protests by those speaking freely of their discontent at the 1st Amendment rights of all people. Isn't the definition of a university as being a place of higher learning and exploring all knowledge?  

Online headline/story: "Governor John Kasich signs Ohio bill to cut Planned Parenthood funding  *  State and federal laws already prohibit taxpayer dollars from going to fund abortions, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. *  Planned Parenthood immediately fired back to the news, as the organization's president Cecile Richards claimed the bill will "have devastating consequences for women across Ohio." -- Hmmm.. if "State and federal laws already prohibit taxpayer dollars from going to fund abortions, with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother", then what is Planned Parenthood's argument.. that Kasich and the Ohio legislature don't think Ohio taxpayers should be forced to contribute to the salaries of Planned Parenthood's executives, lobbyists, fund raisers, and paid protesters?

From the "how do we rewrite history as it happens" department - On line story: "Fending off an unexpectedly strong challenge from Bernie Sanders, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton notched a narrow but momentum-building victory in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, averting a second consecutive loss to the progressive insurgent and boosting her campaign's hopes that the tide will turn in her favor as Democrats in demographically diverse states have their say." -- "unexpectedly strong challenge from Bernie Sanders"? In other words: Democrat voters would like to vote "yes or no" on Hillary. 

Incredibly ignorant LIV's (or City employee's/GA DOT connected) L-E "soundoff": "Sorry to disappoint one of the perpetual doomsayers, but folks are doing just fine with roundabouts. Maybe those folks in Green Island or speeding down River Road can’t handle change." -- Hmmm... how about naming one other roundabout that has to handle top-heavy logging trucks braking down from 45 MPH into as "un" or "reverse banked" S-curve and having to accelerate while making a right turn while it's load is centrifugally going the opposite way. 

"momentum-building victory in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, averting a second consecutive loss"? -- Good grief.. now "they" are trying to spin that Hilary won Iowa.. Give the 700 or so votes that DEmocrats gave O'Malley because they didn't like either Hillary or Bernie, toss out the "coin tosses", and Hillary becomes 1 & 2 against "anybody but Hillary". Additionally, who wants to take the Las Vegas odds that Reid was using "loaded dice" to get Hillary a win in the Nevada "Crap Shoot"?

HuffPOOPOO headline": "Democratic candidate wins Nevada" -- Good there was a Republican in there race? Sorta reminds me of a joke of the 60's. Russia challenged the US to a one-on-one car race to determine who made the best and fastest car. Of course, the US car set a course record and the Russian car sputtered at the start line and dies. THe next days Moscow headlines read: "Russia comes in second; the USA finishes next to last"

I'm going to have to look closely at next years "Girl Scout Cookies" ingredients before I buy any.. The boxes of "Peanut Butter Patties" read "Crispy vanilla cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating".. "chocolaty"? And the "Thin Mints"..remember that rich dark cholate coating? Well, no more.. it's a "chocolaty" coating as well.. now it looks like "powder coat brown".

You know, with all the coverage of every aspect, of every nook and cranny being searched for some kind of story, has anyone seen a mainscream media reporting about how black voters perceive Dr Ben Carson?

Online headline: "Donald Trump viciously attacks Obama for missing Scalia's funeral" -- and people wonder why Trump has the American ear.... Mainscream media and the Democrat Party candidates should have been the loudest in protesting NERO-bamageddon's snub. It's not like NERO-bamageddon had anything more pressing.. his excuse about reviewing replacement resumes was BS.. in fact, he should have made an issue of buying Justice Scalia before he was going to discuss/analyze any options.

Once again. Trump wins... have any of the naysayers even though to consider how many votes Trump could get if he spent as much money as his fellow Republican candidates do? Guess the difference is Trump is spending his own money and the rest are doing all they know how to do.. spend other people's money.. and throwing good money at a problem thinking it will actually change reality.

Online headline/story: "Ancient flower discovered in 30-million-year-old amber * Asterids are particularly notable on that count, as among the celebrated members of its sort, such as coffee and tomatoes, lurk the deadly flowers that yield strychnine and curare. * A flower found in up to 30-million-year-old fossilized amber has been confirmed as a unique Asterid species, as well as its oldest known member. *  Researchers are also rather confident the well-preserved bloom was poisonous and belongs to the notoriously fatal Strychnos genus. * Scientists involved in the study believe the transformation from benign, delicate flower to stealthy killer was likely motivated by the need for self-preservation." -- "motivated by the need for self-preservation"? Good grief.. and we are to believe "scientists" can explain "climate change" and "the Big Bang" better than God? These "scientists" are basically saying that this asterid must have "thought" it needed a defense mechanism, and passed this "thought" on to successive generations.

Hey, Mayor TomLYINGson.. I had to pay for parking at the Civic Center when I attended Disney on Ice Saturday.. how come you're not charging for parking when people use the Aquatics Center?

Congressman Bishop's letter is the absolute pits! His calling the crime "Operating an Illegal Check Cashing Operation" just demonstrates how out of touch Bishop is with reality.. The felon was scamming the tax payers through an IRS fraud scheme> Of course, Bishop also "feels" that when he presents those oversized photo-op taxpayer backed checks to private organizations that the money is coming out of his own personal wallet.

Online headline: "Edward Snowden will return to US if guaranteed 'fair trial'"  -- "guaranteed 'fair trial'"? By who's definition?  Or does he really mean "guaranteed favorable verdict"? You know.. Snowden's act was not selfless... a lot of people and their families were endangered... and no jury should be required/expected to overlook his actions.

