Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Good grief! Biden spent $320 Million on the temporary pier to unload supplies/relief to Gaza, yet only 1 in 9 trucks actually got their merchandise to a distribution warehouse.. and now the pier is damaged by weather so nothing can be delivered. Hmmm... maybe just abandoning the pier will work out better than fixing it.. fixing it would just get most of the supplies into the hands of HamASS!

Online headline: “Harvard announces new restrictions on statements about 'controversial public policy issues'” -- Good grief! Who even listens to Harvard "statements" anymore.. we already know whatever Harvard now releases will be Marxist propaganda..

Online headline: “Boston Democratic mayor says criminals should not be prosecuted for theft, gang registry should be abolished” -- Good grief! Boston is not a "sanctuary city", it's an INSANE ASYLUM!

Hmmmm...I believe Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Phew was a star graduate of the Resident Biden School of Raising Taxes To Cover Up Overspending"... Between the City of Columbus GA and our School System, our property owners have been hit with about $12 Million annually ($240+ Million over 20 year lifetimes) in interest payments for the next 20 years and then we he will have to redeem those bonds to a tune of $190 Million. And now we have our two taxing entities taking (according to the School Board figures) another $290 Million ANNUALLY in 5 different SPLOST/LOST sales taxes!

Online headline: “Biden, in Memorial Day speech, says Americans must continue upholding democracy” -- Hmmmm... and Resident Biden is upholding democracy how.... by enforcing harmful policies at our border, by weaponizing the DOJ/FBI, by wasteful and harmful spending policies, and by supporting terrorist countries that MOST Americans disagree with? Isn't Democracy about doing what MOST citizens believe in?


Online headline/story: “Texas police arrest fugitive illegally in US, wanted for murder by Interpol * Sanchez "was known to travel between" Splendora and "her residence in Terrenos," a residential community advertising cheap land for sale outside Houston. * Texas authorities on May 25 captured an international fugitive wanted for murder. * Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told Fox News Digital that Sanchez is originally from Mexico.” -- Good grief! Just shows you how ineffective the Biden polices are… unless you consider this is exactly the plan Biden has for America.. Now.. Why are we paying for all the expenses to continue incarcerating her and costs of shipping her back to a country that won’t keep her from coming back? Why isn’t MEXICO paying for extradition and it’s own incarceration of a known killer?


You know, if the DOJ/FBI investigated the actual evidence they have on the Biden family as hard as they've investigated Trump looking for evidence that doesn't exist, the streets of America would be Biden-free.

It's somewhat strange (though not unexpected) to hear CNN criticizing an effort by a campaign strategist to divert attention from a negative (whether truthful or libelous) story about a candidate until after the 2016 election... yet CNN had no trouble ignoring.. even rebuking.. stories about Hunter Biden's drug driven lifestyle or the FBI running interference for candidate Biden before (well, and after) the 2020 election.


On CNN yesterday, Jake Tapper tried to defend the non-partisan reporting that MSM did in reporting the sexual dalliances of Democrat candidate John Edwards in the pre-primary campaigns in 2008. Of course, Tapper "omitted" the collusion of MSM and the DNC to eliminate Edwards and promote Obama more actively.

Hmmm... the Biden campaign set up a speaking station outside the NYC court house where the trial of Trump was going on... You know, this is about as blatant an election AND judicial interference effort as one can ever imagine. Liar after liar.. none more blatant than Robert De Nerdo.. tried their best to sway voters in what's obviously a late campaign tactic to win any way they can in November.


Robert De Nerdo said he “ fears his freedom if Trump gets elected”.. what he doesn't realize is that if he said those things about Biden, he would already be jailed!


If nothing else happened yesterday, Robert De Nerdo set himself and the Democrat Party up for a slander suit by Donald Trump .. it would be good for De Nerdo to be stripped of his wealth and exposed for his un-Christian hatred of America.


From the “Finally.. could it be that Hollywood is awakening from its liberal stupor!” department - Online headline/story: “Dennis Quaid says 'weaponization of the justice system' pushed him to vote for 'a--hole' Trump * 'I really feel that he is working for the American people. That's what he's all about,' Quaid said * Dennis Quaid argued during a recent television interview that, rather than politics, it was the "weaponization of the justice system" and his policy record that ultimately convinced him to vote for former president Trump. * "People might call him an a--hole, but he’s my a--hole," the Hollywood actor declared.” – You know, Trump’s not nearly “the a—hole” the Left and MSM and the NYC and the Atlanta DA’s have made him out to be, but he is the kind of good “a—hole” it takes to get elected out of the plethora of “lying a—holes” who have made politics their careers!

