Monday, May 6, 2024


Advice to the terrorists and their supporters: "If you want to change the world.... go home and love your family."..Mother Teresa…..

Columbus GA Council better check into this... Fast! The MCSO has installed a "sanctioned" speed trap on River Road at the south bound exit from the Round-A-Bout! It's an automatic camera at a pre-K "school" that NO CHILDREN walk to, or even cross the road on foot… nor are there any “crosswalk police” assigned there. It's an obvious money syphoning proposition (well..SCAM) of the Muscogee County Sheriff's Office to capitalize on the affluent traffic of Northwest Columbus and Southwest Harris County coming into work in the mornings.



I recently had one of our elected officials comment on how “they” liked getting their copy of this “Breakfast Club” during the week.. the official said that at first, “they” were a tad upset, but when “they” thought about later, they realized there were lots of things that “they” weren’t “privy to” or discussions that weren’t looking at all the angles, and they now looked forward to it.. I said “they” should mention that to the ELECTED OFFICIALS (Huff, Tucker, Cantrell_ who have BLOCKED their editions.

Hey, Columbus GA voters...during the upcoming May 21st primaries, there's a sneaky School System "SPLOST" issue on the ballot.. The existing SPLOST has been paid off early, but rather than celebrate and give the taxpayers a year's tax break, our School Board "feels" we'll want ANOTHER ONE rather than let us reduce our incessant sales taxes by 11% for a year. The School Board feels they can sneak it through by not actively DISCUSSING the projects publicly. (Question: Do you know how much they are raising or for what projects they are wanting to spend it on? neither!) VOTE NO!

Online headline: “Hims” founder offers jobs to anti-Israel protesters, hails their 'moral courage'” -- Hims? Somebody better inform "him" that in one "unforced error", he has renamed his company and it will now be known as either "DIMS” or “DUMBS”!

With the leading government officials of Sanctuary Blue Cities/States being Democrats, and them restricting the authority of their law enforcement groups, I'm reminded of the Jim KKKrow era of the South during the 1940s-60s.. when Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Native Americans and Asians were denied protection. Apparently, every thing has changed ... now "the South" and "the North" positions have reversed.

Online headline: “DOJ official Kristen Clarke comes clean after falsely testifying to Senate that she had never been arrested” -- Hmmm… “expunged “ or not, she lied to a Senator during a confirmation hearing.. She should have just said "knife in hand, I was preparing a meal for my husband and he told he had cheated on me, and I reacted emotionally" and everyone would have moved on.

Hmmm... Biden really must be concerned about his re-election chances...Now he says the overtaking of buildings, the destruction of property, the intimidation of others is not a peaceful protest... of course, when BLACK LIVES MATTER and Antifa did the same destructive protests, Biden did little more than whistle and twiddle his thumbs.

Online story: “Religious believers are under a vicious attack from partisan government forces determined to shut them out of the American health care system for good.
Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently struck yet another blow to conscientious Americans when it amended rules pertaining to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to require people of faith to fund elective abortions and transgender surgeries through their health insurance.” – Wow! Resident Biden is not just attacking the Freedom of Religion guarantee in our Constitution, he’s defying the US Supreme Court on another issue like he has on his authorization to cancel student loans!

Writer’s Note: The above comment was “blocked” from the Public Forum.

Online headline: “Tree plan for Golden Park in Columbus GA redevelopment revealed. “ -- hmmm...and Trees Columbus is "fine" with the City "meeting minimum requirements" for trees etc on a $50,000,000.00 project that the City is sparing no other expenses?

Online headline: “Not your grandma’s Pig Jig. Look back at Columbus GA Riverfest history before May 3-4 event” -- this has to be the worst promoted event ever!

Online story: “The roughly 400,000 migrants allowed into the US under the Biden administration’s Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan [CHVN] parole program will most likely stay in the US indefinitely, several experts told The Post * The program first began in October 2022 for Venezuelans and was expanded in November 2023 to allow 30,000 migrants per month to enter the US for up to two years “for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” * Department of Homeland Security data revealed 400,000 migrants have taken advantage of the program by the end of February.” – “Parole Program”? Good grief! A parole program is KNOWINGLY bringing in 400,000 (but could be as high as 720,000 (24 X 30,000) KNOWN criminals (but not necessarily knowing how dangerous any/all could be). Even worse is that only the White House KNOWS where they were “dropped off”, and now even the White House has no clue where these 400,000 KNOWN criminal are situated in OUR country!

Online headline: “Treasury Secretary Yellen Reports Decline in Inflation, Improved Purchasing Power” --Good grief! About the only decline in inflation would be the drop in her overinflated ego!

