Thursday, May 9, 2024


Online headline: “Atlanta Braves Foundation hosts celebration and provides Sally Little League with new equipment” -- I played in the Sally League back in 1955-1959.. What I see in today's facility BEFORE the generous Braves Foundation gifts was a Taj Mahal compared to what my generation had to play on. We started in a dirt road access field behind Wells Dairy at the corner of Buena Vista Rd and Brown Ave (now the AFLAC Training Building. .. The field was pasture grass, the fences were of chicken wire, the backstop was made of short creosote telephone poles (still there a few years ago) and chicken wire, and the Dad's built the wood, chicken wire, and tin dugouts. Registration day included each player required to walk around the infield area and fill a big cup with rocks we picked up. And to us, it was our "Field of Dreams". The Parks and Rec Department wasn't involved.. just parents and players making it happen. And it made families (especially sons and Dads) and neighbors closer.

Early voting continues this week here in Columbus, GA for the May 21st primaries and.. and LOCAL Non- Partisan Council and School Board Elections.. Make sure you vote! Also remember there is a new E-SPLOST I feel is WRONGLY in the ballot.... The existing one was suppose to last through next year, but tax revenues have already been fulfilled to pay for those projects, so now the MCSB wants to ram through another (Pop Test: Do you know what projects and revenues goal are being sought? ME NEITHER..and the MCSB and System are not eager to inform us.). Vote NO! Hopefully, soon, a new GA law will be signed that mandates all tax referendums/laws MUST be voted on during the November General Election period.

You know, while I totally disagree with the premise of the Muslim hatred and genocidal creed for Jewish people, I can see why people born and raised and indoctrinated within the Muslim religion have such inclination, but, I have no tolerance for any person who voluntarily CONVERTED to the Muslim tenets.... they had to accept such hatred on their own...

Speaking of the genocidal hatred protests being conducted against Jews in our country, why aren't there any stories about Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" in the national news.. we've seen recent tidbits about Farrakhan suing The Jewish Defamation League for libel for nearly $5 Billion that a court dismissed , and Farrakhan praising the Palestinian protesters at a rally in Detroit, but I'm pretty sure most of my blog readers are reading about both events here for the first time.

Online headline: “ Muscogee County School District outlines process for transfer applications” -- Did you see the list of schools that parents cannot choose because all the "seats" are filled? You know, the MCSD needs to concentrate on making more schools worthy of parents wanting to transfer their children to them so the worst current schools are exposed so improvements in those can begin.

I missed seeing the live Columbus GA Mayoral race debate sponsored by WTVM last week due to travel, but watched the taped version yesterday. You know, this race is going to be between 2 of the candidates ..Anker and Chambers... and their responses to the question about the process to get Golden Park changed to the "100 Acre Scam" is all revealing.. Chambers is obviously in cohorts with the private profit aspects for developers... Chambers just wants to forget about the smoked-filled backroom deal led by Mayor Skippy the Phew, and in true Biden form says "there's nothing to see here, just move on". Anker nailed the issue.. while Columbus is a great baseball town, the process led by Mayor Skippy and unnamed local developers will cost $3-to-$4 Million annually for 20 years and the next generation will still find themselves saddled with a "smoked-filled, backroom deal" that makes them responsible for the original $50 Million bond principal. Anker is who Columbus needs.

After listening to the WTVM-TV9 Columbus GA Council Post 10 debate from last week, I noticed how candidate Travis Chambers tried to avoid mentioning his heavy involvement in Real Estate.. it's like he was trying to distance himself from Mayor Skippy the Phew's "100 Acre Scam" at Golden Park. We don't need a "connected" developer on Council.. besides, Chamber's wife is on our school board, and electing Travis Chambers to Columbus GA Council would put two members of one family on the two taxing authorities in our city.


Another thing reintroduced in the debate was the City of Columbus, GA External Audit.. The auditors had questions about upwards of $26 Million, and the City countered with, basically, it's not that bad... we think it's closer to $2 Million. DAMN! When is having no accounting for $2 Million "sorta OK" compared to $26 million? Unfortunately, this isn't the first incident.. we just had a conviction of a court clerk absconding at least $5 million, and a while back, there was another "unaccounted for" $2 million at one of our City landfill dumps.