Online headline: "Hillary: 'I don't believe' I've lied" -- Good grief.. Hillary can't even.. well, won't, tell the truth about lying..Listening to a NERO-bamageddon "State of the Union" speech was agonizing, but having to listen to a Hillary "State of the Union " speech would be intolerable!

Within minutes of Jeb Bush dropping out of the presidential race Saturday night, some of his donors were preparing to throw their financial support behind Marco Rubio, who has emerged as the strongest candidate among the establishment wing of the party. * "Jeb's network is already naturally migrating to Marco," said Gaylord Hughey, a top Bush fundraiser from Texas, echoing what four other top donors told Reuters. "It's the clear path. * "It's a stampede," added another donor" -- You know.. one of the reasons Jeb donors would "stamped" to Rubio is that Trump won't take their money or give them influence...I wish "they" would take their money, instead,  to the market place and create more jobs for non-political candidates.

Hillary is feeling "the Bern", but more importantly, Hillary is really feeling "the burn". She is unexpectedly "burning" through her campaign funds during the primaries, and collateral damages will be that traditional Democrat/Socialist donors are feeling Hillary is not the "shoo in" they thought a year ago.

L-E headline/story: "Rep. Rogers to be challenged by Larry DiChiara  *  Rogers, 57, touts his experience while DiChiara, 58, points to 34 years as an educator, fixing troubled school districts. * DiChiara said he had just finished an assignment from the State Department of Education at Selma City School District when he was approached by a group to run for Congress. *  “They know I’ve shown courage, I have integrity"  -- I rarely coment on Alabama stuff, But I have a different ideal of courage and integrity...If I'd been a school superintendent, and a school board didn't agree with what I knew was needing to be done,. I'd have left without demanding a contract buy out.

Speaking of recent Alabama displays of DiChiara "courage and integrity", that former Alabama State coach who signed to coach at Carver here in Columbus, but then stated he would abandon that job if he was offered one at a Montgomery, AL school.. what's the situation with our school boar and him? I hope to see where he's been fired regardless of his status with the Montgomery school.

On the other hand, I'd fully support Phenix City's Mayor Eddie Lowe moving to Columbus and running for mayor here...

A Hillary's Legacy incredibly stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Every speech that Hillary receives pay for, she gives those proceeds to charities, unlike her Republican counterparts." -- Good grief! What the Clinton's do is have the check for their speaking engagements go directly to one of their foundations which makes paying them a tax deductible donation for the corporations, and eliminates income tax on the Clintons. Heck, even Bernie will have a hard time trying to get his clutches on that money Ask her how much money from the foundation pays for her living/travel expenses (with no tax responsibility for her) versus how much actually gets to a child in need.
Triple-double stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Once again, as usual, gun lobbyists, gun worshippers, and the puppets they placed in government are at odds with law enforcement. That’s understandable, since the gun lobby is the criminal’s best friend." -- Good grief.. the gun=using criminals' bets friend is the American Bar Association members who work hard at getting them back on the street through plea bargains and trail technicalities.
From the "wisdom that has never graced the walls of a Clinton office" department - L-E's " Thought for Today":  “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” — President George Washington (1732-1799)." -- No further explanation needed.
L-E headline: "Pope to Catholic leaders: Don’t allow executions this year" -- Good grief.. what's Poop Francis trying to do.. get all death row murderers to convert to Catholicism?
L-E headline: "Rubio, Cruz jostle for ‘alternative-to-Trump’ vote" -- You know.. even if one of these two could.. should ..overtake Trump and win the nomination, they will have a hard time getting Trump supporters to go to the polls in November.. no one likes it when many people gang-up on one person.  Besides, it's Trump that's bringing record numbers of voters out to the Republican primaries as it is. Personally, I think Rubio and Cruz should be trying to win support away from Trump, not trying to bash him, if either wants to win in November.
You know, a Trump supporter who doesn't go to the polls in November essentially casts a vote for Hillary.
While referencing an opinion of mine the Columbus L-E's Tim Chitwood writes: "Get a job, Charlie Brown, and you'll know why some of us complete assignments by deadlines." -- :"compete assignments by deadlines"?  -- Good grief.. straight from the "horses mouth  (well or another part of his anatamy ) No wonder the L-E stories are so inferior,, it prints stories based on a time schedule rather than whether they are complete and or factual.. Oh, and he should be REAL careful to proof read how the L-E spells his name.. .because the L-E is always in too much of a hurry to get it to the  printer.
The following illustrates how the Republican Party has lost touch with the needs of America's working voters.. What we are seeing is how the Republican Party has disappointed conservatives .. the REpublicam Party must think coming in second is "winning" as the Republican Party feels the primaries are about whether it's Rubio or Cruz that finishes second to Trump.
At a congregational meeting at our church yesterday, the facilitator suggested that if you were told you were going on a trip, you'd probably ask "where to" so you would know what to pack.. he threw out destinations of either Chicago or Miami.. Hey, I think I'd be "packing" the same gun to either place.
L-E headline: "Toyota follows Cup title with first Daytona 500 victory" -- Whoa.. Toyota won a NASCAR race.. man, that would have upset the whole country music industry if that happened in the 60s/70s.

Could you see Robert Mitchum driving a Toyota in "Thunder Road"?

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