You know, if the Republican Party wants to gain the Silent Majority’s full participation in the election process, the Republican Party needs to understand that Rush Limbaugh is no longer on the radio reminding us of why we need to support REAL conservatives! The Republicans cannot depend even on Sean Hannity or the “less than Dynamic Duo” who took over Rush’s time slot…No, the Republicans need to hit advertising hard!... and I’m not talking about bashing Biden and “the Squad”.. That will not gain moderate Democrat voters.. The Republican message needs to focus on what good their policies will do to stop the damage of the Democrat policies!

Online headline/story: “James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud * A former business associate of James Biden has agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud Medicare of $51 million through a lab-testing company linked to the first brother. * Keaton Langston, 39, admitted to using pharmacies, durable medical equipment companies and a laboratory in which he had a financial interest to bill for unnecessary tests and orders * James Biden, 75, has not been accused of criminal wrongdoing and has sought to distance himself from Langston, whose father Joey Langston also was associated with the first brother. * Records show James Biden was involved with Fountain Health in 2017 before connecting with Americore, which provided him in $600,000 in loans in 2018 as he allegedly vowed to use his political connections to secure foreign investors . * James passed $200,000 of the funds to Joe Biden in an alleged loan repayment. – See.. this is EVIDENCE that the DOJ/FBI “can’t see”..

Online headline: “ Former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reach settlement with DOJ over release of their text messages” -- Good grief! The only settlement for High Treason against America should have been whether they were sentenced to death or for life...WITH or WITHOUT a chance of parole!

Online headline: “NFL Fans React To Former San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick Boycotting NFL After Harrison Butker Speech” -- Colon KaeperPrick doesn’t have a clue.. he kneels when he should be standing, and when he should be silently kneeling on both knees, a stands up ranting.. Even more unfortunately, the NFL executives do also! Looks like another year on no “NFL” in my home!


Online headline: “Charlamagne tha God says he agrees with Robert De Niro: I also suffer from 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'” -- Hmmm... if "Charlemagne the god" and "Robert De Nerdo" are for Biden, why would anyone else want to vote for Biden?

Online headline: “CPD and MCSO to boost school zone cameras by next school year” -- Up until this story was posted, numbers of schools designated to receive "ticket cameras" was 4 or 10 (depending on what previous stories you read about), but now it's going to be 40... but that still leaves 10 or more schools that will OBVIOUSLY be LESS SAFE. I'm guessing those will probably be High Schools where teenaged drivers are present... and we know how experienced and knowledgeable they are about "Safe Driving".... yeah.. right...


Oh...don't kid yourself that this is "all" about safety... So far this year, there have been over $112,000,000.00 collected in fines across GA from these "safety cameras".. What we really have is a hidden tax plus LESS SAFE driving in school zones.. Drivers either already know... or will soon know.. that the cameras trip off at 11 MPH over the posted school zone speed, so driving at the normal speed limit during "flashing light" time periods won't get you ticketed.

Three more things.. 1 - How much of the "ticket money" goes to the camera companies, and 2 - Where does Columbus' share of the ticket tax revenue go? I've heard (not personally verified) that the money from the Brookstone School "speeding tickets" is split between the camera company, Brookstone, and the Sheriff's office. 3 - Shouldn't ALL the "ticket revenue" be split 60-40 between the School Board and City of Columbus GA (same ratio as property tax revenues), and that all such collected revenues reduce the property taxes home and business owners pay.

Jim Jordan "NAILED IT".. hearing the NYC Trump prosecutors say they want 2.5 hours in summation.. Jordan said, "I've heard good summations and bad ones, but I've never heard a good LONG one."


Online headline: “California Senate passes bill to add 'speed governors' to all new cars” -- CA wants to put leashes around Californians’ (and tourists) necks, and it begins with controlling movement.. and like I said, CA also wants to tax your cars based on GPS reports of your mileage, and as long as CA has that info, it can calculate the time it took to drive anywhere-to-anywhere-else and figure out how fast you were going ticket everyone.

Online headline: “Resident reacts after body recovered from Columbus, GA pond” – Hmmm… he was wearing a bathing suit in a neighborhood pond not too far from a closed City pool.…... I'm betting we're gonna see a "wrongful death" lawsuit naming Mayor Skippy and the Councilors who voted to build the Indoor Wasted-torium instead of fixing the outdoor pools the money was suppose to be used on.

Online headline: “Charles Barkley Claims He Was 'Fired' From His Broadcasting Job “ – Hmmm… He should have been fired for making racially discriminatory donations to Auburn, and Auburn should have refused taking his donation under his conditions!

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