Tuesday, May 14, 2024


WRBL-TV3 Columbus, GA headline: “Sunday Conversation: Columbus Councilor Tyson Begley talks about his fill-in role” -- If there is one thing learned from Tyson Begly's Council Appointment is that unelected Councilors should not be able to vote on raising taxes or adding new bond debt to our City. It's one thing to be a deciding or contributing vote on a spending issue for money already approved by a budget, but a Councilor named by a Mayor is not.. repeat, is NOT a person that the voters have put in office...and the backroom baseball deal is a PRIME example.. maybe even the ultimate example.. of why appointed Councilors should NOT BE ABLE vote on such issues. This should be added to the Charter Review Commission files to make sure such a rule be added to our City Charter..


Think about it.. when a person gets “appointed” , you can bet the “appointer” expects said “appointee” to support specific programs the “appointer” wants.


Hmmm… and now another Council seat will soon have an “appointee” the Mayor will nominate/appoint…

Online headline: The U.N. General Assembly Has Voted To Give Palestinians New Rights and Privileges. It Also Urges the Security Council To Reconsider Its Request To Become the 194th Member.” -- It's time...in fact, it's way past time to shut down the UN Building in NYC, and shut off our "donations"!

Online headline: “Jen Psaki forced to edit book after making misleading claim about Biden not checking watch at ceremony“ -- Good grief! Re-Edit? This is no solution.. there want even BE a second run publication.. who, other than liberal pols ever bought a copy, and probably none of them ever read it! What should happen is the publisher recall all unsold books gathering dust on the shelves of book stores and libraries be “recalled”.


Writer’s Note: Public Comment Forum monitors “blocked” this response.


Online headline: “Treacherous migration route through Panama to shut down under newly elected president“ -- Whoa! Wanna bet the Colombian and Mexican cartels “take out” Panama’s new President-elect Jose Raul Mulino ?


Writer’s Note: The same Public Comment Forum DID NOT “block” this comment.

Online headline: “San Francisco under fire for program giving booze to homeless alcoholics: 'Where's the recovery in all this?” -- Hmmm..why doesn't SF just set up tables outside Nancy PeLOUSY's house and let her serve from her bar... I imagine she has crates of liquor left over from the planes that flew her back & forth from SF and Wash DC when she was Speaker.

Online headline: “ Melinda French Gates says she is resigning from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” -- Hmmm… first it was hubby’s Jeffrey Epstein’s “friendship”, and now this after Florida bans her ex’s laboratory meat company..

Online headline: “VP Kamala Harris calls to 'kick that f---ing door down’ in speech about breaking barriers” – Hmmm…. Since I gave the name "Bleep Veep" to JoKKKe Biden when he was Obama's running mate, I have to find a more fitting as well as appropriate for Biden's running mate, Kamela Harris... "Chuckles" was working, but now it seems insufficient.. so now she will be known as Phuckles Harris.

Online headline: “UNC Chapel Hill board votes to dismantle DEI programs, use funds on campus police after anti-Israel protests” -- Wow! For the first time... in a very long time, I'm sure my late dad (UNC '38) & late brother (UNC '65) are smiling about a policy change at Chapel Hill.

Online headline: “House GOP takes steps to hold AG Garland in contempt over subpoenaed Biden audio” -- Sadly . things could be worse.. Merrick Garland could have been a US Supreme Court Justice..

Online headline: “Charles Barkley to donate $1 million each to Auburn women’s athletics and HS for Black girls” – WOW! How racist and discriminatory!!! In other words, "no Whites, Hispanics, Asians, or Native Americans need apply nor will be considered"!!!!

