Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Have you noticed that when liberals start cringing at Antifa protests going on, CNN stops checking in on "The View" to report what Behar and Goldberg are spewing?

Online story: "UCLA Chancellor Gene Block announced an investigation into the "group of instigators" who "violently attacked" an anti-Israel encampment on the school's campus last week." -- Good grief! It's time to cut California out of the mix!

Online headline: “NY v Trump to resume after former president threatened with jail, told trial to last at least 2 more weeks” -- The Judge Merchan’s "edicts" alone violate Trump's Constitutional Amendment (8th) protection from "cruel and unusual punishment"!

Online headline: "Judge Juan Merchan opened proceedings Monday morning by telling Trump that the $1,000 fines for gag order violations evidently aren't deterring the former president. "Going forward," Merchan said, he will have to consider jail time for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee." -- Good grief! What competent.. repeat.. COMPETENT judge would even assume a $1,000.00 fine would phase a BILLIONAIRE from expressing his disdain for what's going on in ..or out of the Judge's courtroom? This judge just wants to “jail” Trump… and probably has already reserved Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at Ryker’s Island for Trump…

You know, it wasn't by chance how Fulton County DA Fani Willis explained how to pronounce her name.. She insists we accent the "a" in her name like the "a" in "FART" rather than "FAIR".


Online headline: “Georgia special committee turns focus on Fani Willis' spending” -- Just the obvious missing cash from her campaign account should send her packing!

Online headline: “ 'Failed to preserve critical evidence': Trump motion could shake up Mar-a-Lago case after Jack Smith admits his office misled court about location of documents in seized boxes” – Wow! Jack Smith.. Special Prosecutor of the classified documents at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home has been called out and has admitted to staging the pictures he presented to the Court! This is a real crime, and he and his other prosecutors need to Go-Straight-To-Jail! The judge is PO'd and could throw it out now, but I think the judge wants to air it ALL OUT to make sure AMERICAN citizens understand what the Democrats have done to justice system!

Online headline: “Warren Buffett predicts U.S. government will raise taxes, not cut spending” -- The "Oracle of Omaha" predicts "the government will raise taxes and not cut spending"? Hmmm... that's pretty much A GIVEN with Democrats in control! When have you seen a Democrat ever deliver a tax OR spending cut?

Online headline/story: ‘Illegal immigrants are going to get what Americans don't: free health care * In November of this year, "The DACA recipients can apply for coverage through healthcare.gov, as well as the state based marketplaces where they can qualify not only for Obamacare, but financial assistance to help them purchase quality health insurance." * So what does that mean? Bottom line to you is that they're going to get what you're not going to get. * Illegal immigrants won't merely be able to use Obamacare portal to shop, but they're also going to get federal subsidies based on income, potentially qualifying for completely free medical coverage.” – Typical Democrat subterfuge! It won’t start until after the election so if Biden “wins”, it bought enough votes; if Biden loses, then Democrats will blame Trump for the damge this does to next year’s National Debt!

Online headline: “Sen. Bernie Sanders, 82, announces he will run for reelection “ -- Good grief! It's bad enough dealing with Socialist-Democrats, but Bernie's an avowed Communist! Hey, Vermont... do America a favor, stand guard like Ethan Allen during the Revolutionary War and repel political oppression!

Online headline: “Georgia faith leaders planning to announce support of Fulton DA Willis” -- Wow! Are these Black churches endorsing her for being Black? Surely, the churches can't be endorsing her for her ethics or equal justice issues!”

Hey! What goes! The Columbus GA L-E is running the voting time for it's "People's Choice Awards" for various restaurants, shopping, events et al.. Unfortunately, not all choices are available, and no "write-in" option is available either.. Well, my bride and I have a very favorite Tex-Mex restaurant that the L-E has "slighted"... we love Monterey Tex-Mex at the intersection of Whiteville Rd & Whittlesey.

Online “The Hill” headline: “Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Jeff Duncan says he’s voting for President Joe Biden in 2024, and he's urging other Republicans to do so, too.” – Hmmm …and he wonders why he got outed...and ousted in his primary... whatta dolt! And he would not have made even :The Hill” except that “The Hill” is the Democrat Propaganda site, and “The Hill” loves to promote ex-Republicans and RINOS sniping at the Republican Party.

From the “ It ain’t gonna work this time” department - Online headline: “Sen. Schumer announces $400M federal funds for security at places of worship day after series of bomb threats at NYC synagogues “ -- Good grief! Schumer is trying to BUY BACK the New York Jewish votes he fears he LOST by not standing strong against HamASS attacks …. on NYC campuses nor in Israel!

Hey Columbus, USA! Actually, there are 23 (not just 19) states have a city name Columbus, and “The Miracle Riders”, under leadership of Scott Morpeth, a motorcycle ride starting and ending here in Columbus, GA will be riding to ALL of them raising money for a NICU simulation teaching lab at Columbus State University! Be on the lookout throughout America and chip in a donation from your heart! Pray for them, too!

Talk about liberal misinformation! Online headline: “Trees are spreading across the Great Plains. They're actually making climate change worse” – Wow.. it seems that too many trees in open plains areas trap more heat than we can imagine, and are contributing to, not lessening “Climate Change:! Oh.. somebody make sure, Kerry, Algore, DiCaprio and that Swedish girl Greta Thornberg get a copy of this!

Online “headLIE”: “ Yellen: 'It's very important at this time to emphasize the importance of democracy” -- "to emphasize the importance of Democracy"? Hmmm... what we NEED is for Yellen to understand and emphasize the importance of SOLVENCY!

Online “headLIE”: “ Nathan Wade calls relationship with Fani Willis 'American as apple pie” - "American as apple pie"? Sounds more like he bit into Fani's "apples" in the Garden of Evil....

Online headline: “VP Harris announces more than $100 million to support auto workers” -- Wait a minute! Why do non-union American taxpayers have to pay for Auto unions pension plans! We pay plenty to buy the cars they make! This is using non-union workers money to buy Union votes. Besides, didn’t Obama “bail out” … and for BILLIONS…the UAW Pension Plan when the economy collapsed in his first term!



Online headline: “Warren Buffett: No one would owe 'a dime' of federal taxes if other companies paid fair share” --  Hmmm...you know,  if companies paid the amount Biden wants, Buffett wouldn't buy any of those companies, and nobody else would think Berkshire-Hathaway would be worth owning shares in, and Buffett would be broke ... 

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