Tuesday, May 21, 2024


To all Georgians, and other states CITIZENS also have elections in their states today: If you haven't voted yet, GO VOTE TODAY!

Online headline: “ Biden says maimed American Hersh Goldberg-Polin is ‘here with us today’ at Rose Garden party — despite still being held by Hamas” -- Hmmm...now the guy with two tongues (one or each side of his mouth) is saying an American hostage of HamASS is in two places at the same time! And this isn't a "first"... Remember Beaudry Robert "Bowe" Bergdahl? The Army soldier Obama & Biden praised in the White House Rose Garden ..and later was discovered to be a traitor, and that Obama-Biden swapped 6 dangerous Taliban prisoners for him.

Online “headLIE”: “Caitlin Clark's 'problematic' popularity comes from 'race and her sexuality': Atlantic writer Jemele Hill former ESPN host” -- Hmmm... talk about racist bias! Clark's rise in public popularity has occurred because SHE'S JUST THAT DARN GOOD!

Liberal reaction ...persecution... of Harrison Butler shows how little respect of real women that the LEFT actually has.. Butker actually lifted women to new heights for their unique abilities and contributions.

Onine headline: “ Pedestrian vs. vehicle accident on St. Mary’s Rd (Columbus, GA) leaves one in critical condition” -- St Marys Road...hmmm.. isn't that the road our City Manager lives on that the GA DOT is building 3 ROUND-ABOUTS (for $22.5 MILLION) so cars won't have to stop at all?

I don't know what Columbus GA restaurants are thinking by teaming up with Pepsi since Columbus GA is the birthplace of both Coca Cola and RC/Nehi, but it doesn't work or me. I don't order Pepsi products, and knowing ahead of time influences where we might opt to go to dinner.

Online headline/story: “Joe Biden Runs Cover For Deep State Employees * Joe Biden is now taking steps to protect his most reliable allies, the deep state, by announcing new regulations that make it even harder to fire federal employees. But why do Democrats always go out of their way to protect these bureaucrats? “ -- This is also a violation of the Hatch Act... buying federal employee votes by guaranteeing their jobs/pensions!

Online headline: “ Fani Willis Trashes Jim Jordan” -- Hmmm...Fani Willis said, "Jim Jordan has time after time after time attacked my office with no legitimate purpose". Huh? Sounds like Fani Willis was having a Phuckles Harris "word salad" Day.. I think Willis has demonstrated many legitimate PURPOSES for her actions to be scrutinized by Congress.

Online “the HILL” headline: “ Opinion: Biden’s proposed tax hike would crush workers and the economy” -- Wow! "The HILL" is the propaganda tool OF the DNC .. and this piece is all about getting Biden off the Democrat ballot offering in November!!

Online headline/story: “Georgia House race pits Trump-endorsed unknown against state-level GOPers * “I think the folks in the third district, myself included, are really tired of the D.C. elites picking who our Congressperson is,” Mike Crane, who narrowly lost a race to Ferguson in 2016, said.” -- True, Crane did lose in a fairly close race against Ferguson, but it was because late in the 2016 primary campaign, Crane endorsed Ted Cruz over Trump and that cost him tons of votes. I'm voting for Mike Dugan, as I think Columbus will better have his ear for policies.

Online headline: "State Dept denies Iran's rare request for US assistance after deadly helicopter crash: 'Logistical reasons'" - Hmmmm... now ask yourself.."If Trump were still President, do you think Iran would have requested assistance?

From the "Like father, like son" department - Online story: " Hunter Biden now claims he didn’t introduce dad to Burisma exec despite admitting they dined together — as ‘sugar brother’ runs out of cash " -- In a word.. LIARS! You know, one might describe Hunter as the "apple of his dad's lies"…

Online headline: “Biden's 'race baiting' Morehouse speech condemned on social media: 'Biggest racist on the planet'” -- Hmmm...."race baiting" is not the term I would use to describe Biden's demeanor in his rant at Morehouse College... "RACE SCOLDING" fits his words better... it was more like Biden chiding them that if "they" didn't do what HE wanted, HE wasn't going to make any more promises to "them"! Talk about the Democrats' "Jim KKKrow" era practices!

Online headline: “Hunter Biden says he’s suing Fox News because they used drug addiction to ‘dehumanize’ him and take down dad” -- Hmmm… Just suing Fox... ? Guess this is all the proof America and the world need to know that CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and MSNBC "intentionally" and "biasedly" do not report negative news about the Democratic Party... (well, unless the DNC WANTS to pressure one of its politicians to "disappear").

Online headline/story: “Scottie Scheffler hit with fresh legal headache after PGA Championship * Scottie Scheffler's arraignment for assault has been rescheduled to a week before the 2024 U.S. Open” -- Good grief! Remember 3 years ago when Tiger Woods crashed a Genesis "courtesy car" by excessive speed on a curvy downhill road in Los Angeles, and I believe the wreck details and Woods not remembering what happened "hinted" at his not being alert (he had at least two previous incidents where he was found "asleep" behind the wheel attributed to Ambien), and NO CHARGES were written up... Where's the "DEI"?!

Online headline: “Amal Clooney played key role in ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders” –You know.. first you have to remember her Lebanese/Muslim roots…Why does the American Jewish Community support the Democratic Party!

Online headline: “UN holds moment of silence for ‘Butcher of Tehran’ Raisi after Iranian president dies in helicopter crash” -- Good grief! What will the UN do next.... have retro moments of silence for Saddam Hussein, Qasem Soleimani, and Adolf Hitler!

Is Resident Biden just a liar or is he stupid... or both? Biden actually told college grads in GA that they couldn't drink water while waiting online to vote.. and he knew....HE KNEW he was lying! OF course voters standing in line can drink water.. voters can bring their own or accept such from anybody outside of 150 feet from the entrance to the polling place... and that's pretty much the voting rules everywhere..

Online headline: “Supreme Court declines to hear challenge to Maryland ban on rifles known as assault weapons” -- I think the term "semi-automatic assault weapons/rifles" should be limited to such that the military actually purchases for military use… Wait a minute.. we already have law!

Online headline: “'Most ruthless' Mexican cartels operate in all 50 states, bring turf wars to US: DEA” – Hmmm.. Guess Resident Biden has taken note of former Columbus, GA Mayor TT Tom-LYING-son telling us “We don’t have a gang problem”.. Hey, Resident Biden.. it didn’t work for her, either…


Online headline: “Trump allies push bill to bar non-citizen voting, even though it’s already illegal” - - Yep.. per our Constitution.. but Democrats want to “redact” ALL the rights reserved for American citizens…

Online headline/story: “Crowds on Demand has received over 100 'lucrative' anti-Israel requests since Oct 7 * California-based company that provides paid demonstrators for events said it turned down all lucrative Israel-related offers” – Good grief! Those were not college protests.. they are infiltration of anarchist!

Online headline/story: “Biden mocked for apparent small showing of supporters in Dem city: 'Nobody cared' * Critics on social media dragged President Biden over video footage showing what appeared to be a small showing of supporters greeting the president’s motorcade in the deep blue city of Atlanta” – “Critics” posted? Hmmm… to me, the “critic posts” looked the same as the “supporter posts”…

Online headline: “Oakland locals blame homeless encampment for city removing traffic lights to stop copper thieves “ – Wow! My bet is that “green energy” brownouts caused them not to work anyway, but replacing them with “STOP” signs will increase the theft of “STOP” signs by teens decorating their bedroom doors.

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