Wow! It's been nearly 3 decades since I've driven I-20 East towards Augusta but took that route before diverting to North Charleston for the weekend. I remember when driving on it was like putting on the greens at Augusta National.. smooth and slick. Guess most of the members fly there now, because if they knew the current shape of I-20, they'd send out their groundskeepers to smooth it out.

As proud as I was about the NYPD officers who ripped down a Palestinian flag and replaced it “Iwo Jima style”, I was ecstatic to see the videos of UNC students doing the same on their campus… maybe this is a sign that our youth have figured out the damaging effect of the Socialist agenda curriculum that they’ve been force-fed in public schools all their lives is NOT GOOD for them or our nation. Even Rutgers’ student caught the “USA! USA! USA! Flag Waving Spirit!

Online headline: “Biden brings up Islamophobia amid the worst antisemitism outbreak in decades” -- Progressives & other Democrats rip Biden for being uncharacteristically pro-America! Hmmm, in other words, most Democrat voters need to be "WOKE" about who .. and what... the Party Agenda actually IS for them and their future.

Online headline: “College girl pelted with objects by anti-Israel protesters for standing up for US flag speaks out” – Hmmm.. a 21st Century parable? You know, “Let he who is not stoned cast the first object….


Online headline: “Biden calls Japan 'xenophobic' for not accepting many immigrants, compares to China, Russia” – Good grief! Japan. And island nation has an over 122,000,000 in population which calculates to 876 persons per square mile! Japan is not the villain… in fact, it’s immigration policy is much like ours, but Japan’s leaders FOLLOW THEIR IMMIGRATION LAWS which is definitely something our Socialist-Democrat President and his minions DO NOT DO!

Online headline: “West Virginia middle school students barred from track meet after protesting transgender athlete's inclusion” -- Well... this pretty much explains how a Democrat like Joe Manchin could win a Senate seat in WV!

Online headline: ‘Michigan women's water polo club team under fire as trans athlete reportedly competes for squad” -- Hmmm... a "tranny" playing women's water polo? Well, it would be hard to hide the fact wearing a wet Speedo... but the Michigan team should have been DQ'd for playing with too many balls in the pool.

Point to ponder: Hmmm… as I read it, if a woman declares she’s a male, then Women’s Sports Authorities would ban “her” from participating in women’s completion?

Online headline: “LAURA INGRAHAM: Biden doesn't care if Jewish students are living in fear” -- Actually, a not near-enough-the-truth-statement in general.. ...the Democrat Agenda doesn't care about the Jewish Community at all!

Online headline: “Protestors marched to the Governor’s mansion demanding Gov. Kemp veto immigration bill” -- hmmm...maybe the marchers need to be vetted for citizenship...not only for USA, but GA citizenship as well.

Online headline/story: “New report highlights Atlanta’s persistent racial inequality * By Mirtha Donastorg - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution * There are a few things people need in order to live good lives. Young people need quality education, parents need jobs and people need safe, quality and affordable housing, the Annie E. Casey Foundation argues. * But in Atlanta, too often those opportunities are not evenly distributed, the foundation says.” – Hmmm… Mirtha Donastorg may have a point…but as she “points” her index finger at others, her other three fingers at POINTING AT HER! Anybody remember when there was a non-Democrat Mayor, Council Majority, or School Board majority that wasn’t Democrat or Black? Of course.. “Black” is not the issue, it was the same when those majorities were White as well.. It all boils down to the issue.. the problem being the DEMOCRATS!

Online headline: “ Advocates say Supreme Court must preserve new, mostly Black US congressional seat for 2024 elections” -- Blacks should be irate at Dems thinking they OWN their votes! Of course, Democrats do have a history of feeling that.


Online “headLIE”/story: “Biden says 'order must prevail' after UCLA Gaza protest camp cleared” * California Socialist-Democrats KNOW Resident Biden doesn't actually "mean this", but this does indicate California may be in play for Trump as even Sanctuary city families are starting to fear illegal aliens swarming ter neighborhoods.” – Hmmm.. “Biden says “order must prevail”? Another BS “half-truth”.. it’s not “order must prevail”. It’s “LAW AND ORDER” that MUST prevail!

Online “headLIE”: “Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar indicted by DOJ on conspiracy and bribery charges” -- Hmmmm.... Looks more like Obama is trying to make an example out of Cuellar to keep other Dems in line.

Online “headLIE”: “ “US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money,” says Biden Administration “ – Whoa! Why haven’t the American voters fired every DEMOCRAT! Sure, “their” government can print all the money it “pleases”.. but American citizens CANNOT! It wouldn’t take long for the American dollar to be as worthless as an Iranian Rial… it takes over 514,000 Rials to equal and American dollar.. in other words, a Powerball $2.00 ticket would cost over 1 MILLION Rials!