Online headline: “Columbus GA Airport to test emergency plan with a mock crash on Friday, May 10” – Hmmm… with the runway renovations about to begin, isn't this just another waste of tax dollars?

Online headline: “Fani Willis’ refusal to testify shows utter shamelessness of the gang going after Trump” -- Hmmm...she just doesn't want to explain her campaign account not having receipts for over $200,000.00 in expenses. One commenter suggested she, like other Democrats, feels she's above the law... WRONG! It's way worse than that ..Fani Willis feels she IS the law!

Online headline: “Rigdon Park Pool slated to open this summer in Columbus” -- Wow, after 5 years, one pool will reopen with about a month before school starts back. Two other pools won't reopen until after Labor Day. This is what happens when a Council promised one thing to get a SPLOST passed.. then redirected the money to a money losing indoor pool complex instead.

Congratulations to Columbus High School in Columbus, GA.. 2024 GHSA 3A State Champions in soccer! From a CHS '65 alum...

Online headline: “ Harris Co. GA County Manager position opens after sudden resignation” -- Hmmm .. there IS hope for Columbus, GA! Maybe if we all seek the first star tonight and say, "Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I Might, Have the wish I wish tonight."

Online headline/story: “Columbus mother upset after teacher rebraids her daughter’s hair without permission * We also reached out to the Childcare Network corporate office and they sent us the statement: “On Monday, May 6, a currently enrolled child asked a teacher to braid her hair. After speaking with her mother at pick up, our staff immediately offered to reimburse the family.” -- Hmmm..a four year old asked her teacher to braid her hair....Hmmm...maybe giving minor children any say-so in making life altering decisions is not such a good idea.. whether it be deciding to change her hair style ....or gender.

Online headline: “‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman had secret YouTube page subscribed to channels that shared antisemitic, flat Earth and Illuminati conspiracy videos” -- Hey, this is the guy that falsely set off the Fire Alarm in the US Capitol Building! Why hasn’t he been censured from not only the House, but from the Democrat Party as well…

Online headline: “Biden hits Trump with major Microsoft announcement in Wisconsin” -- Well, talk about Biden.... Gates, too, sticking his foot in his mouth and chewing it off... there's no way non-fossil fuel can supply the data center in Wisconsin with enough power 24/7/365!

From the “wishful… and appropriate…. thinking” department – Online headline/story: “College anti-Israel agitators could be sent to Gaza under new House GOP bill * Those convicted would be forced to serve a minimum six-month community service sentence in Gaza, where Israel is currently waging a brutal campaign to eradicate Hamas and rescue the remaining Israelis that terrorists took hostage in October. ” – Heh heh heh.. we know it ain’t gonna happen but it should would make sense.. and put a stop to a lot of students ruining their lives for an Instagram posting!


Online headline: “Critics pan Biden plan to bring Gaza refugees into US: 'Terrorists entering our homeland'” -- Wow! We are so glad all 50 Governors joined together to revolt against Resident Biden taking over their National Guard Units! Now the governors need join together, surround the White House, the Left sides of both the Senate & House, and disable Air Force 1 so Biden and the Socialist-Democrats cannot take over our country!

Online headline: “ Senators announce more than $80 million for investments in Georgia housing” -- You know, neither SINator Pastor Warnock nor Senator Ossoff ever have a photo-op where they announce a tax cut or have helped reducing our budget…

Seriously... how can a judge in a trial allow something to said in front of a jury, them later tell the jury to not think about nor be influenced by what he allowed to be said.. it's sorta like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube after squishing it out.

Online “headLIE”: “Whoopi Goldberg Details How She Overcame Serious Cocaine Addiction” -- Hmmmm… Obviously, Whoopi has her own standard for feeling she has overcome her cocaine addiction!


Online headline: “Transgender Student Protections Prompt Five Conservative States to Sue Biden Administration” -- Hmmm.... using Biden's 'logic', a man can say he's a woman and compete in women's sports... yet, using that same logic, a woman who says she's a man, cannot compete in women's sports.. this sounds like a "whatta fine mess we've gotten ourselves into" Laurel & Hardy skit.

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