Online headline/story: “Biden’s daughter’s diary declared authentic after fact-checker said it was ‘unproven’ * Snopes, a leading fact-check website, recently reversed a “fact-check” regarding the authenticity of Ashley Biden’s stolen diary, which allegedly claimed that President Joe Biden had taken “inappropriate” showers with his daughter. “ -- You know, this story would never have appeared without the DNC's permission and its effort to have JoKKKe Biden step down from trying to run for re-election! And don’t forget, SNOPES is a Leftist Run business…

Online headline: “Judge orders Alabama driver to apologize or face jail for telling officer, 'Get your ass out of the way'” -- Hmmm...what about the THIRD option .. he apologized AND served 30 days behind bars! Disrespect of an officer doing his job is unnecessary. If the speeder felt wrongly accused/ticketed, he could have gone to court and fought it civilly and legally.

Online headline: “Rep. Jamaal Bowman says ‘from the river to the sea’ chant isn’t hate speech during debate” -- Of course it's "hate speech" just like the other protest rant of "death to America"! Wonder if Bowman had an aide standing by a fire alarm box to "pull it" if the debate got even worse..

Online headline: “ Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Columbus, GA/Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election” -- It would be interesting to see how many of those absentee ballots were mailed to senior care facilities, and if the addresses actually saw them.

Online headline: “Ten Charged with Theft of Federal Funds from Tuskegee University” -- Imagine that... fraud of federal tax dollars funded grants at a college... imagine it at most colleges receiving federal tax dollar funded grants.. Hmmm speaking of audits, Columbus, GA taxpayers STILL haven’t gotten the final numbers from the external audit!

Online headline: “16 Republican senators demand IRS investigate fiscal sponsor of Students for Justice in Palestine” -- The IRS 501-c- 4 status should be eliminated! As individuals, we cannot deduct political campaigns, but we can deduct donation on our Tax Forms if we donate to 591-c-4 organizations which can donate to political entities.. THIS IS SO WRONG! This is what ALLOWS THE SOROS FAMILY et al to control the narrative in PACs and protest groups.

Online headline: “Tariffs to be sharply hiked by Biden administration on Chinese-made products” -- Hmmm... with inflation in the US soaring, Biden is milking his Chinese partners by increasing tariffs knowing that the final retail prices on Chinese goods will still undercut American made products. This plan gives Biden's spending "a shot of energy" while it still gives his Chinese partners' products a price edge.

Online headline: “Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Bold Move: A Potential Acquisition of The Associated Press” -Oh! 6uckerberg's "motive" is to "improve" news access/content... yeah.. right... What "bs"... 6uckerberg is just wanting more control of the news that he wants put out in the public arena.

Online headline: “Protesters, colleges are about to find out that, yes, the law DOES apply to them, too : -- You know... certain aspects of the organized leadership are looking a lot like certain aspects of the Washington DC Jan 6 event... well-placed paid organizers were in Washington to direct "meandering" crowds to move to certain locations.. There were two antifa organizers who were arrested in Washington but didn't return to Washington for their court date, and later were arrested in another protest at the "Cop City" protest in Atlanta ..and we still haven't heard about them being returned to Washington to be tried for their participation on Jan 6th ... in fact, we still don't know where they were taken after their Atlanta arrest.

Online headline: “16 Great Facts About The KKK” (https://share.newsbreak.com/6w1lndw5 ) -- Wow! How can an article "explaining" the origin and activities of the KKK omit pointing out it being the work of the Democratic Party from the outset in 1866, and that the '64/'65 Civil Rights Bills were championed by the Republican Party? Jim KKKrow was the Democratic Party and JoKKKe Biden aligned himself with KKK supporters in Congress.

Online headline from India: “In the world’s biggest election, millions of migrants are unable to vote” -- Hmmm... I'll bet Stacey Abrams probably has a team in India registering India voters as "absentee Democrat voters" for the November General Election in Georgia!

Online headline: “Top Biden official tells Jewish leaders: Claim that US withheld intelligence on Hamas from Israel is ‘not true’” -- Hmmm.... and you know how believable Resident Biden is... I can hear VP Phuckles Harris cackling now!

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