Online headline: “ DC National Guard whistleblower claims Trump was stripped of his commander-in-chief powers on January 6 “ – Wow! General Milley should be of Treason… HIGH TREASON.. He may be the Benedict Arnold of the 21st Century!

Online headline: “ Gov. Kemp's new law that will make it harder for people to get out of jail in Georgia” -- ACLU Director Isaacson is WRONG! Holding violent criminals in jail makes me feel safer with such criminals off our streets!

Online headline: “ Fani Willis grilled during hearing over amount of money spent on prosecuting Trump case — instead of county’s backlog of criminal cases” -- Unreceipted expenses in her Campaign account are a big issue, too.. over $200K in cash is unaccounted for, and it's "overdrawn". ...and she is the treasurer of her Campaign account.

Online headline: “Sen. Ossoff strengthening Emergency Health Care across Muscogee County” -- This is neither "news" or newsworthy! This is, at best, a political pandering campaign for Ossoff spending ,..well, wasting our tax dollars... and diverting emergency ambulance availability from people in emergency need.

Online headline/story: “Surge in Democratic Voters Relocating to Georgia Prior to Forthcoming Elections * According to an analysis by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia gained approximately 13,500 more likely Democratic voters than Republican voters since the 2020 presidential election. This shift could potentially give Democrats a slight advantage in the upcoming elections. ” – You know.. it’s probably the voters that gave Biden “the win” in Georgia in 2020 finally moving here in case because there are better plans to check voter registration addresses set for 2024.

There’s an “artist” coming for a “meet & greet and demonstration” at the Smith-McCullers House next week.. His “art” is mutilating a single sheet of paper with a typewriter… His “art” is suppose to be typing out all the words from pages of a classic book on a single sheet of paper by typing and retyping over previous typing of the words.. Now.. can the “artist” even prove that what the words he types are even the actual words in such books? No.. No WAY, in fact. If I didn’t know better, I’d think this guy may have learned “art” from Hunter Biden!

Hmmm.. a headline that sums up a deadbeat lawyer in 11 words: “Hope Hicks: Cohen called himself ‘Mr. Fix It’ only because he 'broke it'” – Heh heh heh

Former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard's book may need to be "RECALLED"! She was promoting it on Fox Weekend News and said she left the Democrat Party because it was no longer the Party of John F. Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. FACT CHECK: Dr King was a member of the Republican Party, and the Republican Party was the reason the 1965 Civil Rights bill was passed! Additionally, it was this year’s 3rd Party candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's FATHER who was persecuting Dr. King!

Online headline: “White House looks to convince Americans of ‘Bidenomics’ with Kamala Harris tour” -- Hmmm…. With Chuckles Harris' "success" as "Border Tsar", who could ever be confident with her as "Bidenomics Tsar"?


Online story: “In a recent cringe-inducing moment, Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to President Joe Biden , found himself in hot water as he struggled to explain the basic concept of how money works. This occurred during an interview for an upcoming documentary titled 'Finding The Money', which aims to delve into the complexities of the economy.” – Wow! And his boss is Janet Yellen, and Chuckles Harris has just been made “Bidenomics Tsar”!

Online headline: “Biden administration puts hold on US ammunition shipment to Israel:” -- Good grief! Biden will send free ammo to Ukraine but won't ship ammo Israel is willing, able, and ready to pay us for it! Hmmm.. Maybe Zelenskyy has video recordings of Biden’s bribery of the US loan guarantee deal to get the Ukraine Prosecuting Attorney fired for investigating Hunter and the Burisma deal….

Online headline: “Disney Officially Bans ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Music, Removed From the Public” -- Wow! I’m making sure all the funds I invest in have shed themselves of Disney stock!

Online “headLIE”: “Biden Left Speechless by Gold Star Families’ Criticisms, Psaki Claims” – Hmmm.. If Resident Biden was left "speechless", it was because either his Teleprompter was unplugged or he had the wrong set of "note cards" in his pocket!

Online headline: “Judy Shepard, Nancy Pelosi, and queer scientist Jane Rigby among Medal of Freedom honorees” – Wait a minute! Nancy PeLOUSY deserves nothing like this! She is opposed to Freedom for American citizens who won’t vote for her or other Democrats!

Online headline: “Taxpayer dollars at work: Warnock at The Stitch, Ossoff on youth program, big push for National Park” -- Hmmm, you know, whenever we see SINator Warnock and/or Ossoff, they are either giving away or spending our tax dollars.. we never see them showing us where they saved us money or cut out taxes.

Online headline: “ $3 trillion could be injected into the U.S. economy without any federal spending by tweaking this corner of the mortgage market, ‘Oracle of Wall Street’ says” – Dang! It was abuse of the mortgage loan industry that cause the last economic collapse! Besides, if every homeowner was mortgaged to the hilt on their homes, they would be “underwater” when they had to or wanted to sell their homes during a down or stagnant market.

Online headline: “Gov. Kemp announces hundreds of e-mobility manufacturing jobs coming to east central Georgia” -- Hey, Columbus GA Chamber and Columbus GA Council.. we just had Governor Kemp here to highlight a work preparedness program at Jordan High, but why can’t y’all get him here to ANNOUNCE ne businesses coming to Columbus instead of the rest of the state? Maybe the City Manager’s wife being a Democrat House Representative answers that question…

Seeing the videos and reports of the "professional" activists/instigators at Columbia U, I thought of the 2 antifa people arrested in the Atlanta "Cop City" situation who had been arrested in Washington, DC on Jan 6, 2021 that skipped out on their Court Appearance date. Sounds like those two were part of the "professional instigators" we now KNOW exist, so there needs to be a review of all the charges Democrats made for ordinary conservative Americans charged that day!

Online headline: “Actor Jeff Daniels says he hopes voters will choose Biden amid ‘war on Democracy” – What an idiot! No more Jeff Daniels movies for me!

Online headline: “ Biden's new student-loan forgiveness plan has already received over 24,000 comments. There are 2 weeks left to give the administration input.” – Well, here’s MY comment: “I want to get refunded for paying all three of my daughters college tuitions!”

Online headline: “ District Attorney Stacey Jackson passes away” -- Peace for his family... an outstanding young man...

Wow! Jack Smith.. Special Prosecutor of the classified documents at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home has been called out and has admitted to staging the pictures he presented to the Court! This is a real crime, and he and his other prosecutors need to Go-Straight-To-Jail! The judge is PO'd and could throw it out now, but I think the judge wants to air it ALL OUT to make sure AMERICAN citizens understand what the Democrats have done to our justice system!

Online story: “The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is negotiating a new contract with the public schools system and is understood to be calling for an extra $50 billion to pay for wage hikes as well as other demands such as fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities and a host of LGBT-related requirements and training in schools. * To put the figure into context, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois last year were $50.7 billion. * The incredible demands are being made despite its members delivering underwhelming results for its students, with only 21 percent of the city’s eighth graders being proficient readers” – Hmmm… The Shicago Teachers Union wants Shicago taxpayers to fork out an ADDITION $50 Billion dollars on top of the $50 Billion the taxpayers in Illinois already fork out for public education…. But did you notice, the emphasis the Shicago Teachers Union’s demand is on “what’s in it for us”, not how can we help students!


Columbus GA citizens are getting screwed by having too few gas station owners... We filled up in Columbus before we left on Friday at $4.499 per gallon for Premium, and on the way back, filled up just outside Charleston for $3.649 per gallon of Premium.

Oh, and while we were in Charleston, we heard Emergency vehicle sirens that sounded like the sirens used in UK and France... we walked close to one site and I swear I saw Inspector Clouseau bumble by.

Online headline: ‘Mark Hamill Crashes White House Press Briefing, Offers Praise For President ‘Joe-bi Wan Kenobi’” -- Good grief! Remember when Resident Biden was "interviewed" by Carli B? JoKKKe Biden claimed he was "Joey B".. now Hamill is trying to rename him (hmmm.. could it be that NO ONE wants the name “Biden” on the ballot?) .. of course, Hamill looked/sounded like he was still "anesthetized" following a Dr Yoda LightSaber colonoscopy.

Jesus, a Jew, gave us all the path to follow, and it's His Christian followers who are standing up for the Jews today as Muslims, "Progressive Democrats" (whatta oxymoron), and MSM persecute Jewish families around the world.

Online headline: “Ole Miss bullpen, 'gutsy' effort delivers 5-4 series-clinching victory over Auburn” -- Hey! U of Mississippi, a.k.a. "Ole Miss" is no longer known as "The Rebels"... the nickname was changed years ago.. (twice in fact).. first to the "Black Bears" and is currently .. and OFFICIALLY... now known as the "Landsharks"! Get it right, media!!


One more thing… probably most, if not all Columbus citizens were touched by Marsha Minnix Coram Griffith sometime in their lives over the last 44 years... if you ever answered Jury Call in Columbus, you'll remember her smile. Peace be with her family..

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